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Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

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  • #31
    Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

    I played a new Randall, that may have been the model. It was sitting right next to the Peavey. I was able to get a very similiar sound as the Peavey, but the Peavey is three channels and more flexable for the same price.


    • #32
      Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

      I just converted back a Ex-Tube user after playing many many years with solid state. I sold him my Marshall 9005 50/50 and he says he will never go back to solid state.

      Solid state amps are ok at low volume, but when I play with my band, I gots to have my tube amps. There is just no comparison to a properly set up tube amp.



      • #33
        Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

        I'm a rack guy with tube equipment but I have owned my share of Line6:
        I had a Pod Pro in a live rack setup - hated it. I owned a Spider 112, lacked power but it was cool for home use and acoustic gigs. Now I own the AX212 for home and acoustic gigs. It's also my backup live amp. It's a good amp and I don't feel like I'm compromising when I need to play it live. I like the Line6 effects, modeling, and ease of use but I HATE the speakers. I choose to run the AX212 through a Marshall 4X12. Sounds wayyyy better.

        To sum it up, if I HAD to play solidstate live, I would be comfortable with my Line6 AX212. It's powerful, has some fine sounds, and I've never had any complaints.


        • #34
          Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

          i use the ss140c head thru two vintage ampeg v4's pretty brutal...d.m.


          • #35
            Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

            There is nothing wrong with solid state by todays standards. Yeah tubes give you more power per watt but thats not what everybody wants so.
            Solid state sound great until about 8 on the dial then start to thin out due to over heating diods and such. The XXL is a cool amp and does alot. I just wish those mini switches for each channel were foot switchable too.
            The XXX is all tube so it's a differant animal.
            Peavey stuff is realiable and road rugged stuff. I have never seen a Peavey fail thats been used regularly and abused but taken care of.
            Thier speakers are hard to blow too.
            Line 6 stuff is great. If i didnt already have the gear I do now I would get a Line 6 of some sort. I love my guitar port which is the same software with less options as the Vetta. 32 bit transfer rate too.
            CRate is also great stuff. Best bang for the buck new. The new GLX seires stuff is awesome. They have three independant channels each with its own volume (unlike the GFX1200H) The third channel has one too. The FX sounds great and the clean channel is chrystal clean and very JC120 like especailly with a chorus on.
            Either way you can't go wrong.


            • #36
              Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

              I have owned a crate G60GT for almsot twenty years. I have used it live and it has gone around the world with me while I was in the Navy. This is one of the toughest amps I have ever owned. The new ones may be weak but if you can find one of these older ones get it. But only get the GT series they came with celestions.
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's interesting. We've gone through three Crate amplifiers! Maybe it is just the new stuff.


              • #37
                Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                I use a Mesa/Boogie F-30 1x12 combo now (2 EL84s and 4 12AX7s), but I occasionally use my old '92 Valvestate 8240 2x12 stereo chorus combo, it's still going strong! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] Also got the little Marshall mini stack hooked up to it for a nice stereo spread. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #38
                  Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                  anyone looking for a small great sounding solid state amp needs to try a Tech 21 product...the trademark 10 just kills!


                  • #39
                    Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                    i always liked the randall SS stuff tho i havnt played one of the newer ones, last one i had was a RG100 from the late 80's. they do lack low end thump tho.
                    tech21....hmmmmm i always liked there stuff just never tried the amps...there XXL pedal is actually my favorite distortion box EVER.


                    • #40
                      Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                      i'm a big fan of solid state amps but lately i'm really digging the semi clean tones from tube amps.

                      a solid state amp just can't get the same lush tones and can't be controlled via the volume knob on the guitar.

                      i think solid state is good for a very clean sound or a very distorted tone (perfect for metal!!!) but i don't think sounds as good as tube for those in between sounds.


                      • #41
                        Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                        all this is one of the reasons i like the fender Roc Pro so much, its like the best of both worlds. and hell fender knows what there doing - remember the grey fuzzies? the rock pro has taken over where the m-80 left off. but its been discontinued now, as well, so what will the next "metal" fender amp be? and will it be SS, hybrid, or all tube?
                        Widow - "We have songs"




                        • #42
                          Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                          I had a Supreme 160. It did the job, but it had no soul, minimal tone, and grew extremely irritating in the end. I eventually got rid of it, and bought a Marshall Valvestate VS100. The Marshall, of course is a completely different type of sound. Not as much distortion, but much better midrange, and therefore better tone. I sold the Marshall to a friend, and I'm happier now with my Blue Voodoo than I have been with anything before.
                          Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                          • #43
                            Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                            *grin* Last gig I played we opened for another band. The other guitarist had a Marshall anniversary amp (the three channel midi thing, they made some with brass chassis) and my solid state vetta SMOKED it tonewise. And yes, people who were watching us play said the same thing.

                            I would wager a Vetta upgraded to II software would be as loud or louder than *any* 100 watt tube head. And it punched through just fine - as well or better than a VHT 50/CL, Egnater TOL100 or Mesa single recto (the three amps I had with this band before I did the vetta thing)



                            • #44
                              Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                              M-80's do rock. I traded one for a VTM half-stack ( no, really ) I really liked the amp but I couldn't pass up the trade. The guy wanted a smaller "living-room friendly amp" Anyway, it sounded great. I am now playing through a Randall RG100SC 212 and it really nails the eighties stuff.
                              I still keep practicing though.... Mostly because I hate my neighbors.-MakeAJazzNoiseHere


                              • #45
                                Re: Solid State Amps Your Opinions?

                                I like Randall and Peavey SS amps. If tubes suddenly went bye bye for whatever reason, I would be satisfied with either of those brands.

