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EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

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  • EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

    2 questions! And dont reply me with the ''use your thumb and ears'' kinda answer!

    I want to know where is the best positions to put eq unit. If u were in my shoes?
    Is the position right before bbe the best option?

    Or is it better to use it not direct and run it through an fx loop?

    And second one,
    When tone shaping... Do you set your pre-amp tone control to 0 and Eq-it on the EQ unit or you turn it as you would like it on the amp in the first place (E.g. Mid boost, mid cut,low cut...) and use EQ unit just to finish it?

    It may sound silly, normally you would shape the sound straight away in the pre-amp and to the rest with an eq unit, but wont that hurt the sgnal too much?
    Any bad expirience?

    And therefore what would be the best possible chain to connect my rig?
    You know when i first started writing here i had L6 pod pro through mesa! And look where did i wound up?

    Oh and another thing:
    IIt seems that i need a biger rack now!
    Now i own a 6h rack and am aiming for a 12h.
    The price does not differ, between 8 and 12 all that much.
    And although 12 is not as easy to transport the overheating is not a problem.
    So what do you reccomend? Bigger and not using al the empty slots or as tight as possible, with no free slots?
    And if it is big, do you have it on wheels, cause my rig now weighs like a tone and a kilo.

    Hope i did not ask too much?

  • #2
    Re: EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

    1). Chain placement- I'd put the BBE on a shelf somewhere and start playing with your EQ. If you must use the BBE, I guess I'd say experiment. Try it in both places. Before the BBE would like be my first attempt... Umm, I could be wrong. I'd rethink even having the BBE in the chain personally. Been there, got rid of it. Mine are a safe distance away from my rig on a sturdy shelf.

    2). Tone Shaping- Guitar rigs are odd things. You just never know what will work. I generally, dial my preamp tone controls to the best I can, and then tweak the EQ. That is with the Parametric. The Parametric is more the icing on the cake for me.

    If I was using a Graphic, I might set the preamp tone to a more neutral but likely maxed out or close to maxed out (10/10/10) setting as most preamp aren't active tone controls and just subtract from the tone, so full out gives you all you can get. Try that and then tweak the graphic from there.

    Honestly, I OFTEN find there is much interaction between the tone controls on a preamp alone. Let alone weird things that happen when there is an added EQ. The best thing is to be open to experimentation and accept there are no verbatim rules. You may be surprised at some odd interaction between the units that might make a really pleasant result under certain settings.

    I would just try a starting point of what I mentioned maybe.

    3) Rack size- ugh... I currently use two small rack like 5-6 space and seperate the power amp from the rest, only to make it easy to carry in and out of the dungeon. I'd prefer a large 14 space or so rack if I could carry it easy. That is just the toss up. They get heavy and hard to get into a small vehicle if needed.

    If you have friends and you have a truck. Maybe go large. If not you are friendless, and have a subaru, get small 5-6 spacers and assemble them atthe show.

    I have friends and a truck. But, in case they aren't around, I may get stranded in my basement one night. So, I'm small for now.

    Hope I got it all and sorta coherrent, I'm sick with a cold and I ain't quite right this morn.


    • #3
      Re: EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

      bless ya, cleve!

      Lots of vitamins....

      I think i like the bbe where it is but tnaks for the advice!
      A friend of mine was not sure that the bbe really works as fine as i told him to, so we had to put it up for a test. And worked like a charm. In a friends rig, that was till then, proven to be top of top!

      You gave me the answer i hoped i wont get. Try it
      Well offcourse i will try it out, every possible mix, but just wanted to know how you look on it, since you did that before! And have a rig similiar, so u know what to put when and how, ....

      Well anyways.
      i am still waiting for my new 12h rack to be finished as well as both of my guitars to be serviced. So until then i can't do nothing about shapping but my ass [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
      No seriously, i would like to dive in to some reading ybout EQ and stuff.
      HAve any good directions, links, ...?

      Anyway, have fun and do as i told, vitamins...


      • #4
        Re: EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

        I run an MXR M108 10 band eq thru the loop of my VHT combo. I previously ran it thru the loop of my Single Recot head. I find it makes a world of difference. I set the amp's tone controls to where I like them before I turn on the eq, then I fine tune with the eq


        • #5
          Re: EQ experts!!!! (cleve,...)

          I run an MXR M108 10 band eq thru the loop of my VHT combo. I previously ran it thru the loop of my Single Recto head. I find it makes a world of difference. I set the amp's tone controls to where I like them before I turn on the eq, then I fine tune with the eq. I personally don't like an eq in front of the amp because it doesn't give me the sound I like.

