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DSL 401 users?

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  • DSL 401 users?

    I recently purchased a marshall dsl 201 20w combo. Im pretty happy with the sound, but it is just not powerful enough, not even for a practice, so Im going to exchange it for something a bit bigger. The two main things I'm looking at are either:
    401 - good because its the 201 but bigger, and I like the sound of the 201. bad because I have heard literally hundreds of stories about overheating and quality problems.

    Fender HotRod Deluxe - good because the quality seems a lot better than the marshalls. however I'm not sure about distortion though; I really like the 201's distortion, so do you think a hot rod along with a RAT would provide a good distortion sound?

    It's a dilly of a pickle, I just don't really trust the 401 as far as reliability goes [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
    opinions [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ?

  • #2
    Re: DSL 401 users?

    you'll want the 401!
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #3
      Re: DSL 401 users?

      Hot rods are nice, but nto metal.
      I'm sure if you drove it with a good preamp or box in front of it, it would be nice....its very clean, and it would add those charactaristics to it.


      • #4
        Re: DSL 401 users?

        right thanks for the opinions. however I must confess that despite my frequent posting on the jcf board I'm not much of a metal fan. I'm more into rock, and alternative such as Radiohead, especially their newer stuff. I just happen to use a jackson soloist [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .
        Anyway now that I've told you my musical tastes, I also need to say that I'm very interested in a fender twin reverb that is at my local dealer. only £50 more than the hot rod it seems like a no brainer. I realise I will have to use a good box for distortion, but if I get the twin I really will never need another amp. I guess now I'm asking what good distortion boxes are out there, specifically what works well with a twin.

        thanks for your patience [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

