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Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

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  • Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

    Does anyone have a manual for the old Korg 104ds pedal that they could photocopy or scan for me? A friend of mine is interested in it, but is a bit fuzzy on how the program/channel toggle and settings work. My explanation has not been very thorough, and I haven't used the pedal in years.

  • #2
    Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

    You have it in an email to your profile address.

    Hope you can use that. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Sorta coffee stained though...


    • #3
      Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

      Cleveland Metal used a distortion pedal???! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] I don't believe it...


      • #4
        Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

        Yes, actually it's a well known fact that when I was a Marshall user I had to use some pedals to eek a sound I liked out of them. And they do sound brutal through a Marshal 800.

        The 104DS is fairly cool for a DIGITAL pedal, haha, Yes, I said digital! They just have their limitations... Mine sits under my desk for now, used to plug into my PC on occassion...


        • #5
          Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

          Just dial up the sound you want and the patch you want it in ,click the footswitch once to hold it and then press an hold until the light blinks to store it.


          • #6
            Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

            Thanks, CM. My browser crapped while responding to you, so I don't know if you got my reply or not.

            I've owned my Korg for several years, but since I'm looking at loaning it to a friend who isn't very familiar with anything beyond a Metal Zone, I thought some "real" instructions might help.

            If nothing else, I saw Elvis in the coffee stain!


            • #7
              Re: Looking for a Korg 104ds HyperDistortion manual!

              No, didn't get a response [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

              Hope it was legible enough to use, I tried a few scans, and that coffee was screwing it all up. Hehe...

