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TC Electronic G Major questions

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  • TC Electronic G Major questions

    I have a TC SCF pedal (killer pedal, btw) and I'm thinking of a digital delay pedal. I started to read about the TC Gmajor on this forum and the TC site. Sounds like a killer unit...chorus, delay, noise gate, etc. MIDI capable, just like my Framus Cobra head. I could run the G Major thru my loop, and use a MIDI controller to switch effects AND channels on my amp. Hmmm... maybe I won't need pedals anymore...

    So here's my questions about the G Major:

    Would you say the effect quality is top notch?

    Has anyone experimented with the channel switching capabilities of the unit?

    Is the unit pretty easy and quick to set up and tweak?

    How's the reliability? Any major or common problems?

    Any other comments or anecdotes about the G Major would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

    I have one and I might be able to help you out. And if someone can tell me how to record on my computer and post it, I can show you some cool things it has.

    1) The effects are pretty nice. I have an ok at best amp so it makes the best of it for sure. I have a bunch of different delay/reverb/chorus combos and they are all unique and easy to set up.

    2) I also change channels and effects with my floorboard. All you have to do is connect the switch out on the G-major to the footswitch connection on the amp and program which channel you want. I am 17 and figured it out, anyone can do this.

    3) It took me probably 2 nights or so to get it set up right (I WAS SO CONFUSED!), but the book explains a lot of it. I also don't have a preamp or anything connected to it, so it made it easier. Tweaking is simple!

    4) Great unit. Check TC's troubleshooting forum, they can answer any questions you have.

    Like I said I would love to post some clips, if someone can show me how to, I have a cheap little mic already....

    Hope this helps, I recommend the G-major.


    • #3
      Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

      Thanks. I'm not in a hurry to hear clips, so don't worry about that. I'm mostly wondering about ease of use, flexibility, etc.


      • #4
        Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

        Originally posted by Venomboy:
        Would you say the effect quality is top notch?
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">It is definately a top notch effects unit, especially considering the price.
        There are units that are better, but you are definately going to pay out the ass for minimally better quality.

        Originally posted by Venomboy:
        Has anyone experimented with the channel switching capabilities of the unit?
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I have used it to switch channels on my Engl 520 preamp and with a Bogner Hafler Triple Giant and it works perfect.

        Originally posted by Venomboy:
        Is the unit pretty easy and quick to set up and tweak?
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">RIDICULOUSLY easy to set up and tweak, I don't know that it could get any easier.

        Originally posted by Venomboy:
        How's the reliability? Any major or common problems?
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I had some problems with mine locking up and freezing, then I did the new upgrade and I thought it had gotten worse, but what had really happened was the upgrade implemented a "Dry Kill" feature that was incorrectly set for my configuration and gave me no signal at all.
        Once I changed that setting, it's worked perfectly and hasn't given me a problem since.
        During the day or so that it took for me to realize that it was a setting change that had caused this issue, I purchased another because we have some shows coming up very shortly and I rely on it for my effects so now have two of them.

        Originally posted by Venomboy:
        Any other comments or anecdotes about the G Major would be appreciated. Thanks!
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">For the money, they can't be beat - the flexibility is wonderful, there isn't really any effects that it doesn't have.
        The only other units that are in the same ballpark are the Rocktron Xpression or maybe a Lexicon MPX-1... I haven't tried either of those units but I hear they are comparable...but are missing some key features that sold me on the G-Major. The insanely easy to use interface the G-Major has is one thing, then it has a built in tuner which is usable, I don't think the Xpression had that. The switching features of the G-Major are worth having. The display on the G-Major is FAR superior to the Xpression.

        One thing to keep in mind if you get (or have) one in your rack.
        ALWAYS turn it on and off with the power button on the unit, don't use a power strip in your rack to turn it on and off, that can cause some strange things to happen with it; possibly even losing some of your presets.

        The only thing I don't especially care for are the data knobs, they are concentric pots and are sometimes touchy.

        All in all - they are wonderful units - just spend some time setting up your own patches and you'll be able to get killer effects in no time.


        • #5
          Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

          The ONLY thing going into my Uberschall's loop is a G major and it sounds absolutely incredible ...the noise gate , tuner , effects are awesome and I'm just starting to learn how to use it after having it for six months ...I'm lazy

          But I have a question for anyone with a G major and how they run ther head as far as input and output levels on the amp / G major unit

          Anyone here with a Uberschall and a G major besides myself

          Let me know and we need to PM each other.
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

            I usually keep the input and output levels on my G-major a little more than 3/4 of the way.


            • #7
              Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

              Be careful not to have the input levels too high as I believe that is one thing that contributed to my unit locking up when I was having problems with it. You may want to check the input levels while using the "Consumer" or "Pro" input settings and see which one gets you into a more comfortable level zone.


              • #8
                Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                I have the output for my effects at I beleive -6, so I don't think I am putting too much, and I use it in my room, so my amp volume is never loud. I was talking about the knobs.


                • #9
                  Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                  I've had mine for nearly two years, and it's my opinion that you will not find a better sounding FX unit within $300 of this unit. (Unless you can score a used G-Force for really cheap.) It's the only thing that runs in the loop of my Triple Rec. I don't use it to change channels, though. (I have another unit for that.)

                  All of the effects sound very good, IMO, except for the harmonizer, which isn't "smart". Since I don't use it, it didn't matter to me. Even the compressor is not bad, and the gate works well. I had no problem figuring out any of the programming, either. (Of course, I used to have a Quadraverb, so I now have a Ph.D. in bad interface usage.)

                  Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


                  • #10
                    Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                    I'll second the majority of comments here! I've had my G-Major since the second or third week after it was released, I've applied every update myself and keep all the settings and patches backed up on my computer (something I do RELIGIOUSLY after losing all my patches out of a Roland GP-100 years and years ago - lesson learned!!). It's an excellent sounding unit (TC Electronics says the sound quality is equivalent to their G-Force - which is Steve Vai's fave effects unit and costs 4 times as much!), it's easy to use, and mine has been rock-solid reliable for three years (I power my whole rack from a Furman Power Conditioner & Light unit, so I don't use the power on button on the G-Major, contrary to Jim's warnings above). Also, the support is excellent - I have emailed TC Electronics with two requests for features to be added to the G-Major with future updates; both times they politely responded to my request in a timely fashion, and with the 1.27 release of the firmware, they've implemented BOTH the features I asked for... I'm sure I wasn't alone in wanting individual switching capability for the EQ and configurable Volume control sweep, but I'm very impressed nonetheless. These things are worth a whole lot more than we're paying for 'em, imho.


                    • #11
                      Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                      I almost traded mine to JIMoSITY to replace his, but now I'm glad I didn't. The real problem in my signal chain was my preamp, and now that I'm using a different one, I'm marveling at how beautiful the effects on the G-Major sound. The chorus is so crisp and detailed, and the delays, while not particularly long (in comparison to my old Digitech 2101) are easy to program and work great. I'm not so sure about the phaser effect, but I don't use that terribly often, and I probably haven't fiddled with it enough.


                      • #12
                        Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                        Thanks everyone!


                        • #13
                          Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                          Originally posted by Jimi D:
                          It's an excellent sounding unit (TC Electronics says the sound quality is equivalent to their G-Force - which is Steve Vai's fave effects unit and costs 4 times as much!)
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Not knocking the G-Major as it's an excellent unit, but it's not in the same category as the G-Force, why they continue to make this comparison, I don't know. I have a G-Force the other guitarist in Division (who posted above) has a G-Major. There is a differece. However, at full band levels, with tons of distortion, you'll never hear it.

                          I bought my G-Force the day it came out (I actually was in communication with the G-Force lead developer for weeks before its release, but that's another story). When I bought mine, there was no G-Major so I didn't have to make a choice. If I had to do it again, without considering costs, I'd buy the G-Major instead - UNLESS, I needed a "smart" harmonizer, and then I'd save up and buy the G-Force.

                          To answer the original question - the G-Major is a top notch sounding unit that is easy to program and feature packed.
                          ...that the play is the tragedy, "Man"


                          • #14
                            Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                            1. I would say most of the effects are high quality. But the more effects you have running at once lowers the overall quality of all the effects, though it might not be noticeable. The only effect in the unit which I feel is not on par with the quality of the rest of the effects is the pitch shifter.
                            2. The channel switching is indeed very handy, fast and reliable. Great feature.
                            3. Very easy to setup and use, especially if you are already familiar with rack effects units. As far as tweaking, there is much you can do BUT it does suffer from a lack of CC parameters that you can control from an external controller.
                            4. Here is the big problem. The unit, overall, is definately among the best in its price range. But it not the most reliable in terms of quality of parts/manufacturing. I've heard of and talked to many people who have had problems with their units breaking down in many ways. Me personally, the only problem I have experianced with mine is that the parameter adjust wheel will track properly when turning it to the left, but when turning to the right, it either does nothing, or goes backwards unless I turn it EXTREMELY slow. Major pain in the ass, and I know of at least a dozen others that have the exact same problem.


                            • #15
                              Re: TC Electronic G Major questions

                              Originally posted by Gilbert:
                              3. Very easy to setup and use, especially if you are already familiar with rack effects units. As far as tweaking, there is much you can do BUT it does suffer from a lack of CC parameters that you can control from an external controller.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Which effects parameters do you want to control with CC messages and can't? I think it covers all the effects pretty well, not just with on/off but mix and depth and pitch and a bunch of other parameters besides, all assignable to expression pedals or CC pedals if you just want to toggle between the min and max settings... and with Firmware ver. 1.27, you get fully configurable control over the EQ and the three main volumes (finally)... Anyway, if you have a "wish list" send it to TC Electronics - they're great at responding to requests...

                              and I too play with someone who uses a G-Force (through a Diezel VH4), and though the G-Force is a substantially more configurable unit, with more effects, a whole lot more tweaking power and a super sweet intelligent harmonizer, neither of us can hear any notable differences in tone when using the G-Major or G-Force for the simple things like Reverb or Delay... Granted, we've never "A/B'd" 'em to any degree, but I think it's testament to how good the G-Major is that it can hang with the G-Force...

