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Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

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  • Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

    I want to pick up a wah while I'm @ GC this weekend. Which one do you guys prefer and why.

  • #2
    Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

    i don't use them but if i were you i'd just get the original cry baby, ...just because.
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #3
      Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

      I personally use a 535Q, although I never had chance to try the new Bad Horsie model. I didn't much like the sound of the standard crybaby (it's ok, but I wanted something else) and I found the 535Q to be much nicer. You can get many nice wah sounds from this one pedal.

      But basically, if you can you should try some different pedals. IMHO, it's something that you want to get right, rather than just choose a pedal at random or whatever. Personally I find playing with a wah sound that I don't particularly like to be utterly horrible. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

        I'm using the Dunlop 95-QA. It seems pretty cool. I have an ancient Thomas Organ Wah that is really cool, but is pretty noisy.

        Never liked the Morley Wahs myself, just seemed like too much wah or something and I never liked their feel. The two brands really are different animals, and you just have to like the character of whatever one, probably personal pref.


        • #5
          Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

          I've got a regular Crybaby I got off ebay that I love (though it's got a limited edition copper casing).
          The only other one I've tried is the switchless 95Q, and I thought that was really cool. I went to GC a couple of years ago to check it out... they didn't have one on the floor with all the others on display, and they had never heard of it. They looked on the shelf and found a couple that they didn't even know they had!! I tested it out, liked it, but I didn't buy it, and the sales guy was all bummed out! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

            Ditto on a lot of that. I haven't tried the Bad Horsie, but I really haven't cared a lot for the Morleys I have tried. I generally prefer Dunlop, had the Original for a while, then I got the 535Q. Very nice wah, with all the variety you can get out of it. I think the 95Q is the same, just in sensor-switching form. As long as the guys here haven't had any trouble with the sensor on the 95Q, and as long as there aren't a ton of problems reported with it on the Harmony Central reviews, I'd say go with the 95Q over the 535Q, unless you really dig a hard-press manual switch.

            On another note, though, since you are considering both of them, I'd suggest you might also want to check out the Boss PW-10. I eventually sold my 535Q when I got a PW-10. It's a digital wah modeler that models several different brands of wahs, a Boss wah, and a couple of other sounds. Also has several emulations of different overdrive, distortion and boost pedals built into it as well. You really get a LOT of value for your money on this thing. It doesn't sound quite as natural as a stand-alone dedicated wah, but it was close enough for the wah'ing I do, and I use one of its distortions to push the front of my preamp--does wonders. Again, kinda depends on how picky you are on your wah, and what you want/expect, but you might find the PW-10 to be the right tool for you...and it can be fun to goof around with. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



            • #7
              Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

              I just cut a bunch of onions.. waaaaaaaaaaahh



              • #8
                Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                Here's my review of the Bad Horsie II:



                • #9
                  Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                  Originally posted by StuTDavis:
                  ...I'd say go with the 95Q over the 535Q, unless you really dig a hard-press manual switch.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually, a friend of mine has a standard crybaby wah that's a real pain in the arse to turn on/off, but my 535Q is really quite easy to switch on/off. My friend's one I have to pretty much drop all my weight on it to hit the switch, but mine I can turn on and off while sitting down, no problem. Maybe it just varies from wah to wah...


                  • #10
                    Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                    i would definately try them both out, i liked the feel of the morley i had (pro series vol/wah) but didnt like the sound

                    so i replaced it with a dunlop gcb-95 (i thikns the exact name, the cheapest one anyway) and while i like the sound, i dont like the feel of the pedal as much

                    i liked the way the morley started with no wah then went to full at the toe position, compared to the crybaby, where when you switch it on it is on completely in every position, so with a morley i could leave it switched on but with no 'wah' between bits in a riff i would use it (only short term, it still affected the signal slightly) which i cant do with the crybaby,

                    the other problem i had with the morley was the fact it was a wah/volume (i got it secondhand from a friend) when you wanted to switch off the wah, you stomped the switch, which changed the pedal form wah to volume mode, you had to then put the pedal into the toe position to get volume back

                    what i eventually wnt to do is to put my crybaby into a tb loop from another pedal (like here) so i can stomp it in and out as needed, without having to sweep it into the toe position to reatch the switch, with this plan i would probably also unscrew the on/off switch from the body so it wont get hit when wahing (id leave it inside the pedal, so i can switch it off if i ever need to, but cant do accidentally)



                    • #11
                      Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                      I have a Crybaby that I think is pretty rad, but if I'd felt like spending $30 more on the day I bought it, I woulda bought a Jimi Hendrix wah...look into that, you might like it too.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                        DeadNight Warrior,

                        That's interesting. Both my old Original Crybaby and my 535Q switches were very hard to press down. When I would sit and play with either of them, I'd almost have to raise my butt off the chair to get them to switch hehe. Although I am an admitted complete wimp--DOH! You might have something, though, could even be these things vary in how hard they are to switch from actual switch to switch on each individual wah unit, even, eh?

                        Actually the sensor switch on my Boss PW-10 takes more pressure to activate than I'd expected, but it's easier "enough" than the Dunlops that I can do it without too much trouble sitting down. I guess the idea is, of course you don't want it so feather-touch that you might accidentally turn it on and off. Like, I rest my foot on the wah sometimes, just to change positions a little, for comfort.

                        But, the nice thing with the sensor and activation light on the Boss, for me, is sometimes the physical switches I'd push on it but not "fully switched". Like, I'd hear it sound like it would kick in, then move my foot to wah, and it wouldn't do anything. The little light on the Boss really does wonders for me, there, because I always know when it's on or off hehehe.

                        As long as I know the wah's on, I don't have to motion for charvelguy to start cutting onions, to make the wah sound for me into his microphone. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]



                        • #13
                          Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                          Thanks every one for the great feedback. Thank you StutDavis for the great review!Only now I'm curious about the Boss PW10 I guess I'll have to try it out tomorrow when I go to GC.
                          I too use to have an old Thomas Crybaby which had gotten really noisy. I guess I should have replaced the pot but instead I traded it in with some other stuff for a digital multi-effects floor unit (Digitech RP12).Now looking back I wish I had kept the individual units. Oh Well!
                          When I went back to the store a few days later he had my old beat up wah in the case with large sign that read, original Thomas Organ Crybaby Wah made in Sepulveda Calif. ONLY $225.00, I about sh-t! The other stuff I traded with it was an old MXR phase 90 (script logo),Mutron Bi-Phase with pedal,Boss CE 3 Chorus ensemble,Fender blender and a seven band graffic pedal. He gave me $250 credit for everything which I used towards the RP12. I asked him what happened to the BI-Phase since I didn't see it anywhere. He laughed and said no way was he gonna sell that. He put it in his personal collection.
                          I only listed this stuff here because since I have noticed a lot of people looking for some of these items. live and learn I guess!
                          So now I'm looking for a dedicated wah pedal. There's a digital wah in my RP12 and another in the ART2000 I have but neither have the same character or warmth that the old crybaby had.
                          I'm not real keen on the Morley's because they turn off when you take your foot off. Sometimes I like to play in that mid nasally notch and would prefer not to have to leave my foot on it so I can move around.
                          Does any one know if the 535Q has the original feisal resistor in it or does it just emulate that sound? I see they list the feisal as being in their original version.
                          Thanks again for all the input
                          I'm going to check out the new Bose personal amp system tomorrow at GC and probably pick up a wah........or something, I think we all know how it is when we feel we just want a new toy. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                            Hehehe yep, sometimes ya just need SOMETHING new to jump-start the ole spark...definitely know that one.

                            I'd say the Boss PW-10 is a good one to check out, especially if you like a variety of different sounds, and especially if you might want any kind of up-front amp-boosting. It's even got a built-in noise reduction circuit to help keep things from getting too nasty hehe. It's got the standard Dunlop, Morley, and Vox wah emulations in it, along with the other stuff, and you can vary the character of the wahs, too. Like I said, it doesn't 100% nail the authentic wah sound, but side-by-side with my 535Q, and being space-restricted on my pedalboard, the Dunlop emulation on the Boss could nail the sound I used on the 535Q "close enough" to make it compeletely worth getting rid of the 535Q, especially with all the variety the Boss has. Being I play just for fun, it's the variety that really keeps me from getting bored, and keeps me playing..."have my cake and eat it too" isn't always realistic or necessary for me hehehe.

                            Good luck shopping, hope you find something you dig, and have lots of fun... [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



                            • #15
                              Re: Dunlop 535Q/Bad Horsie

                              Thanks again all....
                              I ended up with the 535Q I liked the tone much better than the Boss PW10. The PW10 had a good overdrive but that's not what I was after.
                              I tried the original crybaby with the Fesal resistor and absolutely loved the sound.Took me right back to the sixties but had a little more definition than what I remember but that's good.They used to be a little muddy from what I can recall.
                              The 535Q is very versatile and like I said I really liked its tone.I was able to get close to a couple different wah pedal tones in the short time I was there Morley,Vox and even real close to the original crybaby.
                              I like being able to shape the tone to the attitude of the song.
                              Thanks Again .....You guys Rock [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                              I did check out the new Bose radiator speaker system while I was there and am going to that thread now for a brief review.(have you guys seen this)

