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Marshall Powerbrake making funny noises

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  • Marshall Powerbrake making funny noises

    Alright folks, need some help. I bought a THD Hot Plate a couple of weeks ago and it still isn't in at Guitarworks and they said it will be on back order for about 2 more weeks. They let me lease out a Powerbrake for no cost untill my Hot Plate comes in. Now I am amp retarded but I will try to explain as good as possible. I have a Peavey 5150 half stack and a BBE 362 sonic maximizer in the loop. I got the Powerbrake hooked up like head>powerbrake>4X12 cab. When I have the BBE's process up to even 3, I get crazy feedback that sounds ear numbing. If I had the process up, I could only get the amp around 3 with post gain before it started making the noises. Now I have the amp at 4 with the BBE process knob around 1 with no noise unless I stop playing instantly it makes the noise for just real quick and stops. It seems like the BBE process increases the ear piercing squel but I can't be sure. Is the fan on the powerbrake supposed to be running full time or just when you play a little? When I start playing it looks like it has trouble getting going. Is all this normal and the way I have it set up now the way it is supposed to be? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.