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Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

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  • Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

    Thanks for the lowdown! I have a Flextone II XL Head and I love it! Hmmm..... now I am gonna have to go demo one of the III's. Damn - there goes the CC balance. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!


    I'm the ULTIMATE Line 6 sucker. Check out this rundown (in order of when I got them):

    Flextone Duo 2x10
    Spider 210
    Flextone HD
    POD (and then 2.0 upgrade chip)
    Flextone 112
    POD Pro
    Flextone XL 2x12
    POD 2.3
    Flextone Duoverb, and last but not least...
    Flextone III XL

    I think I've paid more than a couple salaries over there! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] The ONLY thing missing from the III is the "California Crunch" - the Mesa Mk.2 drive channel. One of my favorites! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

      I have a duoverb myself that i got from Guitar Center, i'm still trying to get a good metal sound out of it.... It's not bad, but it is pretty noisy i'm thinking of picking up a noise gate myself. Throw in the fact that i'm a pretty crappy player and that I really don't have a good nack for dialing in tones to begin with and yeah, fun times for me... I'm gonna stick w/ my duoverb mainly cuz i don'tlike to test out amps in public places, lol.

      but here's something that would be helpful to you guys with a flextone or duoverb so you can have all the great feautres you get w/ the pedal w/ your just your computer and a midi cable:

      I honestly haven't used it yet, but i hear it's pretty sweet. I don't have the nessary equipment to use it (IE windows, i run linux).


      • #4
        Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

        Chris: Wow! You really should buy some Line 6 stock as well! haha...

        So, tell me - in comparison to the Flextone II HD XL, what is it about the III that would warrant me shelling out the coin for it? Thanks in advance!


        • #5
          Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

          Originally posted by Brian:
          Chris: Wow! You really should buy some Line 6 stock as well! haha...

          So, tell me - in comparison to the Flextone II HD XL, what is it about the III that would warrant me shelling out the coin for it? Thanks in advance!
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You either have the HD, or the XL - the XL is the 2x12 combo and the HD is the head, but not both unless they've put something out I missed! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Now that we have that out of the way...

          You know how the Flextone 1 & 2 kinda sound like an amp sounds when it's recorded? It misses that raw "in your face" sound. It sounds like a recorded amp, not an amp sitting in front of you. NOT THAT THAT'S A BAD THING! I wouldn't have bought all the L6 stuff I've bought if I didn't like it -- or at least it doesn't bother me. The III sounds more like a REAL AMP sitting in front of you. The effects are more refined as well, you have access to the Compressor full-time, and the noise gate is not just on or off - you can set the level on it. Is it worth the money to move from the II to the III? To me, yes, but I still have my old Flextone I XL. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] AND my POD 2.3, so I haven't really let anything go either! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] But with prices the way they are, you may even want to watch ebay a little. They'll probably be going CHEAP there pretty soon.


          • #6
            Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

            i'm suprised you got a flextone 3...

            i tried both and like the duoverb's overall sound better.
            the flextone 3 was not that great imho.
            i think the hd147 and the vetta sound great and the flextone 3 is missing some of that mojo.
            the duoverb lacked the amount of models the flextones had, but the models it did had sounded really good imo.

            do you think the flextone 3 sounds better than a pod xt?


            • #7
              Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

              Originally posted by data187:
              i'm suprised you got a flextone 3...

              i tried both and like the duoverb's overall sound better.
              the flextone 3 was not that great imho.
              i think the hd147 and the vetta sound great and the flextone 3 is missing some of that mojo.
              the duoverb lacked the amount of models the flextones had, but the models it did had sounded really good imo.

              do you think the flextone 3 sounds better than a pod xt?
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Which Flextone model did you try? Was it the 2x12 or one of the smaller ones? The 2x12 is the way to go IMHO - the 1x12's just didn't have it. No "bigness" to the sound. While the "coupling" of amps was cool, that really wasn't why I bought it. Neat, but not a selling point for ME.

              FOR THE PRICE, you can't beat the Flex III with ALL features included. I liked the DouVerb - don't get me wrong - but it was lacking something. It sounded great for the models it had, but I wasn't getting a REALLY good sound out of the two I'd use the most - the SLO and Rectifier. I wasn't really thrilled with how noisy it was either, and the fact that I had purchased about $400 in effects! WOW! No thanks. Especially considering I use the effects VERY sparingly anyway.

              I wish I could comment on the XT, but I haven't used one yet...that's next on my Line 6 wishlist! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] My experience is that the amps do tend to sound better amplified than the POD's do however.


              • #8
                Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

                Hey Chris how heavy is that combo? I posted a thread about trying to get a lower weight amp but does that amp do metal well? I've been using a powerball thru a 4-12 recto cab so can it get at least in the range of that or am I just kidding myself. I saw 699 on the mf website too and it seems to be a good price.


                • #9
                  Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

                  I recently purchased a Line 6 Duoverb combo through a fiasco at Guitar Center - real mess but I digress...

                  After two weeks of trying to get a sound I REALLY liked out of this amp, I gave up last night. I had bought the amp and had it shipped to me (about $575 when all was said and done), bought 4 pedals to get the effects I wanted and the noise eliminated (this is the only Line 6 amp with no noise gate...), so now I'm into this thing for close to $1000. I know - coulda got a Vetta for that.

                  So I stopped at GC last night to get one more pedal, and remembered that the flyer I got Friday had the Flextone III XL for $699. What the heck - I have an old Flextone I love, but I'll check out this one a little deeper than the couple times I demoed guitars through it before. I LOVED THIS AMP!! It was everything the Duoverb wasn't. My real complaint with the Duoverb was that the high gain channels were good, but not great, and I had to buy a ton of effects - at least more effects than I had planned on buying. That fu**er was HEAVY too! WOW!

                  This amp has SOOOO much more clarity than previous Flextones. The effects are WAY better (by the way, for all of you who didn't like the fact the compressor was only a "part-time" effect, it's now a seperate effect you can have on all the time regardless of whether or not you're using delay or modulation - that was one of the biggest complaints I remember about the older Flextones and PODs), and when I eventually get the FBV or whatever-the-hell the "new" floorboard is called, this will be pretty killer. I'm just beginning to scratch the surface but I found one REALLY cool feature -- you can dial up your amp you want modelled, and once you get it dialed in, you can save it so that every time you recall that amp (not the channel mind you), it will come back as the way YOU set it up - it won't go back to default. That's really cool, and took care of one of MY biggest complaints about the old FT's - you always had to reset the amp models every time you would call one up. I LOVE the SLO-100 model - it's alot better than the older FT's, and the Bogner Extacy is very cool, although I don't know how much it sounds like the real thing as I've never played one. I've only heard it on cd's. The Marshall Jubillee is really cool too. I don't really use the Line 6 Insane channel much at all, but it's nice to have it there -- I love their description of it - "Imagine using your Soldano SLO as a preamp for your Mesa Triple Rec". HAH! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] The Mesa channels are great IMHO as well. Very brash and harsh as the Rectifiers are known to be - much harsher than the old FT's rectifier channel.

                  Long story short, I returned everything (Duoverb & ass-load of effects) last night (30 day satisfaction guarentee - thank God!!), bought the Flextone III XL and ended up saving almost $250 over what I had spent getting mediocre results with the Duoverb.

                  Moral of this story? With Line 6 prices coming back to earth (good thing - I'm guessing their sales may have been suffering a bit with the high prices they WERE charging...), get the Flextone III over the Duoverb - it's a better amp in all ways. Cost shouldn't be much of an issue now!

                  Now, I saw some interesting stuff about a Spider II...hmmm... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

                    Originally posted by P I K A:
                    Hey Chris how heavy is that combo? I posted a thread about trying to get a lower weight amp but does that amp do metal well? I've been using a powerball thru a 4-12 recto cab so can it get at least in the range of that or am I just kidding myself. I saw 699 on the mf website too and it seems to be a good price.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I can't draw a comparison to a Powerball, cuz I've never heard one unfortunately. We don't seem to have many of those floating around the Twin Cities for some reason. No dealers maybe. I don't know. FWIW -- it does a great Soldano, Mesa, and Bogner XTC model, and then of course there's the over-the-top mess, Line 6 Insane. With the gain on 3 it's still waaayyyy saturated. Can it do metal? Yeah, I'd say so. It won't be as focused as what you're used to though. I have had some friends make a cover for the back of the cab to close it up though. Seems to work well.

                    As far as weight, I'd say it's comparable to the other Flextone XL's. Maybe even a bit lighter cuz I think it's just slightly smaller. It's a DAMN sight lighter than the Duoverb - that thing has to be the heaviest SS 2x12 combo I've ever had the sad pleasure of lifting.

                    I do have a first generation Flextone XL 2x12 I won't be using anymore though... [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Might have to make a few classified posts soon! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                    [ October 01, 2003, 07:57 AM: Message edited by: chris_olson ]


                    • #11
                      Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

                      Hey Chris, I value your judgement so I have a few questions. How does the new Flex work out in live settings with a loud band? Does it cut through. How does the bass sound when it is really cranked (around 5-7). Does it get "wompy" at all at those volumes? If you plug an extension speaker into it do any or all of the internal speakers turn off? Is there any delay between channel switching? I had alot of Line 6 stuff too.
                      Spyder 1 x 12
                      Spyder 2 x 10
                      Spyder 2 x 12
                      Flextone XL
                      Flextone 2XL
                      POD pro
                      My favorite out of all of them was the 2XL but it sucked to have one of the speakers turn off when an extension cab was plugged in. I actually miss the Flex and will probably try and trade one of my ax's for one. Thanks..


                      • #12
                        Re: Line 6 Flextone III - Forget the Duoverb!!

                        Hey jgcable - first off, thanks for your support!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

                        As far as how it cuts live, I don't know as I don't play out. I can tell you that it seems to me to be a more up-front than my Flextone XL (1st version). I think you probably know what I mean when I say it sounds like an "amp on cd" than one your are standing in front of. The Flex III sounds more like a "real amp" if you know what I mean. It doesn't sound so much like you're playing off in the distance. It also seems louder than the previous amps, but I haven't been home at the right time of day yet to really crank it. I'm guessing it would be deafening at 7 though!

                        It uses Celestion-designed speakers now, and they seem some what tighter. Less "whompy" than past FT's for sure, but again, at volume, I can't really comment yet. The speakers DO turn off with an extension cab still.

                        I'm poor so I haven't bought the new floorboard yet (Geez - I have the other one, but OF COURSE it isn't compatible - figures! [img]graemlins/eyes.gif[/img] ), but I do switch with my Midibuddy for now, and I don't really notice a delay. I have read lots of reviews on it too, and that's the ONE complaint I can't recall seeing yet, where with the old ones, you would see that all the time.

                        I hope that helps, but I really didn't you much to chew on, did I? My best recommendation would be to test drive it in an isolation room or something to get a real feel for it and get a Floorboard to demo it with as well. See if you notice the problems you had with the older FT's.

                        I still think it's a better amp than the old ones, and while the Duoverb may have an edge on "realism", the Flextone suits MY needs much better. (Saves me money too! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) Better amp selection, especially on the high-gain side of things, effects I'll use on-board, and an "all in one" package. Overall, based on the three sessions I've had with it, I'd give it a 8.5-9/10 for MY needs, and I don't see that going down for any reason. Once I get the FBV, I would imagine that rating will rise as it did with my older L6 products, simply because of the added features you can take advantage of. I've heard the tuner on the Flex III is VERY good, which will eliminate me needing one in-line as I have it now.

                        OK - back to work. Hope that helps. Feel free to drop any more questions off with me. I'll try to demo it in some of the situations you've alluded to - I can put it head to head against my old Flex I XL.


