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My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

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  • My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

    I went to NAMM specifically to test drive a lot of amps. I currently have a VHT combo that's great but just not "my" sound. So here's my thoughts and dilemma:

    I really like the Triple XXX. The Crunch and Ultra channels are both very usable and very different. You can get a variety of sounds from this amp. It was never muddy or buzzy. The gain at 60-75% is great. I'm a gain FREAK and I don't even need the gain maxed on this amp. I like the damping switch. It has that distinct Peavey tone. It's almost like there's a slight chorus or shimmery sound in the mids. All my leads felt fat and fluid. I played thru the new Peavey explorer guitar and while I can't say what pickups were in that guitar, I had no complaints.

    The Framus Cobra amp is brutal. Metal grill, red glow. The cabinet looks wicked. 3 channel, EL34 tubes. The crunch and lead channels both have a notch switch that cuts the mids and gives you the full sound of hell unleashed. My jaw dropped when I played this amp. Imagine a Recto without ANY flub or fizz. The tone controls work like they're supposed to. A nice feature is the dual master volume controls. You can use 1 master for all channels, or set a channel to have a separate master to get a boost or a cut when you switch channels...kinda like the Recto Solo control. When I played this amp a few hours later, my leads felt a little thinner than the XXX. Then again, I was playing a Framus guitar with Duncans, so it's not a true A/B with the XXX.

    The mighty Uberschall. Damn. Simple and heavy as hell. Tons of gain. Very warm sounding and of course different from the XXX and Framus. This amp handles the lows with ease. One of the Bogner guys told me they spent a lot of time making the amp simple and tuning it for dropped tunings.

    I wanted to love the CLX with EQ. It just ain't my thing. They're soooo tight it almost feels like there's less gain than there really is. Great amps, great company, but just not me.

    I saw the new Stiletto head when I was leaving the show and read about it in the catalog. I can't tell if it's supposed to be a higher or lower gain amp than the Rectos. Any info on these would be appreciated.

    My dilemma: I want to sell my VHT combo at get a new amp. It's between:

    Peavey XXX Head
    Peavey XXX 2x12 combo
    Framus Cobra
    Bogner Uberschall

    I hope to play a XXX and Uber this week with my Jackson. I'd have to order a Framus as no dealers in my area have them. I've never played an Engl Powerball but have heard good things about them.

    Anyone have any opinions or suggestions??? I hate when I make these types of decisions difficult for myself. Argh!!!

  • #2
    Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

    You are killing me with the VHT comments [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] I have the VHT Pittbull CLX-100 2x12 Combo with the graphic EQ and have played the Triple XXX 2x12 combo also. Yes, the VHT is tight, but will smoke the Triple XXX in sound and gain. I would put up my amp to a 2x12 Triple XXX anyday and gaurantee it is louder and more aggressive. That being said, the Triple XXX is my 2nd favorite amp and was looking for one as an extra amp, but I fell into a 2x12 Peavey Ultra, very versitile amp also [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] Also, good luck dood, I hope you get the Triple XXX and love her, that`s what it is all about after all [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Jack.


    • #3
      Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

      Although the XXX is quite a decent amp. The VHTs and Bogners are heads (pun intended) above them on all levels except ease of paying for them.

      If you have the means to get VHT or Bogner, DO SO.

      The VHTs are tight feeling amps. That is often a trademark of a high quality tube amp, and it will somewhat display any shortcomings in technique more than a spongy amp and many people comment they are "hard" to play.

      The Uber is a seriously cool amp. A bit more loose and more forgiving than the VHTs. If you can afford it, go for it.


      • #4
        Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

        Get whichever one you prefer after checking them out (preferably with your guitar and cab). Don't go by what *I* like, or Cleveland Metal likes - go by what YOU like.



        • #5
          Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

          I agree with both CM and Pete. I just had to have a VHT Pittbull CLX-100 after playing my buddies, and that is after trying all of the Marshalls and Peaveys, including the Triple XXX. I almost bought the Triple XXX before I tried the VHT, but i would have bought the Triple XXX if I didn`t try the VHT. I just love the Triple XXX 1x12 60 watt model, very cool little package for sure, maybe one day [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Jack.


          • #6
            Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

            Thanks guys...I'm looking for all comments...objective and subjective.

            I can hang with the tightness of a VHT...but it just didn't make me happy. I almost like my VHT combo's sound more than the CLX.

            When I played the Framus, XXX, and Bogner, for each one I had a HOLY SHIT look on my face for different reasons.


            • #7
              Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

              One thing I "have" learned, is that many amps take a while to get to know how to dial it in.

              I hated my CAE the first couple weeks I had it. Now, it's awesome. I wish I'd have spent more time tweaking other stuff I've had like MESAs etc.

              And Pete, I didn't really tell him to or not to get anything he mentioned. If he could only afford a XXX, I'd say get it, as I have before to others. If he has the means to get a better amp like a bogner, vht etc, you can't really go wrong with one. They are all different, yet fine amps.


              • #8
                Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                Originally posted by Cleveland Metal:

                And Pete, I didn't really tell him to or not to get anything he mentioned. If he could only afford a XXX, I'd say get it, as I have before to others. If he has the means to get a better amp like a bogner, vht etc, you can't really go wrong with one. They are all different, yet fine amps.
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Sorry, I thought you said the other amps were superior to the XXX. I played through a XXX, and it left me pretty cold personally... but if Venomboy plays it and likes it more, I'm not going to say he made a bad choice or say the VHT/Bogners are 'better'. That's subjective, isn't it?

                VHT's aren't for everyone. I loved mine, but they are like a microscope for your playing, and some people don't like that. I ditched it because pretty much everything you play through one sounds aggressive, and that wasn't what I was trying to do with my band at the time.



                • #9
                  Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                  Yeah, I kinda did say the others were superior, [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

                  But hey, they are as far as build quaility and components. Of course, like you said, if you like the sound, that's what it's all about.

                  pete, you really might like the CAE3+se, it is really versatile in what it brings out in your playing. Just rolling the guitar volume changes the voicing/responsiveness nicely. I actually wish it were a bit more aggressive. I wish VHT made a cheaper simple preamp like that as opposed to the GP-3, it would be a nice addition. As also would be a 5150 style preamp...


                  • #10
                    Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                    I've only heard great things about the CAE preamps... but man, I'm trying to avoid them.

                    I saw an Uber at a music store recently, and thankfully fought the urge to play it. I'm afraid if I did, my wallet would take a huge beating. : )

                    A friend of mine has a Bogner Ecstacy, and I loved it. Kinda dark, but smooth and more flexible than a 14 year old russian gymnast. But, the price scares me off.

                    Right now I'm fighting the urge to save my pennies for a high $ amp (SLO most likely) or buy a JCM800 or *cough* Sovtek and mod the hell out of it.



                    • #11
                      Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                      Originally posted by Twisteramps:
                      smooth and more flexible than a 14 year old russian gymnast.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">[img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] I've been looking for one of those... maybe a little older, though. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #12
                        Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                        Couple of things...

                        Twister, Cleveland: I appreciate all of your comments and did not take anything you said in a negative way.

                        I went to Rocker Guitars in SF today and played the XXX, Soldano Avenger, Soldano Lucky 13 combo, Mesa Lonestar combo, Mesa Nomad Combo, Line6 Vetta Combo and Bogner Ecstasy.

                        Ecstasy: nice, a bit dark, not modern enough for me. Too many little switches too.

                        Soldanos: Just not my thing. I little buzzy. I can see how people would like these though.

                        XXX: The damping switch makes all the differnce in the world. I like the feel of it on Loose, but I think I like the tone of it on Medium and Tight. Lots and lots and lots of gain. You gotta watch the treble control and the gain. It's easy to get a buzzy sound but it can be dialed out. For the money, it's a great deal. I'm not 100% sure it's the amp for me but I still like it a lot.

                        Mesa Lonestar and Nomad Combos: Lonestar is vintage voiced. Not for me. Nomad with EQ is like and easier to use Recto. Nice, but I'll pass.

                        Line6 Vetta Combo: Interesting. I could see myself endlessly tweaking. At times it sounds completely fake and hollow. The cleans are nice and shimmery with all the chorus and stuff. Some of the Uber and other high gain models are nice and tight for rhythm but I hate them for leads. It doesn't respond like a tube amp but it's very versatile. I can see why people like these but at this point in time I'll pass.

                        The store was out of Ubers but had them on order [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                          Hey, what did the new Mesa Stiletto look like? I've never heard of it, and Mesa doesn't have any info about it on their site.
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #14
                            Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                            I actually just checked on the Mesa board, and this is what someone posted.
                            "It's an EL-34 based amp. The look is sort of that of a Lone Star crossed with a Recto solo head. It's got a sort of Marshally JTM vibe going, but with a chrome front panel."

                            Supposedly there's also a write-up about it in the new Guitar Player mag.
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • #15
                              Re: My NAMM amp adventures and my dilemma

                              It's in the new Mesa catalog, which I have.

                              I shot one photo of the Stiletto. It looks sorta like a Recto in an alligator skin covering (not sure if it's real or faux) and the knobs are black with scallops on them, sorta like the Nomad knobs. The Stiletto logo has swords in it. I'll post the pic this week.

