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Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip

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  • Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip

    Here is a short clip of the Death song 'Crystal Mountain' made with My Marshall VS-100 head and a Jackson 4x12 cab. I thought maybe someone would like to know what a great value these amps are if You are on a budget. I picked mine up for $200 used. I take it along as a back-up, and I wouldn't feel bad having to use it for a show.

  • #2
    Re: Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip be honest i didn't like that tone very much.
    let me ask you a few questions:
    first: how high was the volume when you recorded it? i just want to know if it sounds that bright even at low volume
    second: is it possible to dial the high end "harshness" a bit out and give some balls to the sound?

    i think that tone would be great for some true norwegian black metal [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] you know, those bands that hurt your ears when you listen to them because of the dominating highend [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    but maybe we just have completely different views of good no offense [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



    • #3
      Re: Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip

      I guess it might have something to do with My computer also. I used some eq settings on My computer speakers probably to take out more high end, because its got some chunk to it when I listen to it on mine. Also, all I did was place a SM-57 right in front of a speaker and jammed it out. Well, take it as You will.


      • #4
        Re: Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip

        Sounds pretty cool!! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] I've also got an old '92 2x12 8240 stereo chorus Valvestate, got it new around '93 or so, and it's still going strong down in my basement. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] I've now got a Mesa F-30, so the Marshall doesn't see as much play time as it used to, but it still kicks ass. I usually scoop the mids, or just use very little, then I turn the contour control all the way up high to have that high midrange frequency sound. That control rules!!!!
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Re: Marshall Valvestate 8100 clip

          For a $200 amp, it sounds cool...

          Mike Wead (Mercyful Fate, Memento Mori)and Glen Drover (King Diamond, Eidolon) are users of them, and do "ok"

          When Glen was here playing my CAE/VHT rig, he casually dialed in his VS8100 sound pretty quickly on my rig (to my displeasure), but it sure sounded like HIM! And he does QUITE well with that tone.

          Not quite my desired tone, but it has its uses for sure. Been wanting one to play with and take to Musicians nights.

