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Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

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  • Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

    I apologize in advance for the novel...

    I know there are a number of Vetta users here, and I'm hoping they'll chime in with some advice.

    During a recent visit to GC, I couldn't pass up a Vetta head for the price of a couple of PODs(!). I've been messing with it for a couple of days now, and I'm not sure whether to keep it.

    My impressions are colored by what I've been using. I have a lightweight rack (Voodu Valve, Intellipitch, 20/20) which I'm happy with. So far, I'd say that the rack provides a better modified Marshall sound. It feels a lot better to play, at any rate. The rack also has much more capable post effects. I've already determined that I wouldn't be able to replace the rack with the Vetta.

    On the other hand, I'm hooked on a number of things about the Vetta already. The stomp boxes are great. The amp models can do things that the Voodu can't even come close to. I love the Cornford model, for example, and some of the Line6 models are very good as well. The user interface is wonderful. After struggling with Rocktron's crappy menu system for years, the Vetta is so quick to edit. If I keep it, I'll add the VDI for direct digital recording.

    The bad news is that I haven't been able to duplicate my "bread and butter" high gain sounds--the ones I use every day. I've come close with the JMP-1 nodel for leads and several two amp combos for crunch rhythms,but I don't know whether I'll be able get that last 5% given any amount of time and tweaking. I got a great deal, but the Vetta is still too expensive to just be an occasional use toy.

    So, should I keep it or throw it back?
    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • #2
    Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

    I played some Vettas at a couple of music stores lately. I think they're very versatile but they always sounded kinda muffled or muted or sterile no matter how many controls I tweaked. There were some very nice clean sounds and some of the effects are amazing.

    I think there's far too many controls for me. I'd be tweaking for days and not playing.


    • #3
      Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

      If it's one of the old version,try to update the software.


      • #4
        Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

        Well, you hit on the 2 main obvious choices...keep it or take it back. Let's see, how can you narrow it down to just one...

        (1) If you're THAT close to the sound you want--down to only a 5% difference--maybe adding an EQ or BBE/Exciter or something could take you the last 5%? Depends on what exactly is missing in that 5%, as to if you could make it up, and what it might take. However, you might be completely averse to adding extra gear to it, or sinking more money into it, even if it could turn out "perfect" for you, I dunno. And, of course, you have to keep in mind the return policy, don't want to go past that. But, my strong feeling is, anyone that can get 5% away from their goal, could easily make that difference up by adding probably just one relatively cheap piece of gear.

        (2) If you're getting a LOT more in the Vetta than your current setup, maybe 5% from your goal is close enough? What's more worth it to you--having a lot of sounds and good stuff to play with, or having 100% ONE sound you really love?

        (3) Assuming you could, for whatever reason, NEVER get that extra 5%, why exactly is the Vetta "too expensive to be an occasional use toy"? Of course, if you just plain can't afford to keep both setups, that's one thing. Or maybe you just think you would feel guilty about keeping something that's relatively pricey just as a fart-around toy? Personally, I have always loved goofing around with different sounds, and get a lot of fun from that sort of thing. If I were in your shoes, and the Vetta REALLY gives you A LOT of fun other good, stuff to play around with, I'd say keep it. Unless you absolutely can't afford to keep it, or the guilt would gnaw at your very soul, or you have something else in mind that you'd like to buy instead. Everybody has stuff laying around that they don't necessarily use very often, but is indispensible or just a blast to use when they want or need to use it. There's nothing wrong with that...I say, if you know it'll give you years of fun, why ditch it?



        • #5
          Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

          I agree with Stu. I am a Line 6 HD user and I admit it is lacking in some areas. The cleans don't sparkle like my rack mount tube gear and the distortions lack the presence of my rack gear. The way I look at it is that it does so many things great such as:
          Ease of use
          multiple sounds
          great effects (except the reverb.. I use a Midiverb II for that)
          Great footboard
          I use it for gigs, practice, guitar lessons, recording and general messing around. Does it sound as good as my Carvin T-100/Quad X rack set up. No. But my Carvin rig only had a few sounds. My HD has 32 at my disposal on stage and most of them kick serious butt. Bottom line is that if you can afford it you should keep it. It will always be useful. Since modeling came out, I have always owned one. They are just to versatile not to own. If you love the sound you are getting with your rack set up than stay with it. It must be a pretty large 5% to make you want to return a Vetta.


          • #6
            Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

            Great replies...

            Here's the deal:
            I have updated to 2.03. The remaining 5% is what I'd call my comfort zone. It's where I'm not thinking about tweaking the sound because it's just "right". I think the sounds I'm looking for may be in there, but I haven't found 'em yet. I've probably done well to learn as much about the amp as I have in a few days.

            I guess the other turn off was that many of the models just don't seem that good. I still haven't been able to get the JCM800 to sound right to me. I guess with 75 amps modeled, though, you're still doing pretty well if you find 20 or 30 good ones. There are some that I just can't picture anybody using...examples: "Smash" or that AM radio sounding Gretsch thing. [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] Oh, and with all that processing power, why no spillover delays?!

            In response to Venomboy, I found that I can make the Vetta sound dull, cold, and sterile pretty easily. In that sense, it's a lot like Mesa amps--there's a huge range of bad sounding settings, and you have to understand the damn thing to find the tiny window where it sounds great--or at least I think it sounds great...

            You guys are talking me into keeping it for the versatility. OK, I didn't need much convincing. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] At the price I got it for, I'll just think of it as a really big POD--at least for now. I guess I'll be selling some stuff soon to cover the CC bill. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
            This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


            • #7
              Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

              Sounds like a good idea to me!

              I know what you mean about some of the models maybe not sounding so great. But, just like you said--big deal, you've got tons of others that are nice enough to want to goof around with, if nothing else.

              Plus, I'm sure the same could be said of the Voodu setup, no? I bet even though you nail a few sounds just right on it, there's a HUGE percentage of sound you can get out of it that isn't necessarily too wonderful, either. I know that was the case to me when I had a Voodu hehehe. And it's the case with most anything, even down to most peoples' fave simple amp head. Might nail the few sounds they want just right, but chances are there's a huge range of EQing possibility in there that makes them cringe, just like you pointed out with the Mesa example hehehe.

              Have fun! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



              • #8
                Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                I had a Vetta combo that I sold. Here was my rationale. I wanted that one sound that I just couldn't nail with the Vetta. I finally found it 100% with a Splawn Modded Marshall.

                I LIKED the Vetta with all of its versatility, but I LOVE my Splawn. I should have prefaced this by saying that I don't gig, so I don't need a real versatile rig. I do, however, jam with the church band, so I did need some versatility on occasion. JG Cable fixed me up there, big time, with a Crate DXJ112. Great 60 watt modeling combo.

       is my suggestion. If you have a rack sound that you LOVE, keep it. If you can't afford to keep both, sell the Vetta and get an older modeling amp. The prices on those are dropping like stones. That way, you'll have both a sound that you love and a toy that you can play around with.


                • #9
                  Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                  Hmmm, so tonight I took a SLO100 with a Tube Screamer in front, added a Bogner Ecstasy, and put some tape echo and spring reverb on them. This patch is as good as the best lead sound on my rack system...but completely different. It's like I broke into a Baskin Robbins and I can have as much of any flavor as I want. I've barely begun to scratch the surface as far as the sounds this box can generate. I'm sold. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                  This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


                  • #10
                    Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                    Not to disagree with you or call you out Pete, but I don't think it's quite fair to call the Behringer FCB1010 a might not cost a lot but it's a great unit! I really like mine.


                    • #11
                      Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                      Originally posted by Boxcar Willie 84:
                      Not to disagree with you or call you out Pete, but I don't think it's quite fair to call the Behringer FCB1010 a might not cost a lot but it's a great unit! I really like mine.
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Didn't say it wasn't great... but it is VERY cheap vs the list price of the vetta board... which is $599 I believe. So yeah, cheapo still stands. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



                      • #12
                        Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                        I've used a Marshall 1960A cab (w/75watt celestions) a peavey VTM cab with 85 watt celestions, a GK open back 2x12 w/classic lead 80 celestions and a sealed 2x12 ADA splitstack with 50 watt celestions.

                        All sounded good, just in different ways.

                        Here's a fun thing to do, if you don't run a lot of patches with 2 amps at once : Run your clean amps to one side, and your dirty to the other. Plug in an open back cab for the cleans, sealed for the dirty. It really helps make the fender amps come alive, going through an open back cab.


                        Originally posted by ElectricPhase:

                        What do the rest of the Vetta-heads around here hook them up to?
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">


                        • #13
                          Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                          I have played through a Vetta combo in stores and owned a PODxt--which has the same sound engine as the Vetta--and I agree that you have to do a LOT of tweaking to get good stuff from that sound engine. Since I do direct recording, I have found that a Rocktron Chameleon (I've got a Pro-GAP Ultra being delivered today that might replace it) into an ADA Ampulator gives me a better sound than the PODxt for what I do, but obviously without the tremendous versatility.

                          One other thing, I'm sure I've read (either here or on HC) that Line 6 heads sound a lot better through Line 6 cabs. Obviously a conspiracy to sell you more stuff!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Have Vetta HD owners found this to be true?


                          • #14
                            Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                            I have never found Line 6 cabinets to be any better. I use Randalls and it sounds great!


                            • #15
                              Re: Vetta: Keep it or throw it back?

                              Couple of things in no real order...

                              The Pod XT is a great sounding piece of gear. However, the Vetta sounds better. yeah, I know it's the same concept,and Line6 has been pushing the Pod as containing the Vetta stuff, but I had em both at the same time and compared them. The Vetta on the 1.10 software kicked ass on my XT. The clean tones were better, effects were better (especially the reverb) and the Vox AC30 in particular was much improved. With the Vetta running 2.03 now, there is no contest.

                              I noticed the 1.10 software being a lot more hinky regarding cabs... the 2.03 stuff seems to be more forgiving.

                              Sure there are some weird amp models on the Vetta. I posted in the MP3 section here a led zeppelin clip. I used one of the small ratty amps for the rhythm. It's not 100% but it's close. Sometimes you might want that type of tone for a cover band or whatever. Plus you can run one of those into an emulated 4x12 cab for a really cool 'amp about to explode' kinda sound.

                              The compressor is your friend. I use it to equalize levels of amps... one of my gripes on the vetta is that some amps are hella loud, some are fairly quiet. The vetta juice compressor is great to have on, since it gives the vetta a more tube amp 'squish' and sustain. Stay away from the gate or leave it turned down as much as possible - it can really screw up your sustain. One thing that I do that I never hear a lot about on line 6 boards is that I'll run two amps at once, but use them to A/B settings and compare sounds.

                              Oh, and if you didn't get the floorboard, I can help you use the Vetta with a cheapo behringer $130 FCB1010 if you want. I've got mine working pretty well. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


