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New amp suggestions

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  • New amp suggestions

    Howdy fellas, Ive relied on yall for all kinds help before and now I really need ya. My amp has been to 2 shops and now is at Mesa Boogie and still nobody can find the noise that im talking about. I guess Im either crazy or everyone else cant hear it. Its a Mesa Boogie single rectifier, and I really liked it till it started making this little annoying noise. im supposed to get my amp back in a few weeks and if it still makes that noise im going to sell it and get something different. I wish I lived near a big city so I could go play some cool amps but i live in SC and the guitar shops dont carry much other than Fender Marshall and Mesa. I like only Mesa but want something different and even maybe better. Im into heavey metal mostly. I like old 80s stuff all the way to as heavey as you can get and everything in between. I dig Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Pnatera and every now and then play newer stuff just for kicks or Ozzy stuff. I need an amp (preferably tube) that has a really great gain channel or even two and a dcent clean. I like about 50 watts or maybe a 100 if thats my only option. Itd be cool if the amp could do a decent blues tone too. My brother in law told me to check on a Soldano hotrod 50 or something like that. I really love bone crushing metal stuff and 80s metal. if i havent said that enough. my budget is between maybe $1000-1400 if I can sell my Mesa for a decent price. Thanks folks and i really need your help.

  • #2
    Re: New amp suggestions

    The Peavey 5150 can do more than people give it credit for. Have the bias adjusted and maybe a mod to clean it up and your doing even better. They are quite reasonably priced too. The Soldano HR50 is a great amp but in my opinion it would definatly need a pedal to get into modern high gain range. They cost almost double what you can pick up a 5150 for.
    FJA Mods YouTube


    • #3
      Re: New amp suggestions

      Stick with Mesa. My experience has been that most Mesa Rectifier players really can't live with anything else. Go for a dual or a triple this time. The Peavey XXX is pretty close. Of course there is the SLO100. There are so many great tube multi channel amps out there. Laney and Randall both make killer rigs. If you only have Fender,Marshall or Mesa to choose from locally than your decision is simple. Mesa.


      • #4
        Re: New amp suggestions

        Originally posted by JerryP:
        The Peavey 5150 can do more than people give it credit for. Have the bias adjusted and maybe a mod to clean it up and your doing even better. They are quite reasonably priced too. The Soldano HR50 is a great amp but in my opinion it would definatly need a pedal to get into modern high gain range. They cost almost double what you can pick up a 5150 for.
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Peavey is a great amp but it would be hard to find an amp that is further away from the Mesa than the 5150 in regards to tone. My bandmate and myself used a 5150 and a Mesa Dual specifically because they sounded so different. He hated my sound. I hated his. Together they sounded terrific. Now I use a rack system with a Carvin T100 and a Quad X and all is right with the world.


        • #5
          Re: New amp suggestions

          VHT Pittbull Classic 100 or Ultra Lead 100, major High Gain and very well built. The Classic uses EL34`s and the Ultra Lead uses KT88`s. Jack.


          • #6
            Re: New amp suggestions

            what do the Pitbull's run and where can I pick one up? Do they make a 50 watt version? Anyone got any sound clips of it?


            • #7
              Re: New amp suggestions

              Well, New a head would be over $2000, but on Ebay around $1000-1500, and yes they made/make a 50 watter, but make sure you get one with the built in Graphic EQ, it opens up a world of possibilities, I have a 1993 VHT Pittbull Classic 100 Combo(not made anymore) with 2 Celestion Lead 80`s, but I run her most of the time thru a Madison 4x12 cab. I have the Big bottle EL34`s in her, I like them better, more bottom end and more headroom. Also, mine don`t have Reverb which is fine, back then you had a choice of reverb or a Depth knob, the depth knob gives you like a Bass boost or not. I don`t really nead Reverb, but the EQ is essential in my book. I beleive the Ultra Lead uses the KT88`s, the same a Mesa Rectifier, but I have never heard a Rec or an Ultra Lead or any KT88 tube amp live, most guys I know use EL34s-6L6s amd EL84s. Jack.


              • #8
                Re: New amp suggestions

                I'd suggest a VHT UL as well... but it may be a bit out of your price range. The UL sells new for $2900 (there's been a price increase) and can be found used for ~$2000. The UL does use KT88s; the Recto 6L6 power tubes. The KT88s have more headroom, but they have a ton more low-end. You might also consider the VHT 100/50 CL, but it only has 2 channels (rhythm/lead); it lacks a dedicated clean channel.


                • #9
                  Re: New amp suggestions

                  Wow, I didn`t know the Classics doesn`t have a Clean channel anymore, my 1993 does, that is a shame, although I don`t use it, oh and don`t forget about the gain stacking where you can run 2 channels at one time for a different sound [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] Jack.


                  • #10
                    Re: New amp suggestions

                    dang they sound sweet but expensive. Ill just wait and see if my boogie is fixed and if its not sell it and search for a used VHT or something else cool. The VHTs sound pretty high gain and in your face, which is what im looking for. I wished I had thought about it, because I went to Summer NAMM 2 years ago and could have played a few. Maybe I can find a way there this summer. I want something that is more in your face and that would be better for metal then a Boogie. I know there should be a few to choose from. I wish I could track down a VHT somewhere. whats their homepage? anyone else have one that has some sound clips?


                    • #11
                      Re: New amp suggestions

                      Their site is

                      The VHTs are killer amps and work great for almost any type of metal. Some other amps you might want to check out would be Bogner Überschall, ENGL Savage, or Diezel Herbert... all great amps as well.

                      [ October 21, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Wizard of Ozz ]


                      • #12
                        Re: New amp suggestions

                        I've really been wanting to check out the new VHT Pitbull Super 30 combo, but I'm getting a Mesa F-30 instead.
                        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                        • #13
                          Re: New amp suggestions

                          You seem to be dead set on a tube amp, but I'll throw this out for you anyways just because I was a tried and true tube/Mesa junky myself.

                          Line 6 HD147. Anyone that dogs Line 6 products most likely have NOT tried this beast out. It does a fairly decent job of modeling just about every amp listed in this thread and has the added bonus of tons of effects and EASY usability unlike the Vetta ][.

                          Look into it. Head to the local GC and try it out. I think you'll be surprised.

                          You can get them online for $1100 and most GC's will honor the price match.

                          Just a suggestion.


                          • #14
                            Re: New amp suggestions

                            Try the line6 stuff out - you may like it. I prefer the Vetta II, however... it's going to be a LONG time before I even scratch the surface of what it's capable of. However, I could use it right now to play anything from blues to metal with no compromises.


                            Originally posted by Lesser Known God:
                            You seem to be dead set on a tube amp, but I'll throw this out for you anyways just because I was a tried and true tube/Mesa junky myself.

                            Line 6 HD147. Anyone that dogs Line 6 products most likely have NOT tried this beast out. It does a fairly decent job of modeling just about every amp listed in this thread and has the added bonus of tons of effects and EASY usability unlike the Vetta ][.

                            Look into it. Head to the local GC and try it out. I think you'll be surprised.

                            You can get them online for $1100 and most GC's will honor the price match.

                            Just a suggestion.
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                            • #15
                              Re: New amp suggestions

                              It is a tough decision for me too but I am going to go with the Vetta II as soon as I sell all my rack tube stuff. The HD147 is awesome too. There really is no compromise between tube and modeling in regards to either of these two amps so I really can't see any reason to cook tubes and use outboard effects anymore. To be able to go into the studio with the EXACT sound I use live is just too cool. It is now just up to whether I want a Vetta head or the combo.

