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Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

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  • Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

    Hey Guys,
    I finally got the Engl E 530 Preamp.
    I haven't really given it a good try out yet, but the basic sound it produces is kick A$$

    => it can easily nail those children of bodom / Kalmah / norther / skyfire sounds. As to beautiful cleans and a wonderful blues sound.

    but i have to say it lacks on the bottom end. And i need some suggestion from you guys, and some help
    My equipment:

    Jackson RR-1 ( got EMG's lying @ home )
    Mesa 295 Poweramp
    ENGL E-530 Preamp
    VHT fat bottom cab with P-50E speakers.

    Do you guys think that the EMG's will do the trick ?
    Becuase i was maybee thnking of selling the 295 poweramp and get a mesa 50 / 50 poweramp.

    If you guys got any uesitons about the preamp, don't hesitate to ask.

    thx in advance


  • #2
    Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

    I'd say you might appreciate a little EQing going on there. Either some sort of EQ unit in the chain, or a BBE or Behringer Ultrafex Pro to pump up the bass. A good benefit of the Ultrafex Pro is, it's got multiple bass "voicings" you could try--from looser to tighter--and find which you like best.

    I use a pedal EQ, a graphic EQ and a parametric EQ, a BBE and the Ultrafex Pro in my setup...any of these options could do it for you. If you like all of the rest of your sound PERFECTLY, then you might just want to get an EQ, so you don't necessarily alter any of the rest of the sound range, other than getting the bass you want. If you think you might want to tighten the sound, crisp it up some, or other EQ-related "effects" like enhancer, exciter or BBE processing, then look towards those options.

    If you're really lacking bass in there, I don't think changing the pickups to EMGs will totally get you there. But there's no harm in trying, and I'm an EMG whore, so I'd say stick em in there regardless hehehe...but it wouldn't mean you'd like it.



    • #3
      Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

      how does it handle the comparison to a jmp-1?


      • #4
        Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

        i'd also like to know the comparison to the jmp-1.

        If you want balls you might wanna try the engl 930/60 poweramp, i mean, my jmp-1 with it has balls to spare, i put the bass on 3 and its like a hammer...Dunnno about mesa poweramps, but the engl to me has a very dark sound, perfect for metal.


        • #5
          Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

          Sounds to me like all you need is an EMG-85 in the bridge of your Rhoads, and you're all set! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

          - Rune.


          • #6
            Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

            well i have never played a Jmp-1 but i can tell that i love this thing. I am gonna buy a Voodu valve as well.

            i have several music projects wich need diffrent Distortions.

            1 Project.) A Bruxelles all star band. We are called Burning Skies and we do verry verry verry melodic death metal ( think => Dissection / COB / with a twist of " the black dahlia Murder ") This is the prject i take the most serious, and that's why i bought an ENGL E-530 Preamp to get hose lead sounds.

            2 Project.) Death metal band ( think => vital remains " decrhistianize " / Nile / Misery index / Vomitory / Malevolent creation e.t.c )
            here comes the band where i need that deep bottom end ( Voodu valve )

            3 Project.) Ruthless Grind band ( think => Nasum / Pig destroyer / Agrohpobic nosebleed / Rotten sound and with a twist of Prostitute disfigurement )

            Also, the voodu valve has all the efx that the intellifex ( wich i woulda bought anyway ) and i saw a voodu valve wich was going for less than the intellifex.



            • #7
              Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

              the jmp-1 /peavey classic 50/50 sounds ok to me but notn more than that... just need more volume/saturation(darker sound and more gain)


              • #8
                Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

                hmmm i was reading through some engl shit, and i guess to get the best out of the pre, you should use an engl power amp, they're voiced specially for the pre's, i cant wait to get one, ill let you know when i do, in two days or so, jmp1 sounds sweet, but i need that little bit more gain.


                • #9
                  Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

                  i'd do the following if i were you

                  get rid of the 90/90 and get a 20/20 - they sound way better than all thier other poweramps and are plenty loud!

                  and get a mesa recto cab to go with it all.
                  Widow - "We have songs"




                  • #10
                    Re: Finally got the Engl E-530 preamp

                    In some way this sounds nice,
                    but it isn;t christmas every day u know.
                    i wish i had more cash. And another problem is that i live in Belgium, and shit lik that is hard to find here. I think there are only 2 RR-1 in Belgium. i have 1 and some other dude i met.


