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VHT UL eq settings

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  • VHT UL eq settings

    Hey to all you guys out there with VHT Ultra Leads, what do you have you EQ's set at on each channel??? How much gain are you using??? What switches do you have engaged, ei-boost/midshift/edge/bright

  • #2
    Re: VHT UL eq settings

    Sorry I accidently hit add reply before I was done. What do you have your graphic EQ's set at??? Any thorough info on your settings would be much appreciated. All channels, but mainly lead, please. Thanks in advance.


    • #3
      Re: VHT UL eq settings

      I don't have an UL but a Classic (CLX) which is a totally awesome amp.

      My settings are (o'clock):

      Lead Gain: 3:00 -

      Crunch Gain: full

      Lead/Crunch EQ

      Treble 2:00
      Mids: 12:00
      Bass: 2:00
      Edge: no

      shift in
      boost on for crunch

      Clean EQ:

      Treble: 12:00
      Mids: 10:00
      Bass: 1:00
      Bright: in


      Presence: 11:00
      Resonance: 2:00
      voicing: in

      I don't have the graphic EQ though.


      • #4
        Re: VHT UL eq settings

        Thanks DietChoke, Now for all you UL owners out there, you can't hide from me. Wizard of Ozz I know you just got a UL the other day, what do you have it set at?????


        • #5
          Re: VHT UL eq settings

          These are my current settings (all in O'Clock):

          Using the High Input

          Red Channel:
          Edge: out
          Gain: 1
          Hi Gain Toggle: up
          Volume: 10

          Orange Channel:
          Boost: out
          Gain: 2
          Volume: 11
          High Gain Toggle: up
          Edge: out
          Shift: out

          Treble: 1
          Middle: 11
          Bass: 1

          Green Channel:
          Everything pretty much at 12 (straight up)- all switches out.

          Graphic EQ: on (scooped into a mild "V" shape)
          100 & 5K sliders at +12
          630 & 1.2K sliders are at a hair below 0
          250 & 2.3K are 1/2 way between the the others.

          Master Volume: 3

          I haven't really started tweaking too much yet, but with these settings I can get some pretty sick claasic metal tones... think early Metallica/Megadeth/Slayer. The really nice thing besides the amazing articualtion, is that the amp still has an awesome bass repsonse while cutting like a hot knife. Killer amp.
          [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: VHT UL eq settings

            Strat with Joe Bardens or Fralins. Active pups and full size buckers load the amp too much for me and I lose the note in a sea of gain. Playing not "metal" but more like aggro rock.

            Edge - in
            Gain - 1:00
            Gain stacking - high
            Volume - 3:00

            Orange (Main, really)
            Boost - in
            Gain - 12:00
            Volume 4:00
            Edge - in
            Shift - out

            Treble 1:00
            Mids - off
            Bass 11:00

            v shaped eq, with the middle 2 all the way down and the left two and right two a few clicks above the mid point. I don't have the high bass and high treble all the way up.

            One BIG thing...JJ KT-88's. Makes a big difference over the stock Sovs which are more like 6550's. Also, don't bias them too hot if you want bass as tight as frog's ass. 40ma. Maybe 45.


            • #7
              Re: VHT UL eq settings

              oh, green channel:

              boost and bright on, and the other one off (Shift?). Volume max, Treble 4:00, mids off, bass 12:00.

              Master 3:00.

              another BIG thing...EV speakers. They don't make them anymore so Weber Michigans will do when you want to pump lunch out of your audience's stomachs.



              • #8
                Re: VHT UL eq settings

                jeez, I'm really stupid right now, one last thing,

                I put a booster in front of the green channel to get a more vintage-ish distortion channel.

                Cleans? Step on the Lehle amp switcher and switch over to your xxxxxx (Vox or Fender for me).


                • #9
                  Re: VHT UL eq settings

                  Thanks to all you guys who posted so far. Strange settings Wiz, I'll have to try them out. I'm going to be messing and tweaking my UL for a long time, I'll probably never settle on a setting. The funny thing is, is that I don't even have the amp set up perfectly like want it, and it still sounds better than any amp I've played through. You can get such a wide aray of actually useful sounds,and blend them easily with the pedal. It's just simply amazing, VHT and Jackson guitars f*cking rule!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: VHT UL eq settings

                    If my b***ard Amp Tech will get on and re-bias my f**king UL sometime in this b***ard century i might be able to tell u my settings.......jesus i'm so fed up of the hollow "twanging" noise my Charvel is making with no amp......

                    My neighbours came round to see if i'd f**king died last night coz it was so quiet round here....

                    All amp Techs should be SHOT ( but only after they've sorted my UL out to my TOTAL satisfaction )


                    There, that's better, now where did i put my pills.....



                    • #11
                      Re: VHT UL eq settings

                      Originally posted by DR2_purpleburst:
                      VHT and Jackson guitars f*cking rule!!!!!!!!!
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">+1 [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: VHT UL eq settings

                        I got the jackson but no VHT!! [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

                        How much does a new UL, and CLX cost. Is there much difference in the voicing, gain ect...


                        • #13
                          Re: VHT UL eq settings

                          The Ul's are more money and better at least to my ears. I think they run 2999.00 new. Has anyone tried a GP3 ? Curious to hear if they sound similar to the 100 UL cause they're supposed to have the same circuits.


                          • #14
                            Re: VHT UL eq settings

                            Originally posted by Jon:
                            [QB] I got the jackson but no VHT!! [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You and the rest of us bro. They cost a lot.
                            A message to all you guys with VHT's, they suck like you [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                            I think VHT's are the perfect mix of gain and clarity. What an amp.


                            • #15
                              Re: VHT UL eq settings

                              i have the VHT Pittbull CLX-100 with Graphic EQ and I run her thru a Madison 4x12, i am truly in love with my setup and no effects, not even Reverb. Mine is a 1993 model 2x12 version, but they don`t make that combo anymore, but in 1993 they were about $2000 at least, my freind has the same amp, but his has Reverb, and he paid $2400 in 1992. I have never played thru the UL, but I would like to, it better be super to make me give up my CLX-100!! Jack.

