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Self build Amp

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  • #16
    Re: Self build Amp

    Hey Infernal Death!

    What program did you use to create the drum sample for Night's Blood Test.mp3? Possible link?Sounded pretty good. Would Like to write out my own loops and send them to my drummer.

    Thanks in advance


    • #17
      Re: Self build Amp

      Well i don't have a link anymore. I downloaded them quite some time ago and can't remember where i got them.
      I just repacked them into a rar file. That is if those truly are the samples i used for this file. Problem is i changed the samples so often i can't remember if those are the right files.
      Anyway if the email from your profile is ok i will send them to you. Filesize is a little under 600kb. Just tell me and i send them to you.

      A question: You liked the Night's Blood Test sample better ? Just funny because i think the NightsHell sample sounds better. Yes it's not as punchy but sounds much more natural. The Night's Blood Test file just sounds very electronical.
      The only problem i still have that there is no dynamic in those drum samples.
      Oh and by the way both samples are the drums from the beginning of the song Night's Blood from Dissection.


      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


      • #18
        Re: Self build Amp

        Originally posted by Infernal Death:
        Well i don't have a link anymore. I downloaded them quite some time ago and can't remember where i got them.
        I just repacked them into a rar file. That is if those truly are the samples i used for this file. Problem is i changed the samples so often i can't remember if those are the right files.
        Anyway if the email from your profile is ok i will send them to you. Filesize is a little under 600kb. Just tell me and i send them to you.

        A question: You liked the Night's Blood Test sample better ? Just funny because i think the NightsHell sample sounds better. Yes it's not as punchy but sounds much more natural. The Night's Blood Test file just sounds very electronical.
        The only problem i still have that there is no dynamic in those drum samples.
        Oh and by the way both samples are the drums from the beginning of the song Night's Blood from Dissection.

        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sure. Send those puppies over. It will gimme something to work with. I was hoping you would have the program that made those loops but this should hold me till i can find a program. Anyone kno a good metal drum loop program? Easy to use, tons of samples etc. etc.

        Thanks again Infernal Death


        • #19
          Re: Self build Amp

          btw. I did like the *test* ver. better than the other ones. It sounded very punchy to me, but maybe the other loops might work better for recording. Either way, Good Stuff!


          • #20
            Re: Self build Amp

            Email is away, you should have them soon.
            A little advice on those samples. One problem i had with them was that the only tom drum sets consisted of 3 different toms but i needed 4 toms for my loops. So i added another tom drum from a different set of samples. That's the reason why Tom4.wav is louder than the other toms. Just remember to adjust this in your sample software to match the volume.

            Regarding your other questions:
            IMO there isn't a metal drum loop program out there. It really comes down to the samples you use with the program. Also there aren't much programs with many samples around, even more with good metal drum sounds.
            Very easy to use is Fruity Loops (that's what i used for creating the Test file). It's basically choosing your samples and then mark a field in your pattern when you want to hear them. The basic fruity loops samples are really trash. They are only useable for techno.
            If you have some download programs (hope you know what i mean [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ) you can get fruity loops there.

            A much better choice than fruity loops is Native Instruments' Battery. It's a much more powerful tool and you can generate much more natural sounding loops. The downsite is that it's more complicated to use. You can't use it as a stand alone program, you need a sequencer to trigger it. A sequencer could be Cubase or Cakewalk Sonar. You need to make a midi track and then send this midi track to Battery, for example connected to cubase via VSTi.

            I really think it depends on what you want to do. If you want to really dive in into recording and doing good drum sounds you should consider going the Battery route (or other samplers of that quality). But if you just want to make some drum loops for jamming in front of your computer or as a guidance for your drummer for what to play in a song i think fruity loops is enough.


            Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


            • #21
              Re: Self build Amp

              You da man Infernal Death!

              The loops sound great. Looks like fruit loops would be the 1st place to start. once i get a good handle on the recording then i can look into the better programs. Thanks again.


              • #22
                Re: Self build Amp


                Do you have a degree in electronics engineering, or just messing around? I've always wondered what it would take to build a killer metal ya think after seveal kits and a few projects beyond one could start to understand the concept and create a good amp?

                Also, where can I fidn those effects schematics...I have tried looking, but no luck.


                • #23
                  Re: Self build Amp

                  No i don't have a degree in electronics. But neither did i just mess around. A tube amp, like said above, can be really dangerous. The kit i build (and that's one of the main reasons i wanted to buy a kit) had a complete and very good manual for building the amp. Along with all safety warnings and prober grounding explanations. I guess without this manual it would have been quite difficult to build (not as much from the number of components but more from grounding and safety).
                  Before building this amp i builded some recording gear which was far more difficult to build but not dangerous mainly because voltages never went above 50v (of course with the exception of the main voltage of 230v). So i had some experience how to build stuff.

                  Well i think you can get the experience to build a high gain metal amp. If you build some amps and projects and if you read some books on this topic since knowing the theory behind is helpful if you want to build something from scratch.
                  If i remember correctly Pete (Twisteramp) some time ago gave a list of books he recommends. Maybe you can find them with the search function or Pete is nice enough to drop by again.
                  A channel switching high gain monster just is a very very difficult task. Much more difficult than the small amp i builded. So unless you really have experience building amps i would stay away from such a huge project.

                  Two good sites with effect schematics:


                  Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                  • #24
                    Re: Self build Amp

                    Hey, Infernal Death!
                    Thanks for the info about Madamp site. I've just send them an e-mail. I also listened to your clip. It sounds great. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] I've been thinking about such a small amp for quite a while, but somehow never got round to make the dream come true. I don't want anything big, I'm more concerned about it being tube, not solid state. Are you planning any modifications on yours, like adding one more gain stage?
                    Thanks again


                    • #25
                      Re: Self build Amp

                      Well no i haven't thought about any mods. After all the amp is only working since saturday. Maybe i will mod it sometime in the future but not now. From what i get the guy from Madamp will release a mod to get the power of the amp down to 1w. Maybe i do this. 5w is still too loud to be cranked in a room.

                      Oh and thanks for listening the clip. Honestly i don't think it captures the sound of the amp.But it's ok for a small and quick done clip and it shows the character of the amp.


                      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                      • #26
                        Re: Self build Amp

                        One way or the other, the clip shows that the amp has a lot of character. My grandmother has ans old tube radio, I guess about 40 years old or more. I once wanted to take it and try to make it into a practice amp. My grandma doesn't like the fact that I play the guitar and she said 'no'. If I said I would use it as a regular radio she would probably give it to me. I'm not sure if it would really work for a guitar sound, just a thought.


                        • #27
                          Re: Self build Amp

                          I don't know if a tube radio can work as a guitar amp. Sure it somehow amplifies a signal and i guess it could also amplify a guitar signal. But for getting a nice guitar sound my guess is that you need to heavily mod it.
                          So i think you are way better off if you just buy parts for a tube amp which was intended to be a guitar amp or buy a guitar amp kit (like i did).
                          Save yourself the work and build a guitar amp. After all with a little 5w amp (or something similar) there really aren't any total expensive parts. The output transformer i use is around 24 Euro (Hammond 125E) and the voltage transformer is around this price too. So you don't save yourself much money when taking apart a tube radio and use those parts (besides you don't have any guarantee that it's working like you want it to).


                          Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                          • #28
                            Re: Self build Amp

                            Well, you are right. I guess aradio would be ok for a clean sound, but it was never meant to distort the signal, so I wouldn't expect a good overdriven sound. I'm seriously thinking about building myself a small tube amp. I'll probably buy the kit from madamps, since they have the documentation in English. I just need to see how bank transfers work in Poland, and banks here suck. One more question, any plans for more amps/preamps in the future? I'd love to build a 5-6 tube preamp.


                            • #29
                              Re: Self build Amp

                              Nice work On Your amp [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]

