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Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

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  • Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

    OK, so I've been playing around for a few weeks now with my new JCM2000 DSL201 trying to dial-in my preferred tones.

    Got the clean tone nailed just right very quickly, now I'm trying to get a good dirty tone.

    I find the built-in dirty channel just sucks terribly. Can't get anything good out of it.

    Using the clean channel and my Tubescreamer, I get pretty decent tone. Using my old Boss Heavy Metal pedal, I get really good tones. This surprised me because I had put the HM2 away in the drawer a long time ago because it didn't drive nearly as well as the Tubescreamer and its tone seemed kind of limited. At least, with my other two amps (Fender and Univox). Now this thing is lighting up my Marshall.

    I wonder why. What exactly is the HM2? I think it is basically a combination distortion, fuzz and compressor. I don't think it really overdrives much. Make any sense?

    For those of you who have JCM2000 amps, what do you use to get good dirty tones?

  • #2
    Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

    I get nice dirty tones form my TSL100 JCM2000, especially for Rythym Guitar with my "Crunch Channel", not Slayer or Death metal distortion but nice Metallica sounding. But I haven't had much luck searching for a nice lead soloing sound with the "lead channel" of my amp. In your especific case, maybe the tubes need to be change or you need to try new EQ configuration or pressing different buttons (that's how I found my configuration [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] )

    It requieres many hours to get good tones from an amp. Especially tubes ones...


    • #3
      Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

      I find the built-in dirty channel just sucks terribly.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yep, I found that I had the same experience. Strange huh?

      Sold that head as quick as I could...


      • #4
        Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

        I'm with Cleveland on this. I had the 50 watt head - hated it. Then got the 401 combo - hated it even more. I couldn't get a decent tone out of that thing to save my life. It killed my interest in ever buying another Marshall (I've had a JCM900 head, DSL200 head, & DSL 401 combo). I love other people playing through Marshall amps, but I sure don't like ME playing through one. If you ever do figure that amp out, let everyone know, because ther's a lot of people just like you out there.

        The only thing that saved me from turning the combo amp into an anchor was by hooking it through a closed back 2x12. Still "strongly disliked" it either way though.


        • #5
          Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

          I own the same amp, and it sucks balls... for distorsion. pretty much the only ok tone you can get is... presence full, treble 5-7, mids 1-2, bass 5-7, scoop thingy engaged, and the distortion at 10 with boost... and its still not that great... im never buying another marshall


          • #6
            Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

            um....i honestly think those dsl marshalls sound that bad. i think it strongly depends on what you're after.

            for example
            presence full, treble 5-7, mids 1-2, bass 5-7, scoop thingy engaged, and the distortion at 10 with boost
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">based on my experience you cant make a marshall sound good with those settings. thats scooped to hell. if you like scooped tones, go for mesa boogie or something similar. a marshall is meant to sound middy, hell, actually the classic marshall sound IS a midrangy sound. ive seen dudes playing jcm800 amps which were set at bass 10 mid 0 treble 10 and gain 10. that doesnt work. all you'll get is a shitty compressed harsh fizzy undefined "tone". but with the mids turned up, they are killer.

            so in general, if you play a marshall, you got to keep the mids up. dont buy a marshall for having a scooped master of puppets sound (beside this, midrangey sounds cut much better live than scooped ones).

            i dont own a dsl marshall (just played them at stores, and liked them, at least tone wise....reliability is another story....cleveland metal will agree [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] ), so i cant give you exact settings. just try to keep your mids at least at 5, and dont overdo it with bass and treble. to much bass kills the tightness marshalls provide, to much treble makes your ears hurt [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] and dont set the gain on 10, turn it down to ~7 and play louder. hell, the 201 is a 20w 1*12 combo amp, you can turn them up quite a bit.
            for classic marshall madness turn gain down until you have a classic rock sound a la acdc, then push it with your tubescreamer (level all the way up, drive low)



            • #7
              Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

              I actually like my 900s somewhat(4100 series). That DSL was a pig though... Flubmonster is what Bill called it.

              The best sound we ever got out it, was in clean mode, and a Korg Hyper DS104 Distortion running into it. That was right before I packed it up and sent it to some kid in Iowa... He was pretty pleased with it I guess.


              • #8
                Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                UG I am with John on this one The DSL just couldn't get a good tone out of it... I liked 900's more no question the TSL sounded better than the DSL also but it still didn't wow me
                I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                So that none of its lies can affect me


                • #9
                  Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                  I've played a DSL50 for the last couple of years. I hated the JCM900 series and never touched Marshall again until this came out. I do keep the presence and treble lower. I find for crunch I like the clean mode, second "crunch" channel with the gain about 8 then goose it with a SD-1 or Rat II and some delay. I also never liked the lead channel until I used the tone shift button. It darkens it up a bit and I can get it sounding very similar to my old '77 JMP (which I love - killer amp). I guess I'll keep using it for awhile, works fine for gigs.


                  • #10
                    Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                    I've had my DSL for about 4-5 years now... hated it most of the time I've had it but I'm not a gearwhore so I didn't really care to upgrade. Well over the past 6 months or so I'm loving the tones I'm getting out of it, I think I've either finally figured this thing out, or its killed my opinion of good tone. I'll record some crap with it sometime with some of the good tones I'm squeezing out of it. I'm pretty happy with it at the moment.

                    Oh yeah, Fragle made a good point, the best tones I get out of it when I turn the gain down and crank the volume. This really became the case when I got EMG 81's, I never thought they could make an amp sound so much better. With JB's and XL500's I had trouble clearing up all the muddiness, the 81's do it perfectly.


                    • #11
                      Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                      I jammed with a guy a few weeks ago that was using a JCM2000. Sad to say my sub-$200 Sunn Beta Lead kicked its ass. Marshalls in general aren't my thing, but this wasn't even good for a Marshall. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                        The DSL50 is definately less than impressive at low volumes but let me tell you, turn the volume up to 4-6, use a good cab like a MESA with G12H30's bottom/ V30's kicks ass. It has the Low end Marshall is known for (Low end growl), the top end is still a bit to be desired. I find a softer attack on the highs and it will tame the high end to be usable, the low end is there. As bright as this amp is, it shows it's colors at volume by not getting muddy etc. , it maintains clarity. I have'nt tried but I'd be willing to bet some proper preamp tubes would get you closer to a more musical high end.


                        • #13
                          Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                          The JCM2000 Marshalls have never impressed all.

                          I loved my old '81 JCM800 but never got around to using it much after biasing up a couple of 5150's and finding my sound, ended up selling it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Great distortion tones from JCM2000s?

                            I had a JCM2000 DSL-50 and sold it, it just wans't what I was looking forward at that point in time.

                            I wouldn't say they are garbage. It is funny how the DSL-50 is Jeff Beck's choice and he makes it sound incredible.
                            Tone is mostly in the fingers, "the" amp helps but it certainly does NOT make it for you.

                            My two cents.

                            Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.

