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distortion pedal with a tube amp

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  • distortion pedal with a tube amp

    when you use a dist pedal with a tube amp do you crank the gain on the amp and slightly on the pedal or vise versa ive never used a pedal with a tube amp only with solid state amps

  • #2
    Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

    Every pedal reacts differently....personally, I like the pedal to just slightly goose the imput and let the tubes natural compression/overtones do the work....but that is me...and only your ears will tell you what is "right" for you.

    Experiment...there are no steadfast "rules" to a persons sound or equipment...what I may like may drive you nuts, and vice versa....


    • #3
      Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

      slightly on the amp and alot on the pedal. Try to keep a somewhat clean channel on the amp and use the pedal to overdrive the amp. Just my opinion.


      • #4
        Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

        heres the deal im trying to get just alittle more gain out of my marshall avt 50 (yes i know its not the best amp but it was cheap and im just messing around in my basement) i dont know if i should get hotter pickups or use a pedal i played around with a sansamp gt2 but it alters the tone too much i have a sd3 with lace pickups so what do you think


        • #5
          Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

          An AVT50 is a tube amp?? I thought those were hybrids like a Valvestate with just one preamp tube and a Solid State power amp section.
          Anyway, for any amp, I'd just crank the gain, use an overdrive pedal to boost the signal more... like an Ibanez Tube Screamer, DOD Juice Box, Boss OD1, etc.
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

            sorry its a hybrid my bad


            • #7
              Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

              i started another thread to avoid confusion over the tube amp mistake


              • #8
                Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

                I use distortion pedals through my tube amps' clean channels, so I can go from totally clean to totally distorted. I set my amp EQs all to 12 o'clock, and use pedal distortion and EQ to do any further tweaking.


                • #9
                  Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

                  Listen to Les Paul Custom....


                  • #10
                    Re: distortion pedal with a tube amp

                    Get a pickup booster. It may work. Or a treble booster

