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Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

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  • #31
    Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

    hehheh nice post.

    i have also noticed the crackling sound as notes drop off from my pod. but at the time i was using instrument cables to connect the output to the beakoutbox. just last week i have switched to TRS cables and have not had any issues like that again, so far... we'll see when i start tracking again for the next album.

    line 6 = convienence, this is america and that's why the whole line 6 line is booming.

    i mean, all the effects you'll probably ever need, come with the head. - brilliant.

    granted we don't use any of them live, and when i record i always use them in post. so really, i don't need it. but i do enjoy using the pod to track guitars, (with a DI box recording a clean singal and muting it on playback for reamping later) it come in quite handy. late night recording sessions sitting on the couch, just monitoring at low volumes. makes the whole process so much more relaxing.

    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #32
      Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

      I'm with Cleve on his post! I've tried & owned line 6 Vetta's, even bought an HD147 a few months back for the versatility and I thought I would really dig it. I'll tell you, they sound okay until you crank em, they sound so sterile they just don't cut it for me. I guess you would have to have lot's of experience to know, feel and hear the differences. There's nothing like a Tube amp. NOTHING!!!


      • #33
        Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

        Just ordered a Fender Vibrochamp modded from Voodoo Amps. It will have the Witchdoctor mod. Can't wait to check it out! All raging 7 watts of it. [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]


        • #34
          Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

          That thing will probably scream dude... I used to run an old 60s Blackfaced Champ into a Marshall speaker emulator, and into a power amp. Way cool...


          • #35
            Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

            To me, tone is sort of like the songs that I write...I can't worry about what everyone else likes, I have to have the tone(and songs) that I like or else I won't be happy no matter how many people like them.


            • #36
              Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

              Fuggin bottom line right there. Well said, Boxcar!


              • #37
                Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                Line 6 crap hater here!! hahaha....

                I always hear weird artifacts in them, I hear slight volume changes in them sometimes when people are playing them, and as the notes trail off, I hear that strange DSP crackle...

                You just can't quite reproduce the attack, feel and nuances of a tube amp by sampling bits and pieces of the signal, it just ain't there boys. "sorta" close in a weird way, but no winner. I wish they did sound awesome to me, my back would love it come shownights.

                I liken them to frozen lasagna compared to good homemade, it's a similar thing, but a synthetic bland alternative to the real deal. People do develop a taste for frozen lasagna I notice, haha...

                All I can say is, if you like them, be thankful you don't hear them the way I do, and enjoy. Your back and pocket book will appreciate it.


                • #38
                  Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                  I recall having the same argument with my Father when solid state/analog came out in the 70's. Lab5 vs Marshall. Him being an IBM programmer, with the onset of chip technology,.. he argued it would be a matter of time before the tube is all but phased out due to reliability and size issues. I always said, nothing will ever replace the tube as long as there was a market for it.

                  I was jobbing about with a 4x10 and a rack when other guys would use a POD. Sure a POD will get you by. I could have saved on the back, but the guy who paid me at the end of the night would always say he liked my tone, but would shake his head as to why I brought all this gear to a gig when I loaded out.

                  I own a couple digital products but most of my stuff is tubed. It's a tradeoff for either. Tubes require costly upkeep and your hauling about heavy poweramp sections. Digital is getting remarkably better, obviously..otherwise it wouldn't have such a large market. Tube and digital are beginning to look like one another and incorporate into one another. To me, it still has some nuance issues.., attack, decay, switching. It sure is handy just to haul a pedalboard like a VG8 into a gig, but I miss turning around and having the pants move in front of a 4x12 cab.
                  It all depends on what you want to wring out of them.

                  [ December 30, 2003, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: charvelguy ]


                  • #39
                    Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                    Originally posted by Boxcar Willie 84:
                    To me, tone is sort of like the songs that I write...I can't worry about what everyone else likes, I have to have the tone(and songs) that I like or else I won't be happy no matter how many people like them.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That about sums it up bro... Well said. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                    • #40
                      Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                      I'm a loyal ADA MP-1 into my Twisteramps prototype user [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                      I won't use anything else if I ever get back into live playing [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #41
                        Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                        Originally posted by ChickenScratch:
                        Line 6 Dammit!
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Ok, I have had my V-amp for a few days now and it's amazing so I thought I would mention that I'm now in love with it as well as my Line 6.
                        I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand


                        • #42
                          Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                          Do explain the twisteramp proto Newc.


                          • #43
                            Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                            *shrugs* I love my Vetta II, but then again, I found things to like in my VHT, Rivera, over 1/2 dozen mesas, several Marshalls, Egnater, Kitty Hawk and the tube amps I custom build. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                            I'm no longer in the band that I bought the Vetta for - we did a fairly wide variety of covers, and it was a pain in the ass to use rack fx with a four channel all tube midi amp (egnater TOL 100).

                            Funny thing is - I still enjoy the Vetta. Sure, it can be a pain to tweak, just like a mark series mesa can. The difference to me is that once I get a sound I like, I can save it and it's going to be the same, except for different venues. Then it can be tweaked slightly and I'm done. I can run my clean sounds into a open back 2x12 and my overdrive/heavy sounds into a sealed 4x12. Or I can run four cabs (two dry center, fx on the 'wide' ones) and get an amazing full tone. or just one cab in mono with two amps at once with full fx on each.

                            Enjoy what you have and play it a lot. BTW, many (not every) of the line 6 bashers on this board and others who are giant tone monsters never post clips of their amazing playing and thunderous tone. Very curious.




                            • #44
                              Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                              I don't make money playing music, so I cant justify spending the the big bucks, but I have a JCM 900 50 watt 2-12 combo and model 1936 2-12 cab as well as a little Fender Blues Junior, they sound nice together thru the stereo outputs on my Boss DD5. The little Fender is the one I play the most, sounds especially nice with my Les Paul Custom.


                              • #45
                                Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                                Can I figure you're not speaking to me about not posting clips. Although I haven't posted clips of me masturbating alone like some have, I havve done so with the band and gotten a couple pages of positive comments on what I felt was basically mediocre recording. Which is more than most any clips gets.

                                Bear in mind, tube amp nuance is something a guitar player feels more than anything and mostly in a live setting is where people notice it. The DSP stuff often goes to tape better in primitive settings unless you have a serious recording technician and the equipment to capture it properly.

                                I may have to get off my arse and see about some solo crap though....

