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Damn Stupid Drivers!!!!!

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  • Damn Stupid Drivers!!!!!

    So i was on my way to practice last night when this idiot cuts in front of me. I SLAMMED the brakes. I had my crate BV-120 in the back seat and it rolled forward and hit the rear of the centre console. I swear i thought i heard glass break. I looked through the grille and nothing appeared broken. Plugged it in and it sounded a little off. A little quieter than normal. I had my volume at 8 as opposed to the usual 6. Maybe im thinking too much, but when you break/damage a tube, (only one) is it damn noticeable?? And do those pilot lights turn off when the tubes finished? I have an show on sunday and i really dont wanna get F***ED!!!!

  • #2
    Re: Damn Stupid Drivers!!!!!

    Well, I don't know much about your particular amp...but yeah, if you break damage a tube, you're running one less, so you'd be losing the wattage output that one tube provides.



    • #3
      Re: Damn Stupid Drivers!!!!!

      If you really broke one tube then don't turn it on again ! I don't know this crate but i think it has 4 power tubes ? Normally those amps running those tubes in a push/pull way. If so and one is broken you can run into serious problems because those amps need 4 working tubes. For wattage reduction you usually can plug 2 tubes (and not every two tubes, they need to be one pair working together). But never use the amp with only 1 or 3 tubes.
      I would take the amp immideately to a tech and let him check. If a tube is broken you need to replace it before using your amp again. Better save then sorry.


      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany

