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POD-like items...

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  • #16
    Re: POD-like items...

    I respectfully disagree Matt. Just listen to some of Pete's (Twisteramps) recordings. I have been around for a really long time and I would never guess he isn't using a "real" amp. The attack and decay of the latest crop of modelers is to close to tell the difference from the real thing. Here is an example. If I put my Line 6 HD next to my buddy's Mesa Triple or dual you can certainly tell the difference between them. He needs to turn up much louder to get what I can get at any volume. The main difference is the warmth when listening live. The real Mesa has a nice warm grinding midrangy punch to it and my HD sounds a little generic... BUT JUST A LITTLE!!! and that is when they are at a side by side comparison. Take away his Mesa and you would swear my HD is a Mesa. The big difference is in recording. It took us 2 hours to dial in his Mesa for recording between tone/gain/cabinet selection and mic placement. It took me 5 minutes and my HD recorded much better than we could ever get the Triple or the Dual to record. I am sure you will be very happy with a POD, a J station or a V-amp2. For what you are looking for they all are great choices. I just am partial to the V-amp 2 because of the price, the footswitch, the ability to turn of the preamp and use it as an effects processor for any application (voice, bass, drums, mixing)and of course the Engl Savage Beast patch. It also has a great Rectifier patch and one of the best Blackmore/Malmsteen Plexi sounds I have ever heard.


    • #17
      Re: POD-like items...

      Originally posted by Matt Crooks:
      Pete - not cringing when listening to demos is the goal!

      JG - the main thing that I hear different between the real amps and the modeling boxes is in the dynamics. The decay and response of the modelers is not the same as a tube amp. When playing full out chords they sound really close, but when litening to the way notes decay and the way they sustain, the modelers do not have it quite right... yet.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Matt - check out a Vetta II if you ever get the chance just for the hell of it. I tried running a Pod XT through a power amp and PA and had the exact problem - the sustain was weird.

      Properly set up, a Vetta II sustains and feels like a tube amp. most of the bad sustain the modellers have is due to a over-active gate, imho.



      • #18
        Re: POD-like items...

        Another vote for the V-Amp 2 here. To me, the POD sounded distant, where as the Vamp 2 is "right there". Also, the Pod just doesnt seem to get enough treble available for my liking. I run my modeler through my soundcard, and out through M-Audio BX8 powered monitors.

        Sounds huge

        Spin the black circle.

        [email protected]


        • #19
          Re: POD-like items...

          I used my V-amp2 straight into my sound card using Acid Pro 4.0 and it sounded outstanding.


          • #20
            Re: POD-like items...

            JG -

            Sorry for the confoozun. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

            The original thread is the Mike is looking for a POD or equivalent. I (Matt) already own a PODXT. The thread moved into talking about how realistic the POD's models are... which is when we started talking about the subtle differences (that IMO) separate the POD from the real thing.

            To clarify a bit more... we do a lot of writing for our band Division at home, when we are not together. Since I own a studio, I am able to record my stuff whenever I want, and I can use an amp, POD or whatever. I can then give those demos to Mike so that he can work on them as well.

            Mike does not own a studio, so he has been unable to independantly demo any new material. He is looking for a way that he can get stuff into the computer at his house so that those demos can be shared with me.
            ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


            • #21
              Re: POD-like items...

              JG -

              Matt summed it up correctly. Sorry for the confusion.

              As usual, the topic has spiraled out of control into a debate of modelers vs. reality. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I do thank everyone for the suggestions, and, unless I can find a POD 2 series for cheap, the V-Amp2 is too cheap to not take a swing at.

              Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


              • #22
                Re: POD-like items...

                Good luck bros... and remember... KEEP ON RECORDING!!!!! The more you do it the better you get.


                • #23
                  Re: POD-like items...

                  Pete -

                  I've seen a couple of those Zoom boxes for really cheap, and the reviews seem great. Do you have one? Do they really sound good for direct recording? Programability isn't much of an issue...

                  Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


                  • #24
                    Re: POD-like items...

                    Originally posted by Michael:
                    Pete -

                    I've seen a couple of those Zoom boxes for really cheap, and the reviews seem great. Do you have one? Do they really sound good for direct recording? Programability isn't much of an issue...

                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I checked one out at a music store when they first came out - never have recorded with one. However, it sounded really good imho... but I wanted to be able to store presets and use a footswitch with it. I bet it would work well for cheap recording, however. If you buy one used, you should be able to get your cash back out of it if you don't like it... plus at the price they sell for, you almost can't lose [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



                    • #25
                      Re: POD-like items...

                      check ebay, pods are all over it!
                      Widow - "We have songs"




                      • #26
                        Re: POD-like items...

                        in that price range I'd look for a POD 2.0 on eBay. I do think the best bang for the buck is the J-Station which is what I use for PC recording and dicking around. I like the fact that it has bass amp models included which the others don't. I can control everthing with my PC too with the J-Edit software.


                        • #27
                          Re: POD-like items...

                          when you tried those Zoom 200M, were you running it thru an amp or headphone?

                          And if you were running it thru an amp, does it sound better than a POD version 1?



                          • #28
                            Re: POD-like items...

                            Sorry for double posting [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


