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all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

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  • #16
    Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

    Originally posted by RacerX:
    </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by lerxstcat:
    I've asked before but you didn't answer. Are you anti-Chinese?
    What exactly is your problem or problems with anything made in China? I'm not ragging you; I really want to know more than just "China? Pffft!!".
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I answered you already. Damn, memory goes in old age, huh, Rich?
    [img]graemlins/poke.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
    </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Actually, I remember it was a very terse answer and didn't go into details. This is gonna sound like a cop-out, but I'm really too busy with my MetalJam rehearsal & other things going on right now that I just can't put my manifesto into intelligent words. Maybe Nor can help you out; he's quite eloquent.
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #17
      Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

      my car is made in usa(chevy), my bike is made in the usa(harley davidson), my peavey xxl is made in the usa...i d like to buy all american or canadian but a cant..if i was to buy only made in the us products i would have to erase 15 years of guitar playing from my life cos i cant afford to buy 2000$ tube amps and 2000$ guitars...erase fucking way. thats why a will buy behringer products. i wish a could have all the money i want...but i dont, so im very happy when companies like behringer copy stuff and sell it for half the price.
      hell honda,yamaha and the others companies have clones of my i like i say that they are full of shit for doing proud to have a real harley but i wont say to a guy with a honda that he s riding a peice of shit just becos i was able to buy a harley and he s not. if someone dont like behringer products thats fine...just dont buy it, but dont say that these products are not good juste becos you dont like them. i dont care if a guy as a 2000$ amp or a 200$ one, if it sound good thats fine with me... anyway this is just my opinion...


      • #18
        Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

        Here's a taste of what life is like in communist Chinese factories

        Made in China - The Role of U.S. Companies In Denying Human and Worker Rights

        [ April 03, 2004, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: RacerX ]
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #19
          Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

          your right man this is fucking inhuman to work in those condition. but what can we do to stop that...nothing...canada,mexico and other country use to be cheap labor but there not anymore...china is the new trend. if you follow that way of thinking you should sell your bike,tv,dvd and your computer cos they are all made in country where the human right are not respected...or not as much as here.


          • #20
            Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

            I think the problem is again.... you guessed right.... money!!! I think the companies not only pay less in China, they also very often (not always) lower the control quality. Somehow we were programmed to think that anything with China on it is worse and cheap. It's cheaper - look at their wages!! Big companies want to make more money on the same product, so they make them in Asia. To make even more, the parts may not be so good. Made in USA just means you have pay for all the taxes, higher wages, maybe better parts (not always I guess). If you buy a $100 amp made in America and it breaks, you're going to be pissed. If that happens to an amp 'made in China', you just say yeah, cheap dirt from China. Unless you buy something REAL hand-made, all the factory stuff is almost the same all around the world. Remember Armaggedon? "American parts, Russian parts - all made in Taiwan" [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

              Originally posted by Steve:
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">cheap ? I would put my rig up against yours any time man and it would sound just as good any day dude ! price yes they are cheaper cause they are assembled in china but the quaility is just as good as anything else . are you pro usa products or what guys ? thats so dumb cause they are made in china that your pissed about that . how bout this mackie and the other companies have been over charging the public for products for years , thats how I see it . it brings the market prices down a bit cause there is some serious competion now so they can stop charging crazy prices on products only worth 200 or 300 dollars . and I have never had any of my behringer products break down dude , so try them out before you slam it blindly ! //Steve [/QUOTE]

              Steve sorry to say but you really missed my point. I haven't talked anything bad about Behringer because their gear is made in china. It's because their gear is made cheaply.
              And i think it's not okay for you to say i should make experience about what i talk. I have owned quite some behringer gear and also now i do. I have had some effect units, compressors and i still have a mixing console from Behringer. So i really do know from first hand experience that they have cheap build quality.
              Have you ever used a behringer mixer ? The preamps are quite noisy, the eq is quite useless and unmusical.
              Also there is no headroom on the board because the power supply is not really big. If you turn some more channels over 0db the power supply isn't able to handle all the power taking from the board and you don't have enough power to amplify other channels.
              Also the board twice started to break down. Luckily i know my way around gear as i have builded several pieces myself so i always could repair them myself.

              I can understand that you defend your stuff but honestly i don't think you should assume things about me since you really don't know what i use and with what gear i have experience.

              Lastly what Behringer does isn't about taking the prices down because of competition. It's more about destroying their competitiors. I don't know if you know it but some time ago Mackie nearly went bankrupt and that's also because of Behringer because they just clone everything and sell it cheap.
              If that would be the normal way of doing you can bet that no company on the whole world would ever try to design something new because they would have to be afraid some other companies would clone it, sell it cheaper since they have no design costs and make the biggest profit of a thing they didn't do anything for it.


              Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


              • #22
                Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                Originally posted by Steve:
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">cheap ? I would put my rig up against yours any time man and it would sound just as good any day dude ! price yes they are cheaper cause they are assembled in china but the quaility is just as good as anything else . are you pro usa products or what guys ? thats so dumb cause they are made in china that your pissed about that . how bout this mackie and the other companies have been over charging the public for products for years , thats how I see it . it brings the market prices down a bit cause there is some serious competion now so they can stop charging crazy prices on products only worth 200 or 300 dollars . and I have never had any of my behringer products break down dude , so try them out before you slam it blindly ! //Steve [/QUOTE]

                Steve sorry to say but you really missed my point. I haven't talked anything bad about Behringer because their gear is made in china. It's because their gear is made cheaply.
                And i think it's not okay for you to say i should make experience about what i talk. I have owned quite some behringer gear and also now i do. I have had some effect units, compressors and i still have a mixing console from Behringer. So i really do know from first hand experience that they have cheap build quality.
                Have you ever used a behringer mixer ? The preamps are quite noisy, the eq is quite useless and unmusical.
                Also there is no headroom on the board because the power supply is not really big. If you turn some more channels over 0db the power supply isn't able to handle all the power taking from the board and you don't have enough power to amplify other channels.
                Also the board twice started to break down. Luckily i know my way around gear as i have builded several pieces myself so i always could repair them myself.

                I can understand that you defend your stuff but honestly i don't think you should assume things about me since you really don't know what i use and with what gear i have experience.

                Lastly what Behringer does isn't about taking the prices down because of competition. It's more about destroying their competitiors. I don't know if you know it but some time ago Mackie nearly went bankrupt and that's also because of Behringer because they just clone everything and sell it cheap.
                If that would be the normal way of doing you can bet that no company on the whole world would ever try to design something new because they would have to be afraid some other companies would clone it, sell it cheaper since they have no design costs and make the biggest profit of a thing they didn't do anything for it.

                Flo [/QB][/QUOTE]

                Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                • #23
                  Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                  Sorry for the double post but i wanted to correct the quoting mistake by editing and instead the board added the reply a second time [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


                  Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                  • #24
                    Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                    Originally posted by Infernal Death:

                    I can understand that you defend your stuff but honestly i don't think you should assume things about me since you really don't know what i use
                    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Attn: Ignorant dudes in this thread: Jack W & Steve [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

                    The above goes for me, too.
                    I haven't given you my full manifesto on Chinese products so quit ASS U Ming and spouting bullshit

                    More later
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #25
                      Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                      Not that Chinese people are any less intelligent than Americans or anything like that, but if you were getting paid $6 a week, would you give a shit about your job?
                      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">hmmm but you have to count that 6 bucks a week in china can be waay more than you think.

                      I mean we're in Poland are in a pretty good situation altough many people earn here less than 250 monthly. It all depends on the standard living costs (food , payments etc.) Look at Ukraina , Russia , those people earn way less.

                      And it's possible to care for even a 6$ a week job especially when there's a big unemployment in your area.

                      And about ripping off slightly modified :

                      From what i know SLO is a modified jcm 800 , Mesa DR is a modified SLO . Also the Hi gain preamp sections on things like mesa DR, bogner's , engl's 5150's also ( i think ) hk triamp's aren't really that much different, so someone "ripped off" here for sure [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                      • #26
                        Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                        how about just using the product cause you might find it useful and if not, then fine...Heaps of musos in sydney use behringer; even the australian institute of music uses behringer; my cab is behringer, and i've heard nothing bad so far, none of my gear is made in america and its holding up perfectly, rich is right, and i dont get why this issue's comin up now after the whole:

                        'just cause its a japanese import doesnt make it bad, cause japanese have the potential to make USA quality jacksons but are asked not to', im sure the chinese can do so too, how many of you play Xbox, well they're made in mexico and china. Isnt Bheringer a German company anyway?


                        • #27
                          Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                 a went to a music store that had behringer products in stock. they had the vampire...sound great BUT...yes they feel really cheap. i will buy a 4x12 but i will never buy a head or a combo for fear of breaking it. if one day a want a combo that will stay at home i will buy behringer products but for now a need something that will stand the abuse of practice and being carry from place to place without the fear of breaking a nob or 2 during transport.

                          Ron, i havent assume anything about you...if you think so quote me cos a cant remember ever assuming anything about you [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] ...mabe you misunderstood me cos my english is not perfect. anyway, case close we all have different view of what we like and dont. play with what you want and i ll play with my made in the usa peavey xxl with a made in china behringer cab... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


                          • #28
                            Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                            Almost every amp ever manufactured is based off of old radio designs. Everyone STFU about ripping shit off, EVERY manufacturer does it, END OF STORY.

                            It's bullshit to say that US companies are in any way responsible for the shit that goes on in China. It is the fucking Chinese assholes that run that shit that are to blame. Wal-Mart takes bids for offshore production, they find someone that can give them what they want at a price point they find reasonable. More likely than not, the Chinese contractor is subcontracting to some other Chinese manufacturer, and they're probably subcontracting shit out as well. THESE PEOPLE are the assholes to go after. They're the ones that are doing this shit, not Kathy Fucking Lee. I'm sick and fucking tired of stupid fucking morons trying to pawn this off as something the companies over here are responsible for.


                            • #29
                              Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                              Forgot to mention. Behringer fucking sucks.


                              • #30
                                Re: all these new products look bloody cool and check out the prices !

                                Cool stuff, that 2*10 looks pretty good!

                                Q: Can you disconnect 2 speakers in a 4*12 to make it a 2*12 or will it be un-even and hurtful for the cab?

