Ok, ive been building a rack for the past 6 months, and i have one piece left to get, the POWER AMP. I really wanted the ENGL 930/60, but the more time that goes by, the more i am beginning to realize that its not as easy as i thought it was to acquire. so lately i have been looking at the VHT 2/50/2, because they have a good reputation, and are good pices of equipment. I have also been looking at the Peavy classic 50-50, but not as a final amp, just as something to keep me satisfied for now. So, what it really comes down to is the VHT, or the ENGL. and as far as prices are concerned, VHT is cheaper. Im just looking for a good power amp, with good power, and good tone.
I dont want Mesa Boogie's.
I dont want Mesa Boogie's.