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  • Brunetti

    Last week, I tried the XL120 head with a 2*12 with jensen speakers, and the sound was really clean, nice. Very polyvalent, but I think that there is just a short lack of gain on the lead channel.

    I wondered if somebody already tried both the xl120 and the 059 head, in order to tell me if the 059 has more gain and is more suitable for metal (thrash included of course). I like the fact that the 059 has kt88 instead of el34, which will certainly give it more bite, and the fact that you can exchange the eq between the crunch and the lead.

    What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.

  • #2
    Re: Brunetti

    This does not answer to your question but:
    what kind of XL have you tried?The old XL or the R-Evo version?The R-Evo is much more better than the old one...


    • #3
      Re: Brunetti

      I tried the R Evo 120 watts. I didn't know about the old version.
      What do you mean, "I don't believe in God"? I talk to him every day.

