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Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

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  • #61
    Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

    the drip,

    you do know that midrange is the only frequencies that the electric guitar is capable of putting out in the first place. if you have just highs and lows, you'll never have real clarity and you'll never hear your bass player. and thats not metal. midrange is metal! thats why british tone has stuck around in the forefront for so long. go listen to judas priest, iron maiden, motorhead and mercyful fate. thats real metal! and tons of midrange!
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #62
      Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

      I have to say that the Soldano SLO 100 has one of the most awesome lead sounds I witnessed.

      I wasn't much of a Marshall fan until Mark Cameron modded my JMP. Now its total tone nirvana.


      • #63
        Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

        Originally posted by Dreamland_Rebel:
        the drip,

        you do know that midrange is the only frequencies that the electric guitar is capable of putting out in the first place. if you have just highs and lows, you'll never have real clarity and you'll never hear your bass player. and thats not metal. midrange is metal! thats why british tone has stuck around in the forefront for so long. go listen to judas priest, iron maiden, motorhead and mercyful fate. thats real metal! and tons of midrange!
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">and tons of suck ! Wylde's tone is the only decent marshall sound i've ever heard. Schaffer's tone on the first Iced Earth LP is good too.


        • #64
          Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

          I have a HOT-RODDED {by Fat Willie at NBS Electronics here in Denver with 7851A MilSpec tubes and a Variac} 5150 full stack in my office {NOTHING EXCEEDS like EXCESS !!!}, two racks out in the shop [a Soldano/Mesa and a Jackson/Peavey - BOTH are ALL TUBES, BAY-BEE !!! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] }.....and a 1/2 dozen or so tube combos sitting around {TOO MUCH GEAR for a NON-GIGGING HACK like ME [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] }...

          BUT...I SEE a Twister Boutique amp by our own Pete...AND a black/white boa Soldano SLO100 in the cards for myself for 2004 !!! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

          {I'm just SORRY I didn't have DA CHEDDA when Chuckracers' PRIMO SLO100 was on the block here in the last week or 2 [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] }


          • #65
            Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

            My brother Fat Willie!! What's he up to these days (it was about 360 last time I saw him)?


            • #66
              Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

              Originally posted by charvelguy:
              I recall having the same argument with my Father when solid state/analog came out in the 70's. Lab5 vs Marshall. Him being an IBM programmer, with the onset of chip technology,.. he argued it would be a matter of time before the tube is all but phased out due to reliability and size issues. I always said, nothing will ever replace the tube as long as there was a market for it.

              I was jobbing about with a 4x10 and a rack when other guys would use a POD. Sure a POD will get you by. I could have saved on the back, but the guy who paid me at the end of the night would always say he liked my tone, but would shake his head as to why I brought all this gear to a gig when I loaded out.

              I own a couple digital products but most of my stuff is tubed. It's a tradeoff for either. Tubes require costly upkeep and your hauling about heavy poweramp sections. Digital is getting remarkably better, obviously..otherwise it wouldn't have such a large market. Tube and digital are beginning to look like one another and incorporate into one another. To me, it still has some nuance issues.., attack, decay, switching. It sure is handy just to haul a pedalboard like a VG8 into a gig, but I miss turning around and having the pants move in front of a 4x12 cab.
              It all depends on what you want to wring out of them.
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">..but you get a workout and don't have to have a gym membership hauling all that stuff around right [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] and also I would never want to be on the bad end of things if the pod stuff died or if you were relieable on the sound guy for your tone ! no way ! at least when your on stage if the sound sucks you can walk up and hear ya that ain't gonna happen with a pod , if the sound sucks so do you ! ....back to lugging gear I have to lugg mine up 2 sets of narrow stairs and my behringer cab weighs a fucking ton ... lol I got a cab cover just so when I bring it downstairs I can hold one end up and slide it down as the stairs are carpeted .. kinda lazy huh [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ...but back on topic the line 6 stuff is awesome in the studio though , acually I am gonna get a V-amp 2 soon cause they are cheaper and sound just as good as the pod . they aren't made as good but it's just for studio stuff so I don't care , I already have the behringer ultra g di witch is nice but can be kinda noisy , realy picky little thing . //Steve


              • #67
                Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                Originally posted by Dreamland_Rebel:
                the drip,

                you do know that midrange is the only frequencies that the electric guitar is capable of putting out in the first place. if you have just highs and lows, you'll never have real clarity and you'll never hear your bass player. and thats not metal. midrange is metal! thats why british tone has stuck around in the forefront for so long. go listen to judas priest, iron maiden, motorhead and mercyful fate. thats real metal! and tons of midrange!
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yeah man thats why I like the ultra channel on my XXL head cutts through like a razor plow's down anything live and still sounds low and brutting , I can't wait to hear Daves amp [XXX] live it's like mine but with super tube balls power !!! between the 2 of us it sounds so fucking fat ! anyway I am going off again [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] //Steve


                • #68
                  Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                  Originally posted by buzzsaww:
                  after last night i have to agree with cleve about the line 6 stuff. it sounds like 98% there but there's some weird high end breakup or clipping going on. it's definitely leaps and bounds beyond a standard SS amp though.
                  my friend who has zero knowledge about amps agreed immediately once i pointed it out. his comment was "yeah you're right, i knew there was something funny about it but just couldn't put my finger on it."
                  Eric's XXX pretty much crushed it tonally. Jeff's DSL crushed the XXX i thought. He sounded best of the night to me.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">the marshall stuff always sounds nice live and at high levels , and you can really push em hard and they still sound nice , but only in a live setting , you should hear those valvestate heads cranked [7 or 8] live ! .. hey buzz keep your line 6 for studio and get a valvestate or something for live stuff that will work nice forsure , but gut the stock preamp tube and put something nicer in there , I put a sovtek in mine when I had it [the manual says not to use sovtek tubes but I did it for 5 years with no problems at all] fuck I am going off again ! I must be happy tonight or something ? //Steve


                  • #69
                    Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal:
                    Bear in mind, tube amp nuance is something a guitar player feels more than anything and mostly in a live setting is where people notice it. The DSP stuff often goes to tape better in primitive settings unless you have a serious recording technician and the equipment to capture it properly.
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Agreed 100%. I've A/B'ed a POD XT and a Mesa Tripple, Dual and Road King. There is something "artificial" in the decay of the POD that isn't there on a real amp. However, the differences are small (and getting smaller), and the cost difference of a good recording rig vs. a POD is huge. The recording rig I use in the studio is a Mesa Road King, a Mesa Recto cab, a Royer 122 ribbon mic, an Avalon 2022 preamp, and a vintage UREI eq. Without adding in the cost of the guitar, that rig is at least $8,500. My POD XT cost $400, and it's at least 90% of the way there. I'd be willing to be that if I were to mic my amp with a sm57 and a Mackie preamp (not bad products) that the difference between the POD and the amp would get even smaller.

                    Another thing to consider is that when you're mic'ing an amp, you're adding in tonal color from the mic, the preamp and any EQ and compression you may have in the signal chain. So the POD may not sound exactally like an amp, but it does sound really close to a mic'ed amp.

                    I really like my POD, it's a great tool for writing and demoing. I can play with full gain anywhere at anytime. I can't do that with an amp.

                    The biggest thing that I think guitarists should remember when talking about this sort of thing is that 90% of the people don't care about the guitar sound and don't hear a difference. They care about the song. More people should concentrate on their songs and less on finding the "perfect" sound. (Not saying that about anyone here, just a general comment).

                    Clips are available on our label's web-site. Click on DIVISION.
                    ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                    • #70
                      Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                      Originally posted by Cleveland Metal:
                      </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> More people should concentrate on their songs and less on finding the "perfect" sound.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's ALWAYS been my problem, I felt I needed "the" tone to inspire me. But, now that I have the tone I like for the most part, I'm so sick of it all and really don't get inspired much anymore to write stuff. Ironic ehh?

                      At least on the remote occassion I do get inspired, I do have some bad assed stuff to play with!
                      </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">your just going through a dry spell man ! I was going through the same thing last year , but check this out now everytime I play I can't stop writing shit and it totally bugs me cause I have lotsa time on my hands but I don't have a job right now so in my brain I am thinking I am lazy and I don't want my old lady to start getting pissed at me for not working and sitting upstairs for 1/2 the day recording shit lol ! sucks hey ! lol ! but I got a buddy whos the manager of a shipping warehouse in town here and he's giving me a Job this month sometime forsure and the hours are monday to friday 8 to 5 or 7 to 4 or something , so things will be back to normal soon so it shouldn't be that bad , but still when I am not working the old lady thinks its my turn with the kids lol but onece I am working I got all the time in the world to do music with her blessings lol ! but anyway dry spells suck , but I think it helped that I went out and played with a ton of other people and just played with em and never acually wrote anything with em just played right now I am lugging my rigg around 3 to 4 nights a week and I am still in another band [warhag/ex witchkiller] thats not doing much now if they take off and start doing shows I am screwed man ! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] //Steve


                      • #71
                        Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                        I love my Carvin Valve Master heads! The one with 5881s sounds much crisper in the
                        drive channel than the one with EL34s though, but the El34 head has a smoother lead drive. Another voice for cheap head(s)! [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

                        A misconception is that those who don't use top $ gear can't hear the difference. It's as much not being able to afford the difference, or deciding the difference is not worth the extra $. My cheap amp has a beautiful clean sound and a high-gain sound that is pleasing to me and to most who hear it. That makes me want to play through it, which makes my playing sound better. Having an Uber or a Diezel would probably make me paranoid about taking it anywhere to play it, lest it be damaged or stolen. If my VM100 gets stolen, hey, $300 on Ebay gets another one, and it does what I need, makes my fingers get happy! Besides, nobody steals Carvin amps, you can't sell 'em for shit!
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #72
                          Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                          I hear that Rich ...I'll be playing my first Bed Of Nails gig on Valentines Day ...We are the very opening act ...I have to run my baby home (Uber) or babysit it all night ..

                          I like 5881s ...I have those in my Marshall set up ...NICE

                          I would love to convert my Uber to those tubes or even 6550s ...I'm not that thrilled about El34s for my tone or style...

                          I must admit ...even with my Uber ...John has the BEST overall tone I have ever heard (I heard a lot) with his CAE / VHT rig's amazing's not near Brutal as my uber ...but his leads tone just sings ....very very nice....I can't see getting much better than that ...unless he get's his rythm tone just a little more brutal ...well for my taste [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ...but for him it's absolutely perfect!!!!

                          It's sound better than Jon Schaffer's tone ....I'm not kidding it's that friggin' good ...I know that's a bold statement ..but it's very true..
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • #73
                            Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                            even though i've ised the same ampeg amp for years...i've heard some riveras that could really rip you a new one [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] ...d.m.



                            • #74
                              Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                              this is what i use onstage!!!!
                              marshalls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]



                              • #75
                                Re: Is there a favorite amp for forumites?

                                More people should concentrate on their songs and less on finding the "perfect" sound.
                                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's ALWAYS been my problem, I felt I needed "the" tone to inspire me. But, now that I have the tone I like for the most part, I'm so sick of it all and really don't get inspired much anymore to write stuff. Ironic ehh?

                                At least on the remote occassion I do get inspired, I do have some bad assed stuff to play with!

