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Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

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  • Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

    Has anyone played on or heard either of these amps. I was just wondering what you thought of them both as far as tone and features. I want a new amp setup, and am having trouble deciding between the two. The Framus is quite a bit cheaper than the VHT. I'm looking to get an amp that I'll have for life, so money's not the issue. Is the extra $700-$800 worth it for the VHT? I need as much info as you have to give me.

  • #2
    Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

    I've played the VHT UL (killer amp), but not the Framus Cobra. From what I've heard, the Cobra is basically a take off on the Mesa Dual Recto: dark tone, tons of low end, not the most deifined tone. The thing about the UL is that it can do the heavy, dark, low thing... but soo much more as well. Also the UL is the tighest sounding high-gain amp on the market right now, so if you play metal, this will probably put a smile on your face.


    • #3
      Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

      VHT handsdown , i own a UL and i must say it has just a hair more tightness then my herbert. The VHT is by far a better choice of the two i would pick a VHT over any other amp and tie it with a Soldano SLO 100 and a Bogner Urber , and we all know how great those amps are.


      • #4
        Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

        I agree with the guys above.

        I have an Ultra Lead with a 2x12 " Fat Bottom " and this amp is as good as it gets for playing metal. The sound that the VHT kicks out is very tight and throaty, i tried the CL50 and the CL100 but the UL blew me away, it literally roars out of the speakers.

        You get 3 channels ( Lead, Rhythm and a clean ) which are footswitch controlled. The FS also has a boost ( extra 10db when yer need it [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] ), effects control and Equalization which kicks in the settings on the 6 band Graphic EQ ( very nice )

        The EQ gives you the flexibility to dial in any tones you want ( not just metal ) making this amp a lot more versatile than it gets credit for.

        There are plenty of options on the front for each channel and the back has Depth and Presence control ( also very nice ) for getting some VERY heavy tones. It also has a half power switch so you can run it at 60.

        Theres plenty of gain on tap, its built like a tank and it runs very quiet even at high volumes

        Finally, this amp has made me a much better player, you have to be, because it articulates clearly everything you play ( including all your mistakes ) but when you get upto speed with it you'll be grinning from ear to ear. This amp is NEVER " muddy ".

        Always try before you buy [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] but personally i'm in heaven with the Ultra-Lead.....



        • #5
          Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

          so which one of you guys actually A/B'ed the VHT with a Framus Cobra? [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]

          If you got the framus, you'd be cooler. Or you can get teh VHT and be like everybody else. tone comes second to individuality, doesn't it? It doesn't? well..fine then.


          • #6
            Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

            What did you guys pay for your VHT heads, where did you get them from?


            • #7
              Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

              Originally posted by the_drip:
              so which one of you guys actually A/B'ed the VHT with a Framus Cobra? [img]graemlins/brow.gif[/img]

              If you got the framus, you'd be cooler. Or you can get teh VHT and be like everybody else. tone comes second to individuality, doesn't it? It doesn't? well..fine then.
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">[img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] LMAO!! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I'm going Framus - I want to be cool! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                I'd find out if the Framus has warranty tech support in the US. Could be costly to ship an amp to Europe if they decide your repair isn't warranty covered, and want several hundred $ in repairs and freight to give you your amp back, that could eat up any price difference.

                VHT is well known for taking good care of its customers. Not saying Framus won't,
                but they're not noted for that here in the States, just because I think they're new to the US amp market. I would ask some detailed questions about tech support and if the salesman is vague, I'd
                forget about Framus based on that issue,
                no matter how it sounds.
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                  VHT amps are not what everyone has. Tone is more important than who owns an amp. Just because two people own the same amp doesn't mean that they sound at all the same. Every amp sounds different, and every player sounds different, just like every guitar sounds different. I've never played a Framus, but you will NOT be sorry if you buy the VHT.


                  • #10
                    Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                    First off they are both great metal amp's with lot's of features. I sell Framus Amps and will be getting on Board with VHT after the new year as soon as Steve has some distribution difficulties sorted out. I have also played VHT amps for about 4 years.

                    The tone and features of the 2 are very different. The VHT has a dryer type of tone where as the Framus has more saturation and both are extremely tight sounding as noted above.Overall the VHT is more versatile in the High gain tone department especially if you get the VHT with the graphic EQ option. The Clean on the Framus Cobra is much better imo and has one of the best clean tones of any multi channel head I have played and the HG tones have a type of Rectifier quality about it but is much tighter and defined sounding.Both amp's have Presence and depth control's with great bottom end. The Cobra has 2 master volumes which is great for solo boost's and also has a built in Midi interface which is really cool. If you want to get a rundown of everything go to my website that's in my profile and you can download a user manual on the Cobra and if you have any question's feel free to call or email me anytime.HTH



                    • #11
                      Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                      I forgot to mention that Framus amps are distributed by the same company as Warwick(Dana B Good's) and all warraty work is handled there.



                      • #12
                        Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                        I want a framus. I've heard those sound clips...they sound like..what mesa boogie envisioned the rectifiers to sound like...only Framus succeeded where Mesa utterly failed. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                        I can't wait till I have some money. so many things to buy.


                        • #13
                          Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                          I have a Framus Cobra. I think it kicks ass!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                            I have never played a Framus so i can`t comment on those and I have also never played thru a VHT Ultra 100, but I cna tell you my 1993 VHT Pittbull CLX-100 is very aggresive sounding thru my Madison 4x12. Mine has the depth and presence knobs as well as the Graphic EQ,no Reverb, also would like to point out that the Ultra Lead uses KT88 tubes and the Classic uses EL34`s, so they will deffinately sound different, but I have never played thru an amp wiht KT88`s, that being said I have EL34 Big Bottle tubes in my Classic right now and like them better than the stadard EL34`s, more bottom end and more headroom. Try them both before you buy and good luck. Jack.


                            • #15
                              Re: Framus Cobra vs. VHT Ultra 100

                              another Pittbull owner here. my favorite thing about the UL, in fact the #1 reason I bought it, is the fact that it will not compress, even on the lead channel with the gain pushed. no other amp I've tried has this unique aural "signature".

                              I mate mine with a Mesa Recto 4x12 bottom cab, loaded with EVM-12L drivers. I couldn't stand the flabby cone distortion I was getting with the V30's.

