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APC (ADDER) pickups?

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  • APC (ADDER) pickups?

    I know this is a amp forum but does anyone have any info on where to get these?
    i want to try the malice and a persuader lead models?

  • #2
    Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

    sent PM

    INTER-PHASE PICKUPS give you brilliance and clarity. Some models have high or very high output signal with preserved treble, which so far has been impossible for passive pickups. You can adjust INTER-PHASE PICKUPS very close to the strings without having the magnetic fields affect the vibrations of the strings (no "string pull"). You simply get better sustain. When doing powerful string bending, you never run the risk of ending up outside the receptive area of a magnetic pole, since the magnetic fields are spread out over the entire length of the pickup. INTER-PHASE PICKUPS are quiet and hum free and some models (Humphree) are even very quiet and very hum free. These pickups are offered with a range of different tones, from the traditional single coil sound, to the most sought-after humbucking sound of the 50's.

    IMPORTANT: Some bridges have very wide string spacing. Make sure you have at least 7mm between your 1st string (E1) and the edge of your pickups for a balanced tone reception with APC Single Coil Pickups.

    HUMPHREE - Single Coils


    100 - Virtually insensitive to electric and magnetic interference. When you demand a totally clear, balanced "true single coil tone without the noise". Recommended position: Neck/middle

    200 - Has the quietness and clarity of the 100, but is calibrated to give a little stronger output with emphasis on the mid-range register. Recommended position: Neck/middle

    300 - "Hot, full range HUMPHREE" gives you maximum attack and sustain, while it brings out the harmonic overtones and a high output signal. Recommended position: middle/bridge

    400 - "Mr. Punchy". Extremely high output signal and low hum level makes this pickup the choice of the pro's. Perfect for both clean and distortion. Recommended position: bridge


    All pickups are built with 4 shielded leads for split coil, phase control and series/parallell operation. Specify white or black covers when ordering.


    Persuader SC - Humbucking in single coil format. Powerful, "punchy" and rich with overtones. Recommended position: bridge

    Persuader Lead - Powerful "over the edge" signal. Designed specifically for the lead guitarist. Recommended position: bridge

    Persuader Lead Custom - Full highs, strong middle and full lows. Similar to Persuader Lead, but with stronger lows. Recommended position: bridge

    Felony X - "This is it, we did it!" The sought-after 50's humbucking sound is here. Thick and clear for everything from blues to metal. Recommended position: neck/bridge (i.e. the PAF style)

    Malice - Especially designed for those who want a "phatter" humbucking sound. Classically tight response with strong mids and a loud output signal. Recommended position: neck

    Syrinx - Like Malice, but with a finely balanced magnetic structure, resulting in a "medium output pickup" with prominent highs, thick bass and a "soft hang". (Note: Don't ask me what they mean with "soft hang". Sounds perverted.) Recommended position: neck


    the MELVIN series - this is Mel's answer to the, "i want my electric to sound more like and accoustic", pickup
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #3
      Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

      you the MAN! thanks! [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

        Dreamland Rebel is practically the APC spokesman here. He's badly making me want to try them out. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] That's the power of testimonials on the JCF. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

          Originally posted by Number Of The Priest:
          Dreamland Rebel is practically the APC spokesman here. He's badly making me want to try them out. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] That's the power of testimonials on the JCF. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I have heard nothing but great things about the APC pups from a few others as well.
          I hear they not only sound great but are deadly quiet [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

            i am just so blown away by the sound of these pups. they are far superior to all other makes and brands out there. as soon as i can afford it i'm getting more of them. i currently us EMG 81's for both bridge and neck. and i'm trying to decide if i want double Persuader Leads or PL/bridge and felony X/neck.

            Widow - "We have songs"




            • #7
              Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

              Well, I guess anything is better than the EMG-81s. I love the thick sound of the EMG-85s and EMG-89s. I can understand why you'd be so blown away by the APCs if you usually used the EMG-81s.

              I'd still want to try them though. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: APC (ADDER) pickups?

                i do have one guitar with the 85 in the bridge. and it does sound great.

                but the APC's are just worlds better than any pup i've ever heard. the clarity and punch are over the top, while being smoother and creamier, yet still being a distortion class pup at the same time. every string rings out loud and clear.
                these pups are extremely sensitive to the distance from the strings. you can totally shape your sound, or the sound you want, by messing with the height of the pup. need more bass punch, move the bass side closer to the strings. want more high end brilliance, move the high side closer. want a smoother ballanced sound, lower the pup some. i backed mine (ok my brothers, cause that the guitar i got if for)down some. like in the middle between how i would adjust the hight for a passive vs. an EMG.
                emg = close, passive = farther away, APC right in the middle between the two. (well thats bassed on how i wanted it to sound like.)

                you will be blown away by APC pups. just try one. you'll find that they are far superior to all others out there.

                Widow - "We have songs"



