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DIY Tube eq finished

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  • DIY Tube eq finished

    Hi all

    Some time ago i presented my self-builded tube mic preamp. This time it's a tube eq. Like the last time only crappy pics from a cellphone build-in digital camera.

    On the last pic you can see the used tube. It's a ECC88 NOS Tesla tube. As indicated on the front panel it's a passive eq. The signal goes right to the filter pcb (the long one bolted behind the front panel) and after that runs through the tube stage. It's somehow based on the famous Pultec EQP-1A tube eq but not exactly since it uses another tube stage and some changes in the filter section too. It's a very nice sounding unit.

    Oh and in case Cleveland Metal asks. Yes i used two torodial transformers again, they just aren't on the pics.


    Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany

  • #2
    Re: DIY Tube eq finished

    Congratulations on another successful project! I wish I had more time on my hand as I'd love to try to build something myself. I'm still thinking about a small tube amp. Maybe one day... What's next on your list?


    • #3
      Re: DIY Tube eq finished

      Well next on my list is a 2 channel ic based active eq from a calrec mixing console.
      Actually it's almost finished, i just need to buy a 2u rack case and 8 pots. Problem is those pots have to be stereo negative log pots which are kinda hard to find.
      After that i think i will slow down a little with self building some gear simply because i now have a fairly good arsenal and i really need to buy some good studio monitors. Thinking about Adam but not so sure right now.


      Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


      • #4
        Re: DIY Tube eq finished

        Hi! What are your thoughts on making/modding a wah pedal? I'm looking into buying myself one. I'll probably buy something cheap and shitty, so it would need a kick in the butt. Have you ever tried to modify any effects?


        • #5
          Re: DIY Tube eq finished

          I.D., man, you are the shit. Another awesome project. Thanks for showing us this one, too!



          The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


          • #6
            Re: DIY Tube eq finished

            Thanks again for the kind words.
            Up until now i haven't done any guitar effects simply because i don't need anything besides distortion and eq and both tasks are handled quite well by my digitech effect pedal.
            But i guess i will try to make a effect pedal in the future, a guitar playing friend also asked me if i can make him one.

            With modding it's always the same. Either you have informations about a mod done by someone and can follow them step by step or you really need to know what exactly all the parts in the effect are doing. (sure you also just can mess with the parts but this is obviously a bad way to mod gear)
            My guess is that with a wah pedal the metal work and getting a working footpedal is the hardest part about doing a wah pedal. So the best route is like you already said buying a wah pedal and throw the guts out.
            For effect projects there is a very nice site called tonepad.

            They also have a wah pedal which could be interesting for you. Seems like the component values for this one (the wah wah project) are from the cry baby. If i were you i would try this one.


            Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany

