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XXX vs Vetta

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  • XXX vs Vetta

    Last night my cousin and I decided to trade amps for one week to see if we wanted to trade permanantly. I've owned my Vetta for about 6 months and I was really pleased with it but now that I've spent a couple hours with the XXX ( head and GenzBenz G-Flex 2x12 cab)I don't think I could go back to the Vetta. Maybe it's just the WOW Factor of playing with a new toy, but I'm seriously loving this amp right now. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

    Anyway the point of this thread is to get some of the settings of XXX users on this board so I can get a good idea of what this amp is capable of. Also to se what types of cabs people are using with it and why. Thanks guys!!

  • #2
    Re: XXX vs Vetta

    I did a short XXX in-store demo once. It was short for a reason. I know the tube guys will tell you what you need to do, but my thought is that you maintain a MUCH higher degree of flexibility with the Vetta, as well as the ability to upgrade as the upgrades become available - never mind all the versatility with effects, etc... The XXX never really blew me away, but tone is SO subjective. In the end, the only person you have to answer to is yourself.


    • #3
      Re: XXX vs Vetta

      I agree with Chris 100%. The Vetta is totally awesome. Tone is subjective but you can't deny how awesome it is to stack a Diesel and an Ubershall with the Vetta and then double track them. The Marshall Jubilee model ain't half bad either. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: XXX vs Vetta

        Line 6: [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: XXX vs Vetta

          Originally posted by Ace:
          Line 6: [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">i dunno dude, I heard some guy playing off some vai stuff with the vetta and he definately rocked


          • #6
            Re: XXX vs Vetta

            I stand behind my opinion.


            • #7
              Re: XXX vs Vetta

              Both of them are great to me, but something tells me that Vetta is a little better than XXX.

              XXX is a tube amp, but it sounds too flat to me. It has no life to me.
              Vetta's are impressive, really. Small but powerful.

              I would go for Vetta.


              • #8
                Re: XXX vs Vetta

                Vetta, bleh... I WISH I could find a modeler that does what I want. But, so far, no luck... It would be lighter and cheaper and probably less likely to be damaged in shipment than my CAE3+se/ VHT 2150 rig. But, I like my tone and I don't like the Vettas tone at all. No depth in it to my ears.

                Michael Romeo uses a vetta live and only uses it cuz it's basically free and he can keep his tube stuff at home and not destroy it on the road.

                By the way, his live rig doesn't sound all that amazing, just ask their bass player. Me and him ganged up on Romeo to blaspheme his use of the vetta...


                • #9
                  Re: XXX vs Vetta

                  I'd just like to invite the folk slamming the vettas to please post their awesome tone clips, and put us in our place. I've owned more amps than most of you, and I really like mine. It's a matter of opinion, but to be so vehemently opposed to a different type of amp than what you own is a little bit myopic at best and pretty fucked at worst.



                  • #10
                    Re: XXX vs Vetta

                    Thanx for all the responses so far guys! The XXX is a cool amp but it does seem to be lacking something so far. I can't figure out what it is. I think its just a matter of both amps being way more than I need at the moment. The XXX is way too much power since I'm not in a band and I never have enough time to just sit and tweak the Vetta in the unending search for "my" tone.

                    One of the reasons I'm thinking about keeping the XXX over the Vetta is because soon I will have a GNX 4 and a GNX 3 on my hands. I've had the 3 since they came out and because The other guitar teacher and I have been responsible for selling so many where we work, our Digitech rep is offering us the 4s at Digitech employee cost. That's less than our store gets them for so I'm not passing it up. I suppose I could just sell whatever amp I end up keeping and get a decent cab as I already have a power amp lying around and just use the GNXs. Then I would have enough cash to get a new guitar too. TOO MANY CHOICES!!!!

                    Back on topic here: How do the XXX users here set them up?? I haven't played to much with the dampening settings yet and I'm wondering what it does exactly?


                    • #11
                      Re: XXX vs Vetta

                      I'm definitely with Pete here. My Vetta sounds good enough that I ditched my Marshall Jubilee (my all-time favorite amp) and every other amp I owned after spending a bit of time with it. Is it perfect? The be-all end-all of tone generation? Nope, but it's easily the single most versatile piece of equipment out there and the models are mostly great and wonderfully responsive - once you set it up to taste.

                      That's the rub with these, there are lots and lots of options and it does take some work to get sounds you'll like out of the box. For example when I got mine I immediately snagged a couple hundred patches off the Line 6 site, loaded up the user bank, then spent some time running through them and the stock patches and ... a whole bunch of them sounded like ass.

                      So I then spent some time tweaking a couple of them and finally started to get better tones. Encouraged I tried a few different guitars and ... it sounded like ass again, at least with some of the guitars. To me the models seem more sensitive to the pups/guitar than are regular amps (I know, I know, that doesn't make any sense but that's my observation). Point being that you've *really* got to spend some time with a Vetta before you can say that there are no good sounds in there. An in-store demo isn't going to do it and honestly a few hours on a weekend probably isn't enough either (particularly if the person you borrowed it from is playing different guitars/pups than you).

                      That said tone is so subjective that if you think you can't get a good sound without tubes, you can't. Objectively you're probably wrong but it'll never sound right to you without that glowing 1950s technology in back. Hmmm ... Maybe Line 6 should put a couple of power tubes in the Vetta - you know, not really attached to anything but just in there and powered up.... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                      Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                      • #12
                        Re: XXX vs Vetta

                        Originally posted by Joe:
                        I never have enough time to just sit and tweak the Vetta in the unending search for "my" tone.
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Joe - Don't be put off by this, it goes *really* fast if you have a MIDI card in your PC & the Line 6 editor.
                        Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                        • #13
                          Re: XXX vs Vetta

                          Pete, if you notice, I said I've never found a modeler that "does what I want". I believe if you are happy with modelers, play them, that just saves some good tube equipment from going sky high in costs so I can afford it. Hehe...

                          If you don't have the appreciation for real tube sounding stuff, then thank the gods and buy a modeler. Your back, your pocketbook and the other tubes guys will love ya for it.

                          Do you realize how expensive a CAE or VHT would be if all you modeler fans wanted them too!??? Hehehe...

                          On a side note, I've probably owned as many or more amps in the last 26 years as you my friend. Most every one of them had their good points and bad points. Just have to weigh the differences. Like the needs you have, the sounds you want and the price you can pay.

                          That said, you ain't gonna truly nail an authentic tube soul with a modeler that samples at the rate the stuff does at this time. It just isn't happening yet. I'd figure you of all people would see that but I guess not though. Maybe their "good enough"... Maybe I'm just anal.

                          I figure, you can have Moms real lasagna or Stouffers fake synthetic lasagna, whatever gets you off. I like Moms myself...


                          • #14
                            Re: XXX vs Vetta

                            John, I like the Line 6 stuff for a lot of the same reasons you mentioned-I'm selling my rack stuff and saving for a Vetta so I can have everything I need in one unit. I think it's a great sounding amp, regardless of whether or not it perfectly emulates the stuff that it's trying to. That's the thing for me, I don't know if other guys are like this too-I use whatever works. I have a POD for using in my small apt. with computer speakers or headphones, and that is perfect for it. It's all the uses really...I'm sure VHT, CAE, Bogner, etc all sound better, but to me the Line 6 stuff sounds great and is more conveniant. It's all about what you're using it for and what you're willing to live with.


                            • #15
                              Re: XXX vs Vetta

                              Originally posted by Ace:
                              Line 6: [img]graemlins/puke.gif[/img]
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I couldn't agree more.
                              If some guy makes line6 sound good, think of what that guy could sound like when he would play through a real amp!!


