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Amp Combos

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  • Amp Combos

    I need a Good Amp Combo with 2 Speakers. It needs to be loud enough to take on drums, but also not sound like shit. My 30 Watt Marshall sounds awesome at low volumes, but anything past halfway looses its sound.

    The only tone I'm looking for is a heavy metal type tone, with a Clean switch also. The Clean sound does not have to be super clean. The tone for distortion just has to have a good palm muting sound and just sound distorted.

    Would a good Combo Amp be good enough? I really don't want to go for a head and cab, unless there is a good price for both of them.

    The Max I would like to go is 500 bucks and if possible through Musicians friend/ or Samash or any place that can take creditcards.

  • #2
    Re: Amp Combos

    $500 new? Nooope.
    Used...5150 combo, I'd guess.


    • #3
      Re: Amp Combos


      I might as well just get the 5150 head and some lower end cab then...

      I'm confuseled


      • #4
        Re: Amp Combos

        Line 6's Spider II 2x12 combo is about $500 new, and their Flextone III 2x12 combo is around $700 new if you wanna spend the extra money...go to the music store and try different things and see what you like best.


        • #5
          Re: Amp Combos

          Shameless spam but I have a Crate DXJ212 modeling amp for sale for $300 shipped. It's loud enough to drown out drums, um it's your basic modeler.
          I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


          • #6
            Re: Amp Combos

            I've had very good luck with my old Peavey TransTube Special 212. Granted, the "signature" Peavey distortion is not for everyone, but it has: Sheffield 2x12 speakers, TransTube tube emulation, 130 watts, speaker outs (I run a Peavey 212ST cab for a "stack"), two distorted channels and one clean. Mine is a mid-`90s version and it was $550 new. Not sure what they go for now, but I've been very happy with this amp.

            In general, I stick with combo amps. A 2x12 combo is perfect, especially with the option to add a cab. I run three such setups (the above TransTube with cab, a Peavey Classic 50 with 2x12 cab, and a Jackson Apogee 50 with 2x12 cab), although my "live" amp is a Peavey Classic 50 4x10 tube combo...a half-stack in a box that only cost me like $250 on evilBay.


            • #7
              Re: Amp Combos

              Try a 50 watt or 100 watt Marshall 2x12 JMP used . At one time you could get them for $500 or less.


              • #8
                Re: Amp Combos

                I know it only is a 1x12 widebody but I just bought a Mesa/Boogie DC-5, just got it yesterday and is is dual channel 50 watt amp. SO far so good and 50 watts is plenty of power. Check out the reviews at harmony central. You can also add extension cabs later. I got mine for 550 and it is a time warp, looks brand new sounds great altough I have yet to tweak it to my liking but from what I can ell so far, it shouldn't take too long to find my tone.


                • #9
                  Re: Amp Combos

                  Thanks for the help Peeps!


                  • #10
                    Re: Amp Combos

                    Peavey Ultra 2x12, 3 channels, Ultra-Crunch-Clean, active EQ, nice Reverb, 60 watts with 2 6L6s and 4 12AX7s. I have the 1x12 version and it is smokin, but I use to own the 2x12 version, but it was too heavey. These are great amps and what the Triple XXX became. about $400-450 for the 2x12 and about $300 for the 1x12, loud and all channels are sweet, I love mine. ?The only thing I may reccomend are swithing out the Blue Marvel speakers for a celestion GT12-75 for more crunch. The Blue Marvles are very clear and open sounding. Jack.


                    • #11
                      Re: Amp Combos


                      I'm really digin this amp [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

                      oh well...guess thats not the link


                      • #12
                        Re: Amp Combos

                        the local guitar store has that mesa boogie. how much did you pay for it?

                        they wanted 799.00 american dollars for it...


                        • #13
                          Re: Amp Combos

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          the local guitar store has that mesa boogie. how much did you pay for it?

                          they wanted 799.00 american dollars for it...

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          if you are talking about this one

                          $550.00 US Dollars.

