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Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

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  • Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

    I need info, comments, possible sound clips, reviews, from you guys!

    By that i mean your own opinion. I read tons of reviews, on Harmony, but wanted to hear from you!

    My brother wants to steal my Ada mp-1 away from me, so i bassicly need a new one. Where i dont have the dough for tri-axis, nor Engl, i was thinkink somewhere in the line of all tube+midi prgrammable.
    I know that this one is not midi progammable, only two channels, but i need to know how does it sound.

    and how well is in the combination with 50/50?
    cleve, i know what you are going to say, or am almost positive; look into Voodoo valve. My friend has it and am going to try it out.
    But for the $ i thnk the soldano is worth it! (250$)

  • #2
    Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

    The SP-77 is a great preamp for the money. It doesn't have the cleanest clean or the crunchiest crunch, but it was great for the 80's stuff I like to play. You have a good base with the SP-77 -- add an overdrive pedal, and it can get a pretty "over-the-top" gain.

    Hope that helps. For $250, I'd snap it up!


    • #3
      Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

      Yeah, for 250, the soldano is worth a try.

      What type of sound or bands are you shooting for?


      • #4
        Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

        Here is my setup....very close to what you are describing [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

        It has all the gain I need, great for rhythm and lead sounds....combined with the 50/50 it is plenty loud for whatever I would want to do...if not mike it [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

        Mine has the added Warren mod to it, so I don't know how much that alters the original "clean" channel.


        • #5
          Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

          Les paul, that is almost identical! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

          Well, i was hoping i could get some roaroing heavy duty distorsion, not metal like, more of a foo fighters, between SOAD sound, you know?

          I am currently using ada, so how is the soldano compared with it, stronger, heavier, thicker.
          Personally, i would not mind getting all of that with my next pre-amp.

          Cleve, if my next choice is to be voodoo, will i be disapointed?


          • #6
            Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

            Well, I've never tried to get the Foo Fighter sound and I'm not familiar with the material. I have to admit, I'm not sure what to recommend. I seen them on TV and they were using newer Marshalls. Probably DSL 2000s or 900s.

            I was thinking System of a down is MESA oriented aren't they? I'll have to check some of them out on the radio.

            You might be hard pressed to get that sound out of the Soldano, MP1 or a voodu. Maybe the Soldano and a pedal.

            The Voodu, IMO is sorta Marshall oriented, with a bit of deadness in the sound, pretty metal sounding I think. Quite brutal, and nicely controllable through MIDI, it is a cool preamp.

            The Soldano is more alive and amplike sounding. More reminiscent of 80s rock. A pedal can make them very cool for later more aggresive metal.

            You "might" even look at a Marshall JMP1. I hate those things myself. But, they may do what you want in a Foo Fighter s sort of way.

            Again, the two bands mentioned are not in the leaque of stuff I really dwell on, so I am not a great source of info.


            • #7
              Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA


     are dead on with the 80's description....but that is kinda what I grew up listening to. The 70's and 80's is kinda what I love to play.....from Foghat to Glam....

              The Soldano is great for that kind of tone....and it has a really nice lead tone....really saturated but clear at same time...kinda hard to explain.

              It CAN be MIDI controllable in a rack if you get something like a MIDI mate or Octapus etc. which have the 1/4" TRS outs that are switched via MIDI so you could have control of your patches and the respective channel.

              I can get a really authentic Ratt tone, Journey lead tone, and a really ballsy rhythm out of LOVES EMG's [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

              I would not recommend a solid state power amp though [img]graemlins/refuse.gif[/img]

              Just my $0.02 worth [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

                Early on the Foo Fighters used Marshall JCM 900s...later on they switched to Mesa Dual Rectifiers, which is what most people consider to be "their sound." Now they are using the Road King. If you want a tone like Dave Grohl and Darion Malakyn get, then get a Mesa and a Gibson and you'll have it nailed...but you'll probably sound like just about every other guitarist in every other current band on the scene right now.


                • #9
                  Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

                  So what you mean to tell me, that the soldano pre-amp is not really for that seriuos rhythm tone, fat bottomes, thick, and powerful!

                  Well i really want to know which is then!

                  Please, do have in mind the price range!


                  • #10
                    Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

                    No...nobody said that......tone is so subjective anywho [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                    If you want a modded Marshall kinda tone, reminiscent of the 80's glam/metal vibe...the SP-77 is perfect for that.

                    If you are looking for "nu-metal" would probably be better off with a rectumfrier lol....

           will also depend on what guitar you pump through it Les Paul sounds totally different than my EMG equipped BC Rich ST-III through it.....

                    But, one thing I will say...the Soldano has an outstanding lead even if you only A/B'd it for lead would still have a A$$ Kicking setup.


                    • #11
                      Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

                      I thought that pre-amp with 4 tubes would brun like hell, have all what i need + more!

                      So, what do you recommend, gettin' me a Voodoo?

                      I mean i really do not need to try out and hassle getting a pre-amp that lacks the rhythm chunk i so much need!


                      • #12
                        Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA

                        Sorry for not including everything in one post!

                        But what i most of all want to know is!

                        Am i better of playing on ada or should i get this soldano anyway!

                        Please poay in mind that i need something with a lot of balls!


                        • #13
                          Re: Soldano sp 77 ser2 USA


                          BEig an wxpert and know how voodoo sounds like. Please enilghten me, the diff between ones Piranha and Voodoo!

