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Rocktron Piranha vs. VooDu Valve

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  • Rocktron Piranha vs. VooDu Valve

    I know that Rocktron discussions come up pretty often, but I don't recall this comparison being made.

    Here's the deal: right now, I'm playing through a Rocktron Chameleon 2000 --> ADA Ampulator --> mixing board. The Chameleon isn't a bad preamp for my direct recording purposes (beats the hell out of any of the POD stuff for the power metal tone I'm going for), but its distortions, while crisp, seem a bit harsh at times. Since I like the overall tonal quality, I'm thinking of upgrading to one of Rocktron's tube preamps, either the VooDu Valve or the Piranha (used, since they are no longer made).

    Does anyone have experience with both of these preamps, and how would you compare them in terms of tone quality? I know the VooDu has all the effects and stuff, where the Piranha is just a preamp, but I don't really need built-in effects, since I just take a mono dry signal into the Ampulator, and then use the effects in my Akai recorder/mixer to add chorus, delay etc.