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Tubescreamer TS9

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  • Tubescreamer TS9

    I recently acquired 3 older Ibanez pedals just to mess around with 'em since I haven't touched a pedal (other than wah) in like 8 years. I picked these up:

    Mostortion MT10 (199?)
    Digital Delay III DDL20 (199?)


    Tubescreamer TS9 (1982)

    The MT10 is cool but I can cop its tone with my other gear and the DDL20 is not really needed since I have a Rocktron rack unit that is more versatile BUT, the TS9 sounds GOOD! I'm not sure if I can cop its tone with my other stuff so i'm considering keeping it (gonna sell the others).

    I Played with the knobs for about 1 minute and used it with the clean channel of my Fender Roc-Pro 1000. This was recorded in less than 5 minutes of sticking a battery in:

    Neck PUP then Bridge PUP

    Any of you guys/gals use one of these? If you do, do you normally drive your dirty channel with it or your clean channel (or both sometimes)? Has anyone sold one and then regretted it and bought another one?

    [ March 13, 2004, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: Robotechnology ]

  • #2
    Re: Tubescreamer TS9

    I've never used a Tubescreamer. From what I hear they have quite some following, some people even mod them. Lately, my friend bought a Tubescreamer and a Boss DS1. I haven't heard them side by side yet, but my friend prefers the Tubescreamer. He says it sounds fatter than DS1. One more thing, there were some reissues of TS9, some were better than others. The best sounding was probably the original, made in Japan.

