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Line ax2

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  • Line ax2

    Anyone played one of these? Someone is willing to sell me one of these for cheap. I'm gonna try it out, but I'd like some imput before I try it.

    I play death metal, and if I am to buy this amp, it should be good for that.

  • #2
    Re: Line ax2

    if you are talking about the line 6 ax2 2x12 combo amp than i can give you my opinion since i use to own one.

    the amp itself sounded pretty decent, the factory presets sounded exactly like the artists they were imitating. the metallica preset was dead on early metallica.

    the downside is that the amp sounded thin when cranked to large gig levels.

    my biggest complain is the second of silence when switching from one patch to another patch. this really pissed me off and i sold the amp.

    if you were looking for a practice amp, this would be great.

    i would pass if you were to use it as a main gigging amp.


    • #3
      Re: Line ax2

      I agree with data187. I owned one and his suggestion is dead accurate.


      • #4
        Re: Line ax2

        As a standalone combo, I 3rd the opinion.

        If you really want to play out with it, definatley use a cabinet. The open back and the crap Line6 speakers sound terrible cranked. I have one as my practice amp and my backup live amp. Live I run it through a Marshall 1960A stereo 4X12. Totally different sound. Punchy & thicker.
        As far as the half-second delay when switching patches, you're stuck with that. Same reason why I hated my POD PRO I owned for 6 weeks.


        • #5
          Re: Line ax2

          Switching isn't a big deal for me. I'm pretty simplistic when it comes to switching channels and stuff. I'll use two different channels at most, if that.

          I'll probably just leave the effects and reverb off. Line 6 effects have never impressed me. I'm usually a dry distortion kinda guy.


          • #6
            Re: Line ax2

            These responses are all dead on.
            I have one that I use as a practice amp. Works great for that, but I've tried to use it live, and if you're not mic'ed or running through a cab, volume increases are futile.


