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G Major with Peavey 5150

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  • G Major with Peavey 5150

    After trying to find anything to help me I figured I would just ask the knowlegable people here. I jsut got my G Major today and after much excitement I have come to the dissapointing findings of not enough input level. On the TC Electronic FAQ it says something about the 5150 and it not putting out enough to get the G Major to work but to try adjusting the output to 2db or 8db and it should be good. After doing that with mine, it changed absolutely nothing. I have the input set to consumer. I have the input knob all the way full. The input level is around the 12-6db range. My set up is as follows: Peavey 5150 head -> THD hot plate -> 5150 slant cab. Effects loop -> BBE 362 -> G Major -> back to amp. On the TC Electronic FAQ thing it says to try putting a high z unit or something infront of the G Major in the loop. I don't really know much about amp electronics. I just hate to think I spent 500 dollars on something that doesn't work. It has to work somehow though, I am just fairly retarded and the manual really doesn't say anything to help me. I have had my step dad, who used to be a computer tech, read thru some of it and try to help me out. He told me that he always thought manufacturers should never write the manuals because they don't explain it in a way anyone can understand. Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

    I think I want to stab myself if I can't get this thing to work somehow. I am so impatient. lol.


    • #3
      Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

      Dude don't despair . Mine was the same way when I just gor it . I was over John's house and we learned that you have to set the "global" levels to get the right output..

      We fucked with it and quickly dialed in a cool delay that I use ..I still use that setting ..I haven't really got to get familiar with mine yet .. Lazy and no time .

      Someone more familiar with the unit could explain this better I"m sure.

      I had it for about six months and I just got interested enough to learn to use and fuck with it more.
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

        I have been corresponding with the TC Electronic techs via email and he has been helpful. I don't think he understands my problem to well and he answers with questions and stuff that are kind of simple like "do you have the bypass button on" and I think I am atleast intelligent enough to notice the bypass button doesn't have the light on. I will try doing the "global" thing that you said. Thanks for the help man. oh yeah, metal rules!


        • #5
          Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

          Update: I have tried scrolling through the global input section and I still get no effects. I want to smash something kind of like. I will try to retain my frustrations.

          Bill: Could you explain what you did with the global input section? I see "off," "learn," and then CC with numbers as you scroll. Thanks again.


          • #6
            Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

            My TC-G has a mono 0 db preamp output going IN. The TCG's Left (mono) output is into my poweramp. The front panel in/out small knobs are set to Input: 12 o'clock, Output: 3 o'clock.

            If you press the LEVELS ALL button, it shows your output level. Most of mine are at -5 and solo patches at -3 to 0. With the LEVELS ALL still pressed, turn the right parameter wheel and you see GLOBAL INLVL & GLOBAL OUTLVL. Mine are set to 0 which is the highest.
            Double-click an effect that's lit up (delay, reverb) and turning the right parameter will reveal the level % of effects that patch is using. Crank mix and output up to 100% and you should hear something added to your amp tone.

            If you're trying to get effects in combination with using the TC-G's channel switching on the 5150, that's a whole new ballgame. If not setup correctly you can get no effects.


            • #7
              Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

              That is truly a fine unit, but is certainly low output on factory settings.

              Yes, set global inputs and outputs higher i believe, it will wake up quite amazingly. I don't have one here, but, I found what I needed to do that just tweaking around in it and hadn't read the instructions yet, so it can't be too hard.


              • #8
                Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

                I couldn't get it to have any effect on my sound in the effects loop. I tried it in the loop of an old bass amp and it worked fine. Then I realized my Boss noise supressor pedal has a send/return loop so I got the G Major going thru that it works great!


                • #9
                  Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

                  So it sounds like the effects loop on the 5150 is at fault?


                  • #10
                    Re: G Major with Peavey 5150


                    I'm interested to know why you're using an attenuator with the 5150.

                    With as much preamp gain as these amps have, I would think the hotplate wouldn't be necessary. I had a 5150 combo, and now a 5150 II - and I always thought they sounded great at home and band volumes.


                    • #11
                      Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

                      I get a lot fuller of a sound with the hotplate. There is more beef that I hear. I think the effects loop is ok because I have the BBE 362 in it. It's weird because I don't hear it making much of a difference sense I set the Hotplate up. After getting the hotplate and I noticed without it my sound was a lot thinner and more fuzzy. I also noticed a big difference in recording with the hotplate. The sound is a lot bigger and more "in your face" type of thing going on. I am pretty happy with it.


                      • #12
                        Re: G Major with Peavey 5150

                        If you need to increase levels going into the G-Major, one quick and easy fix could be just to put a rack EQ or EQ pedal in front of it and boost just the overall level slider on it. Should do the trick. All it's looking for is more signal going in.


