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Am I insane??

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  • Am I insane??

    4 gigs ago my 5150 blew up within minutes of starting our 1st set. I had to plug my Boss GT-6 into the PA. I did the same thing the next night and the next and the next. My amp has been fixed, but I don't see the point in going back to it. My sound is great and as long as I have a good monitor I have no issues.

    Why does this not seem right to me???

  • #2
    Re: Am I insane??

    Dude, if it sounds good, it's all good. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Am I insane??

      Insane! No! It sounds pretty smart to me [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Am I insane??

        Sounds perfectly fine to me. If I were gigging out, all I'd need to take is just my Tech 21 SansAmp Tri-AC pedal and go direct. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • #5
          Re: Am I insane??

          Well, you're completely at the mercy of the house soundman, but as long as you bribe him well each nite, go with it!
          Just for giggles, try running the GT-6 into the effects return of the head, bypassing the amps front end and just using the tube power amp.


          • #6
            Re: Am I insane??

            If the GT-6 is like my (older) GT-3, I believe it has different output settings for going direct into the amp, effects loop of the amp, and line out.

            If you're not doing so already, remember to change this setting with the different methods.


            • #7
              Re: Am I insane??

              Yes it has "External ret/send" and "output L(mono)/R". Thanks for the tips. Not luggin an amp has been great.


              • #8
                Re: Am I insane??

                No, no. Sorry, I may not have been too clear above. I'm not referring to using the different output jacks. (Although this should be done, too, obviously.)

                The GT-6, like the GT-3, has different output settings that can be selected for different devices. In the digital display, I believe it's called "output select" or something to that effect. There are different settings for combo amps, amp stacks, headphone output, line out, etc. Play around with these settings to make sure you're optimizing it to the appropriate devices, as well.

                If you've still got the GT-6's manual, it should be towards the front. One of the first things discussed.


                • #9
                  Re: Am I insane??

                  Oh yes - got it - beautiful. Does it really make that much of a difference. I ask cause it doesn't go into any detail other which type of "projector" I'll be using.


                  • #10
                    Re: Am I insane??

                    I've definitely noticed a difference in output, as well as clarity and intensity of the effects and amp modelings. But I've only played around between the various amp and effects loop settings. Can't speak to the line out, as I haven't tried that one.

                    Note, however, the manual's "recommended" setting isn't necessarily the best. For instance, I believe the GT-3 manual recommends using the effects loop for a combo amp. But, IMHO, the GT-3 sounds much better going direct into the front of the amp with the "combo" setting. I would assume, however, that this may vary depending on the amp / speakers / etc. that are being used. i.e., This might be the best setting for my amp, but not yours.

                    Also, as you try these settings, be careful with the "output" knob on the back. I've had a few bad experiences with that going way too far volume-wise, and it's sensitivity seems to vary depending on the settings & device. Start low, and work your way up very gradually to what sounds good to your ears.


                    • #11
                      Re: Am I insane??

                      Thanks Shreddermon - I'll give it a whirl.


                      • #12
                        Re: Am I insane??

                        At George Lynch's guitar clinic the other day he brought in a Boss GS-10. It sounded great. He is using Marshall Heads and Cabinets live but said he has been using the GS-10 quite a bit lately. I think if it sounds good then go for it.


                        • #13
                          Re: Am I insane??

                          Glad to see open minds about this. If great products like this get ubiquitous enough, lugging giant cabs around might be a thing of the past. Recall the BOSE Personal Amplification System? That is getting rave reviews.
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #14
                            Re: Am I insane??

                            Tone is the ultimate goal. But many forget that there are still some audiences that want the looks and glitz of a visual performance too. Nothing quite makes for a better visual statement than a pair of Marshall stacks in stereo and a slew of C/J's on stands flanking them. I was once asked why I use a "big 'ole" 4X12 at the shows. My reply was that I don't use a 4X12 but instead 4 4X12's! [img]graemlins/evilimages/icons/tongue.gif[/img] I feel naked on a large stage without a big ass backline. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                            "Got a crazy feeling I don't understand,
                            Gotta get away from here.
                            Feelin' like I shoulda kept my feet on the ground
                            Waitin' for the sun to appear..."

