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Best combo amp is....?????

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  • Best combo amp is....?????

    Please give me your opinions on what the best combo amp is. There's a huge difference in prices in the 212 size and I'm wondering if the cost makes that much of a difference. I just bought a Behringer 212 (seemed like a good deal at the time) and I can't even open the gain half way up on my death metal pedal without almost blowing the amp! Same with the bass setting, more than 3/4 open and the amp sounds HORRIBLE! So, is it possible to find a 212 combo amp that will take that kind of abuse? I don't really need a 1/2 stack (don't gig) so I don't want to get something that huge just to have a great sound. Please help!
    E = Fb

  • #2
    Re: Best combo amp is....?????

    Originally posted by Axe to Grind:
    I can't even open the gain half way up on my death metal pedal
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's half the problem right there... get a pedal that isn't a joke. I've also heard that the Behringer cabs aren't really that great either. Try an old Marshall Valvestate, they're great amps. If you need more gain, get yourself an overdrive pedal like a DOD Juicebox, Ibanez Tube Screamer, etc., to give it a boost.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #3
      Re: Best combo amp is....?????

      Peavey 5150 combo
      Triple X combo
      Carvin Legacy Combo
      Carvin MTS3212 Combo
      Carvin SX300 combo
      Flextone III combo
      Vetta 2 Combo
      Spyder 2 Combo
      Flextone IIxl combo (the later ones with the Celestions)
      Randall Warhead combo
      Fender Cybertwin combo
      There are tons of great 2 x 12 combo's. Behringer is a great value but is considered the very low end in regards to quality. Regarding 2 x 12 combo's... you really do get what you pay for.


      • #4
        Re: Best combo amp is....?????

        I've found Rocktron's Replitone combo to be very cost efficient and very awesome sounding.


        • #5
          Re: Best combo amp is....?????

          Ditto what they said. And I've always been partial to several peavey combos. I hear great things about the Transtube amps, but I've never used one. My first ever amp was a Peavey Backstage Plus I got in the early 80s, and it was still the best practice amp I've owned. Around the time that I got it, my buddy bought a Bandit 65, and he still gigs with it from time to time. (It isn't his main rig, but sometimes it is enough.)

          The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


          • #6
            Re: Best combo amp is....?????

            A Peavey Backstage Plus was my first amp too! It was the 35 watt version. My last Peavey combo was the Classic Chorus 212 and I loved it but unfortunately I had to sell it a few years ago. So, I'm a big fan of Peavey. Is the 5150 pretty versatile? I'm afraid it will only produce a sound similar to EVH, not that it's a bad thing but I want some variety. With all the new brands and styles it's pretty overwhelming to just pick one based on reputation, only to find out after you get it that there could've been a better choice. I bought the Behringer at Christmas along with a few guitars so that's why I went the cheap route. Looking back I should've bought one that I would've been happy with in the long run.

            That's half the problem right there... get a pedal that isn't a joke.
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I bought this pedal because I thought the distortion on the Behringer was actually a joke...ironically. I've heard it wasn't the best pedal but I was really looking for something with meaty, heavy bass tone. I tried out numerous brands and types in the stores but couldn't find one that made me happy. Now this thing is a feedback beast so I don't know where to go from here! Maybe if I ditch the Behringer and the pedal and start out with a good combo amp then I'll be set!
            E = Fb


            • #7
              Re: Best combo amp is....?????

              used RIVERA.


              • #8
                Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                Here's my current amp a Marshall AVT50 Combo. The wife says it's too big since I just jam around with friends and don't gig...
                I still want a Marshall stack but this will do now for home practice and jamming! I've owned a Crate and a Fender and I played on a Randall, Line 6, Hughes & Kettner and this thing had a way better tone than all of them.


                • #9
                  Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                  hell yeah, I'll second that big daddy D!! my Rivera combo has been the only mainstay in my rig for the last 11 years. very reasonable prices used, too...i guess not too many people really know what they're getting (a super-duper, kickass amp!!)

                  some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

                  some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

                  and finally....

                  i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                    most people don't have a clue about them. My Duarte is simply the best amp I have ever played. I can get anytone I want out of it.


                    • #11
                      Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                      I've never heard of them. I did a search on ebay and found a few. Thanks for the tips.
                      E = Fb


                      • #12
                        Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                        Go to the rivera website and do some research so you could find one that suits you.



                        • #13
                          Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                          Vetta Combo... Find one cheap
                          I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                          So that none of its lies can affect me


                          • #14
                            Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                            they have vettas that cheap?


                            • #15
                              Re: Best combo amp is....?????

                              My Marshall TSL122 is very good. I can crank it up and put many different effects pedal through it and so far not found any to that has made it sound broke.

                              Plus the glowing valves look pretty.

