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New amp suggestions

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  • New amp suggestions

    I'm gonna sell my Dual Recto soon (probably here on the Classifieds) and I want some suggestions on a new amp...I'm looking at the following...

    Engl Savage 120
    Engl Fireball
    Engl Powerball
    Mesa Mark IV
    Marshall JCM2000 TSL
    Marshall JCM800 reissue (bleh)
    Peavey 5150
    Peavey 5150II

    Other suggestions welcome.

    Also, if any one knows, do the Engls come with a footswitch?

    [ July 06, 2004, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: MetalGrasshopper ]

  • #2
    Re: New amp suggestions

    i would go try out a vetta II through the same cab as you have.
    Widow - "We have songs"


    • #3
      Re: New amp suggestions

      With Engl's you have to buy a Footswitch. I am waiting for a Powerball to land and I just got rid of a Vetta. Both are excellent choices. Honestly you can't go wrong with the Vetta it is a "safe" choice and a great choice... I wanted to simplify my options though and went for a Powerball... I will get another Vetta though in teh future
      I keep the bible in a pool of blood
      So that none of its lies can affect me


      • #4
        Re: New amp suggestions

        Oh and I love the Mark IV I have had three of them.... Not as High gain though as you might like but great tone
        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
        So that none of its lies can affect me


        • #5
          Re: New amp suggestions

          Personally I'd go with an Engl. I bought one based solely on the soundclips on and was NOT disappointed. All of Your choices are good though. The Savage has an awesome midrange crunch. Go to and download the Chris Beyroydt soundclip to get an example. As far as I know, Powerball and Fireball amps are more saturated, more Mesa rectifier sounding. Mark IVs are nice too. And Marshall is, well, Marshall. In the end its all about personal preference. You can sound good through any of those amps.


          • #6
            Re: New amp suggestions

            If you go for a Vetta you will get all of the amps you mentioned. We had band rehearsal again on Saturday and my bandmate has a Vetta 2. I can only say to words.. holy shit. He sold a brand new Triple Rectifier 3 channel for it and he also has a Dual Rectifier that sits in mothballs since the Vetta arrived. I have a Dual Rectifier Tremoverb head that will probably stay in its road case forever. I use a Carvin X100B and a Boss GT-6. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CHECK OUT THE VETTA 2!!! If you will only use tube amps you should go for a Powerball. It is an extremely versatile amp.


            • #7
              Re: New amp suggestions

              VHT Pittbull Ultra Lead


              • #8
                Re: New amp suggestions

                Im kind of in the same boat as you Metalgrasshopper. Im trying to sell my single rectifier and get something new and better. Also I
                listened to like all the soundclips on that rocksolidamps website, and man those Engl's sound killer. From the clips the Savage 120 sounded the best that and the Cobra one. Also the powerball sounded pretty good too. I wish there was some clips like on that site for the VHT pitbull. Thats the other amp I was checking out. Some people are so lucky when they live in a STATE that
                has those amps to try out in them.


                • #9
                  Re: New amp suggestions

                  I personally love the Cobra clips I have heard there are some on this site. The Cobra is supposed to have a stellar clean and great gain channels. Actually it was a last minute decision between the powerball and the cobra for me
                  I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                  So that none of its lies can affect me


                  • #10
                    Re: New amp suggestions

                    That Cobra sounded like a monster. It seemed like it could do anything from Van Halen to death metal. I listened to like all the clips of it. How much does the Cobra run? I thought the Savage sounded pretty killer too. I wished I had heard of these amps before I spent all this money on the Mesa Boogie, I would have just saved a little longer and gotten something that I liked more. I just want something that can do Van Halen or can do the heaviest of the heavy. I might check out VHT too. Anyone got any good clips of the VHT


                    • #11
                      Re: New amp suggestions

                      I recently had a chance to a/b the ENGL powerball/fireball/savage 120/blackmore and savage SE.
                      I don't know if the savage SE is available in the states, but if so, go for that one. Awesome sound and awesome options!!!!
                      Else I'd go for the savage 120 or the blackmore model, those rock.
                      I have a Bogner XTC, and the Savage SE nearly got me to sell the Bogner for the SE, that should say something about the tone in these babies!!!!!
                      A friend of mine at the Engl office told me to check out the new SE, but in fear of selling the bogner, I stay far away from it [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


                      But serious, to me Marshalls, Mesa Boogie, Line6 etc are not a match for the ENGL amps!!!




                      • #12
                        Re: New amp suggestions

                        Derek has the SE available here in the states and clips on his site. Alot more than the regular savage...
                        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                        So that none of its lies can affect me


                        • #13
                          Re: New amp suggestions

                          yeah the SE is like a grand more or something like that. I thought the Savage sounded great but wonder if it could be found for a better deal than what was on that site. Because if you could pick one up for a grand and a half that would be a nice amp. ID take that Cobra if it wasnt like $2000. Ive never really heard Engls until now, and boy am I glad I did. Also it depends what Metalgrasshopper wants to spend. I dont think its fair to put the 5150 that you can pick up new against a $1800 Engl. Is there a place that has great deals on Engls? I think the savage sounds like the best so far unless you got the money for the SE. The powerball sounds good too, but Id take the Cobra.


                          • #14
                            Re: New amp suggestions

                            On Harmony Central Mr Forehead ahs been trying to sell a Savage with roadcase and floor board for 1550 for a little while. As far as New Derek is going tog et you the best pricing unless you know an Engl Framus dealer who will sell you close to cost....
                            I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                            So that none of its lies can affect me


                            • #15
                              Re: New amp suggestions

                              Well, if you want another suggestion to check out, try a Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 100. That's a 3-channel amp with all sorts of tonal options. I haven't had the chance to try one, but if you are considering those other amps, you might as well see if you can dig up a Rivera to try out. Better to try it out now than to potentially experience buyer's remorse later.
                              Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.

