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POD-like items...

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  • POD-like items...

    ...OK, I've read a ton of reviews of the direct-recording modeling processors (PODs and their knock-offs), and I'm looking for opinions.

    Here's my criteria:

    1. I play metal, and use a TripleRec. I know it won't sound like that, but I'm looking for something similar.

    2. This is for demo recording, straight into Sonar on the PC.

    3. I have a kid on the way, so I need it to be cheap. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] (Around $100-$125, which is why I'm buying used.)

    So, what should I pick? Can anyone here give any insight into the pros and cons of the various different POD-like items? (V-Amp, J-Station, etc.?) I'm leaning towards a POD 2.0 right now...

    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.

  • #2
    Re: POD-like items...

    V-amp2. Cheap and extremely good. Especially for metal. You can also use it as an effects processor only because the preamp can be turned off. Comes with a footswitch and a great gig bag. Great bang for little bucks.


    • #3
      Re: POD-like items...

      I have a POD 2.0, J-station, and V-amp. Pod is the best overall, but seems to be (usually) a little more than what you want to spend. I bought the J-station on a whim, and for $99.00 new, I wasn't expecting much. The V-amp (to me) is not that great. It seems to be typical Berhinger sub-par garbage (I only use 1-2 sounds out of it). But for what you want to spend the J-station will probably get the job done. Its rectifier model isn't as tight a Line 6's, but if you paly fast and have a dense mix it'll work. Hope that helps. Oh yeah, if you decide to get one MF had quite a few left.

      some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

      some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

      and finally....

      i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


      • #4
        Re: POD-like items...

        I have the POD 2.0 and I love it.
        FJA Mods YouTube


        • #5
          Re: POD-like items...

          Ha..,funny, JG must've been reply same time as me...with a different opinion!! I have V-amp 1...haven't tried V-amp 2.

          some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

          some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

          and finally....

          i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


          • #6
            Re: POD-like items...

            I've tried 'em all, seemingly. You would probably be happiest with the POD, or barring that the J-Station. The V-Amp has very nice sounds, but not the sort of crushing gain you get out of a Triple Rec.

            Actually, if you are willing to get used gear, you might consider getting both a POD and a J-Station and trying them both out for awhile. With the arrival of the XT last year, the regular POD 2.3 is selling for much cheaper now, and the J-Station is discontinued--you shouldn't pay more than $80-90 for one now.

            Each of these modelers has their pros and cons, and it really comes down to how close their sounds come to what you want--each modeler has its diehard followers that will tell you the others are crap. The truth is that each has its place. That's why I recommend trying them all if you can. If you buy them used, you won't lose money if you turn around and sell ones you don't like.

            Right now, I have only the J-Station, which I use to record bass--the addition of bass amp models (good ones, too) is one of the strongest features of the J-Station, as neither POD nor regular V-Amp have them. For recording guitar, I upgraded from modelers to a Rocktron Chameleon preamp going into an ADA Ampulator, which simulates both power amp and speaker cabinets, and from there into the board. The Ampulator is a wonderful device, but not cheap! ADA went out of business several years ago, and used Ampulators go for $400-500 on eBay, when they come up at all. Unfortunately, there is nothing else like it on the market now. But it is expensive--you have buy a preamp on top of the cost of the Ampulator. Still, I get the best recorded sounds I've ever gotten. The Chameleon is a roaring gain monster, to which the Ampulator adds lots of low-end muscle, warmth, and even more gain.

            But for starting out, a modeler is a great thing to have.


            • #7
              Re: POD-like items...

              I can help out a bit here (since we're in the same band)...

              Mike is not looking for anything that will ever make a record... I guarantee that we'll record my Road King and his Triple Rect. before we would ever use a POD on an actual recording. However, for demoing songs into the computer and passing files around, the POD (or POD like item) is a nice tool.

              So the idea of a cab simulator and preamp is way too much overkill for demoing stuff.
              ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


              • #8
                Re: POD-like items...

                An even CHEAPER alternative, if it's just for recording... is the Zoom GM200. It's a modelling desktop device, with no presets or midi. Sounds good, and they sell for as low as $35 used. *!*

                Otherwise, I'd go for a POD since they are built like a brick craphouse and the Jstations seemed kinda flimsy to me. No, it won't sound as good as your real amps professionally recorded, but close enough that you won't cringe when listening to demos. Plus the POD makes for a kickass headphone amp for travelling or late night playing ideas... I used to take one of those and a Musicyo Steinberger on the road with me when I travelled for work.



                • #9
                  Re: POD-like items...

                  Call me crazy but I just don't see the "crushing gain" of a Triple Recto. My buddy has a 1st gen dual recto 2 channel and a new triple (3-5 channel) and IMHO the early Dual has more gain than the new triple but still not nearly as much as what you could get from a J-station/POD or a V-Amp2. One of the presets on the V-amp2 is the Engl Savage Beast. That patch has more gain than any Mesa I have ever heard and it records fantastic. I posted a clip using it on the JCF around 6 months ago and it got rave reviews. Many JCF'rs emailed me and asked if it was a Engle or a Diesel. It was the definition of a heavy crushing sound. Just my .02 of course. I currently use a Crate DXJ112 for home use and a Line 6 HD for live use so I have some experience with modeling. I have also owned the POD, the V-amp2, the J-station, the Flextone IIxl, the Spyder,and the Johnson Marquis 60. Good luck finding what you like.


                  • #10
                    Re: POD-like items...

                    I use a Digitech Genesis 2 and a cheap Peavy Rage 158. I have tried the Vamp 2 also. They both sound good for the money. I never seem to use my Marshall MGDFX-100 anymore. Just sits and gathers dust. Here and I thought I would need a 100 watt combo amp. Should have bought the Modeler first and used the extra money to buy another Jackson.


                    • #11
                      Re: POD-like items...

                      Pete - not cringing when listening to demos is the goal!

                      JG - the main thing that I hear different between the real amps and the modeling boxes is in the dynamics. The decay and response of the modelers is not the same as a tube amp. When playing full out chords they sound really close, but when litening to the way notes decay and the way they sustain, the modelers do not have it quite right... yet.
                      ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                      • #12
                        Re: POD-like items...

                        JG -

                        Actually, Matt's already got a POD XT, which is one of the things that pushed me down this path. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] The V-Amp 2 is so much cheaper - especially used - that it's probably worth taking a swing at.

                        Pete -

                        I thought the Vetta was OK - I played with a friend of mine's for quite some time at one point - and was by far the best sounding modeler I'd heard. If you need lots of tones, it'll cover you very well, but I still don't think it sounds quite as good as "the real thing". Neither does my friend, in fact, who's using a Tri-Ax - 2:90 system for his live shows instead.

                        Thanks to all for their input, and keep it coming!

                        Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


                        • #13
                          Re: POD-like items...

                          JG -

                          Well... in my side by side experience the Tube amp recorded better than the PODXT. I own both, had both setup at the same time. Running the PODXT's output into one side of an Avalon 2022, and the Mesa RK through a Mesa cab, with a Royer 122 ribbon, into the other side of the Avalon 2022... the amp sounded better. Not a lot better, but better. I agree the modelers are really good, I was very impressed with the POD, I just don't think that they are as good as a real tube amp.

                          Also, not to be a smartass, but I think it also comes to the level of your recording envioronment as well. Running straight into a soundcard into a computer isn't going to reveal the subtle differences as much as running through professional AD converters, with a proper clocking source.

                          Pete -

                          I wasn't running the POD through a cab - I was monitoring it in the control room of the studio. If I get a chance I'll check out the Vetta. I had the gate off on the POD, and it still seemed a little weird on the decay.
                          ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                          • #14
                            Re: POD-like items...

                            anyone here check out the new yamaha magic stomp? it has all the sounds of the ag, ud stomps + more. it is fully editable on the computer and is $199. i saw it at guitar center yesterday and it looks very interesting. anyone here have any opinions on this?


                            • #15
                              Re: POD-like items...

                              Originally posted by Matt Crooks:
                              JG -

                              Well... in my side by side experience the Tube amp recorded better than the PODXT. I own both, had both setup at the same time. Running the PODXT's output into one side of an Avalon 2022, and the Mesa RK through a Mesa cab, with a Royer 122 ribbon, into the other side of the Avalon 2022... the amp sounded better. Not a lot better, but better. I agree the modelers are really good, I was very impressed with the POD, I just don't think that they are as good as a real tube amp.

                              Also, not to be a smartass, but I think it also comes to the level of your recording envioronment as well. Running straight into a soundcard into a computer isn't going to reveal the subtle differences as much as running through professional AD converters, with a proper clocking source.

                              Pete -

                              I wasn't running the POD through a cab - I was monitoring it in the control room of the studio. If I get a chance I'll check out the Vetta. I had the gate off on the POD, and it still seemed a little weird on the decay.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well... I don't want to be a smartass either but now you have me confused. In the original post Mike was looking for something cheap to go straight into the computer with. I suggest a V-amp2. Now you are saying that you have a POD XT and Matt is looking for something better and "Running straight into a soundcard into a computer isn't going to reveal the subtle differences as much as running through professional AD converters, with a proper clocking source". So now tell me... does he want suggestions on getting something cheap that sounds good plugged directly into his computer or does he want something to equal the gear you own? If that is the case here is a suggestion. Tell him to go out and get a Vetta 2. They record great. Just be prepared to spend around $1500.00
                              If he isn't happy with a POD XT than he probably should stick with boutique tube amps and super high end recording mics.

