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I'm the proud father of Herbert!

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  • I'm the proud father of Herbert!

    It's here!

    Finally after a year and some months saving and belly aching, Trying and saving, and more bellyaching!
    My Diezel Herbert is finally here!
    I didn't actually order this one, I bought it locally so I got a really good deal *if you can call it that*

    But when you think that this amp is a little over 8 months old, and I can't even walk into a local store and buy a Mesa Roadking for what I paid for the head and cabinet I think I didn't do too bad!

    Anyhow, I'm not going to bother telling everyone how much I love this thing in detail, But I do!!, I've been an amp freak for a long time, and I've bought everything under the sun only to be SERIOUSLY dissapointed, so I said F this, and went for what I KNOW is my dream amp.

    Anyhow it's here and I couldn't be happier!

    This thing absolutly CRUSHES!!!!!!!! ALL seriously!


  • #2
    Re: I\'m the proud father of Herbert!

    Tell us about your previous amps and how they let you down!
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #3
      Re: I\'m the proud father of Herbert!

      Okay well here goes
      Keeping in mind that where I live I mostly have to buy gear deaf/blind because it's just not available to me, so soundclips aided most of my desicions.

      not in any order

      Rivera TBR 1SL- This amp had one of the best cleans I've ever had the chance to use, TOO many knobs/combinations, not enough useable gain, but was loud and had decent bass responce. I couldn't justify keeping the amp just for the clean channel, although it was great!

      Marshall JMP-1 + Monobloc 9200 power amp- It was what it was, alot of the same tones, it was good in it's own right, but not for what I needed.

      Marshall JCM800- Pretty neat amp, bought it used and had it modified, sounded great, but was far too noisy. I hate gates and limiters, so I don't use them and This amp just wasn't useable with those things. Before I had it modified it sounded great being pushed with an older japanese DS-1 but once again, wasn't what I was looking for.

      Marshall JCM900 SLX-100- This amp was a buzz saw, but once again was marshall, more of the same.

      Randall RG100- This was a neat amp, but I was in my copy my hero's phase so with the Furman PQ-3 and other crap it sounded heavy, but it really really stank.

      Peavey 5150- This one had the old block letters and Man oh man this totally was like a gang of angry bees on acid. This was good for a few shows I did with my old black metal band. This really didn't do it for me, so I traded it for a....

      Peavey Ultra 120- And it was a bit better, but not for me, strangly enough the TripleX sounds alot like my old Ultra...

      Rocktron Piranha- This red demon I had paired with a bunch of differnet power amps, I liked it best with my 2:90 or my 2:95. The global hush though really pissed me off, so regardless of my knob turning nothing ever caught my ear.

      Egnater TOL100MICA- NON rocktron version, This amp was incredible for the most part, channels 1 through 3 were incredible, channel 4 was meh but after I had the TOS mod and a few other things done to it, it was really good but still lacked something., and The fact that each set of 2 channels shared the same EQ really bugged me. I still regret selling this, Probably will get anotehr one some day.

      Mesa/Boogie Studio Pre
      Mesa/Boogie Quad Pre
      Mesa/Boogie Triaxis (with fat mod)

      All going into a-
      Mesa/Boogie 50/50 or 2:90 or 2:95. These setups were great mostly, the studio and quad pulled off the early Metallica sound like nobodies business. I had a blast with these things. The Triaxis was alright but didn't do the recto bviously like the recto should be done.

      Mesa/Boogie Rackmount Rectifier- Just sold this amp to Xenophobe. This amp was getting me ever closer, It was heavy, it had balls, it had style, it had hatred pouring out of it's rack case, but In the end the recto just got further away from what I was looking for and with every flip of the standby switch it got muddier and muddier. I also stopped being interested in what my hero's played or how they sounded so I felt it was time to move to something else.

      So I've forgotten a few, as there have been many, oh Did I mention this was all within the last 4 and a half years!! This actually may not seem like an awful lot so excuse the Dramatic statement in my first post, but regardless, this was a journey that seemingly has ended with Herbert.



      • #4
        Re: I\'m the proud father of Herbert!


        BTW, its [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #5
          Re: I\'m the proud father of Herbert!

          i read somewhere recently the XXX is based on the Ultra/Rockmaster guts and tweaked a bit.
          1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk

