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Multi FX units - what's a good replacement for G-Major?

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  • Multi FX units - what's a good replacement for G-Major?

    Hey guys -
    I've got a G-Major that has been giving me some trouble... The problem is that I love the effects, especially some of the ones that aren't so common in other units (ie; vibrator, etc)
    I've had a few bad instances with my unit locking up while at practice, thank god it hasn't happened live yet, but I'm now afraid to use it because of this. I got it in a trade deal last year and so it has no warranty that I know of.

    I'm considering buying a new one to replace it but I'm a little scared of the reliability of them after reading MANY articles from others that had the same problems that I am having.

    I'm using a Behringer FCB1010 footcontroller to control my preamp and then have the G-Major next in the Midi chain to also receive channel changes and such.
    I'd like to know what other effects units would be able to give me the same flexibility (and quality - without costing thousands of dollars).
    Keeping in mind that I'm going to need to have a unit that will do the following effects:
    Tremolo, Vibrator, Flanger, Phaser, Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Harmonizer.
    I know that because of the Harmonizer and Vibrator effects, that limits my choices, but there has to be something comparable to the G-Major that does these things, hell I'd even consider two different multi FX units if they would do what I need them to do.
    I'm going to need to make a decision within the next week or two at the latest, so your timely input would be greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

    1.Rocktron Intelliflex
    2. Rocktron XPression - heard this either equals or blows the G-Major away.
    3.Rocktron Repliflex - this unit is geared toward the sound made by more vintage type effects, esp. from the 70s. Has a leslie simulator. Used units run about $250-$350. Has a channel switching jack for use with 2 channel amps.
    4. TC G-Force - love it! does everything


    • #3
      Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

      Hey Jimosity,
      Before you ditch the G-major you might want to try upgrading the firmware. TC Electronic just released software version 1.27 a couple days ago. No garuntees that it will fix the lockup probs, but the upgrade is free so it cant hurt.


      • #4
        Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

        What kind of power conditioner is in your rack? Have you tried contacting TC, not about warranty but just to see if there's a recognized bug and fix?
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #5
          Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

          Yeah, I agree with Testament77 - and with Lerx. Try the firmware upgrade, and then contact TC. They might well know how to fix your problem.

          I haven't had this happen at all with mine, but I don't tax my unit very hard, either - just a little delay and chorus. You'll behard pressed to find something that sounds as good in this price range. Of course, a G-Force sounds better, but the price hurts. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

          Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


          • #6
            Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

            I did the upgrade and that made it worse, it would no longer take any MIDI signal at all and still locked up on me at practice and cut the guitar signal completely out.

            I went into the sys params and reset them and the MIDI seems to be working again and I am now running my Behringer FCB1010 directly into the G-Major and using the MIDI THRU to go into my V-Amp Pro to control it as well.

            Seems to be working again now, but I'm still scared it's going to lock up during a live show.

            I'm currently running my setup like this:

            Guitar into V-Amp Pro
            POST DSP SEND to G-Major In (stereo)
            POST DSP RETURN from G-Major Out (stereo)
            ANALOG LINE OUT (stereo) to Boogie 50/50 ins
            Boogie 50/50 outs (stereo) to G-Flex 2x12 ins.

            Is that the best way to hook it up or should I just run v-amp pro OUT to G-Major IN then G-Major Out to 50/50 In?

            One last question.
            I want to be able to use my CC pedals on my FCB1010 to control both the V-Amp pro and the G-Major, but the volume pedal is controlling both, how can I set it so the FCB1010 is only sending volume CC signals to the G-Major, but not the V-Amp Pro? I want to be able to control my volume via the G-Major, not the V-Amp (so I can volume down to tune, but when the V-Amp volume goes down too, the G-Major isn't getting a signal anymore).

            Thanks guys for the help.


            • #7
              Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

              Here's the back panel of the V-Amp Pro and the G-Major just so you guys may be able to help me figure out the best way to hook it up.

              V-Amp Pro:



              • #8
                Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?


                I've got my V-Amp Pro regular Outputs running into my G-Major's Inputs, works and sounds great. Never had any problem whatsoever with my G-Major. If the newer software caused even MORE problems with it, I'd be worried about that specific unit just being bad for some reason.

                By "lockups", I assume you mean the G-Major just kind of freezes--won't accept any changes, but is still sending signal out? I'm curious as to what's going on...

                Have you noticed these "lockups" at any specific point, when you use specific effects, or when you're CC'ing parameters in realtime? Any kind of cause/effect possibly going on, in terms of what you're using or doing when you notice it locking up?



                • #9
                  Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

                  I have an Xpression. New they're $350 and used they go for $270 or less). Has all the effects you're looking for. I feel that all the effects on the Rocktron are on par with or better than the G-Major's except for possibly the harmonizer (the G-Major may win here). Be aware that the presets suck (worse than any other piece of rack gear I've played), so you'll have to invest time adjusting parameters before you play through it and like it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Multi FX units - what\'s a good replacement for G-Major?

                    My G-Major used to lock up live. By locking up, I mean it never quit producing sound, but I couldn't change patches with the MIDI f/c. I tried a friend's MIDI f/c and it still f'd up. I could change patches manually with the wheel, but it was a pain live. I reset the unit with tech notes from TCE and it still did it after time. I finally hooked up a new MIDI cable and the problem went away. DUH!! I felt pretty dumb.
                    Seems the more I get technical, the less I remember about troubleshooting 101.

                    Playing live the cable gets beat so now I carry a spare.

