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HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

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  • HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

    I was trying to nail the Oz Fox sound, so I put together a small rack setup with a Mesa Quad preamp and a Marshall 20/20 poweramp. Not only was I able to nail Oz's sound, I have pretty much nailed the tone of my Splawn Marshall.

    Thus, I am going to sell/trade the Splawn. So, I want to replace it with a versatile SS head. I think that it will be an HD 147 or a Trademark 300 head.

    I have seen the reviews of the HD147 here, but not for the Trademark 300 head. Has anyone played the TM300 and/or compared both?

  • #2
    Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

    I have played both

    I recently put the HD147 against the TM300
    and as much as I don't like either the hd147 killed the tm300. The TM300 really sounds like there is a blanket over the speaker cabinet, at any setting loud or quiet it just sounded muffled
    and really if your looking for versatility the Tm300 doesn't have much of it!, oh and it's NOISY! WOW was it noisy!, I have a Real Diezel Herbert and it's as high gain as a high gain head can get and it's as quiet as a def mute!

    The uberschall and herbert settings on the HD147 are okay, they really don't sound like the real amps, but it's good enough. And of course it's SS so don't look for any high fidelity!.

    But for my money I would get the HD147, but one thing I hate about it, STOP with the EFFING CHROME! and all the different coloured lights, purple or yellow make up your freaking mind line6! but those are minor annoyances!

    One thing that struck me, the duoverb head sounded more alive and more "real" to me, side by side the same model on the hd147 sounded cheap and fake compared tot eh duoverb, and thatw as the jcm800 model, just me maybe?

    Try them though, that's the best advice I can give!



    • #3
      Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

      I own an HD147 run through a Marshall 1960, and for my use at home, I think it kills. I could have anything I wanted, and for me, this was the one.


      Spin the black circle.

      [email protected]


      • #4
        Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

        Fritz - the HD147 is going to sound an awful lot like the Vetta you had. If you liked the Vetta, you'll like the HD. If you didn't like it, you won't like the HD. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]



        • #5
          Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

          I liked alot of the Vetta's sounds but I didn't like the solid state combo format.

          So, this is what I have decided to do. Buy a PODxt and put it in an Atomic Reactor 112. I haven't seen ANY reviews about the Reactor, so it will be definitely be a new experience.

          Supposedly, the Reactor will not color the sound of the modeler, and it's 18 watts all tube power. So, I am willing to give it a shot.


          • #6
            Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

            [QUOTE]Originally posted by Twisteramps:
            [QB] My poweramps color the sound, but in a good way, imho. [QUOTE]
            Pete, sent you an email about your amps.


            • #7
              Re: HD 147 or Tech 21 Trademark 300 Head?

              If it won't color the sound, then what's the point? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

              My poweramps color the sound, but in a good way, imho. Newc tried his pod with the poweramp I built him and he likes it, but I think it's because it colors the sound, not because it's neutral.


              Originally posted by fritzreiser:
              I liked alot of the Vetta's sounds but I didn't like the solid state combo format.

              So, this is what I have decided to do. Buy a PODxt and put it in an Atomic Reactor 112. I haven't seen ANY reviews about the Reactor, so it will be definitely be a new experience.

              Supposedly, the Reactor will not color the sound of the modeler, and it's 18 watts all tube power. So, I am willing to give it a shot.
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