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What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

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  • What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

    So I bought a Mesa Boogie 1x12 guitar cab from a forum member, and when I plugged it in, it sounded like total crap. There was almost no low end, and everything was very high end grainy sounding.

    What is wrong here? Did the speaker just get toasted in the shipping process? I don't think insurance will follow through with a claim, packing was pretty slim. Can someone give me some insight as to what may be wrong?

    I can record some audio clips if that would be helpful.

  • #2
    Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

    What amp are you using with?
    When you get used to use 4x12 or 2x12, 1x12 sometimes makes you to think the sound is thin and no low end.
    This is one of the reasons I think why most of combos would sound with less bottom or too much treble or much wide open sound.


    • #3
      Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

      Just my rack setup. This is a massive 1x12 so I see no reason why it would be so terrible and sizzly sounding. It is 3/4's the size of my 4x12


      • #4
        Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

        make sure you are using the right proper ohms...I believe it is an 8 ohm speaker.

        I just added a Mesa 1x12 widebody 3/4 back extension cab to my Mesa/Boogie DC-5 combo and it opened up the sound nicely, bigger and fuller sounding. It sounds nice in stereo with my JCM 800 2203 and 1960 4x12.


        • #5
          Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

          If you have a multimeter see if the speaker is reading the correct impedance. It shouldn't be exactly what the speaker is listed at but it should be close. Also, make sure the + and - are not reversed.


          • #6
            Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

            Yep, I am running it at 8 ohms. I don't have a multimeter, but it may be time to look into one.


            • #7
              Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

              You can pickup a nice multimeter...craftsman is good...or many others for a decent price...check Ebay as well, you can find them for good deals there new. Definitely double check the ohmage set on the power amp your using (if it's adjustable) and match this the only speaker being run by the rack? Is it an enclosed cab or 3/4 back? Also you may wanna open it up just to make sure the wiring is all ran correcly and there aren't any loose connections. That's pretty much all I can think off. If all seems good I'd find an identical cab at maybe GC or some music store and to a comparison just to make sure...

              - Joel
              RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
              RIP Dime


              • #8
                Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                If it got slammed hard during shipping the magnet inside the voice coil can shift, try taking the speaker out and pushing on it and see if it moves in and out freely, because if it is bound up it will sound just as you described.
                METAL, LIVE IT!


                • #9
                  Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                  I guess I will try that magnet thing today. I'm pretty sure it got slammed hard. It was basically sitting in a box with nothing arround it. So there was absolutly no damage protection at all.

                  It is a 3/4 back cab, and I've checked wires. But I will take the speaker out today. I hope it is that voicing thing.


                  • #10
                    Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                    When you get the speaker out, try moving the speaker cone up and down gently with your fingers. No scratchy sound should be heard. If it's scratchy, the coil is hitting the sides of the magnet inside and the speaker is probably toast.
                    AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                    • #11
                      Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                      Bummer ........ sounds like a bad packing job, was it insured?

                      It really does suck if it got hammered because they are nice sounding cabs.

                      Here's the one I got, pretty damn big for a 1x12



                      • #12
                        Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Bummer ........ sounds like a bad packing job, was it insured?

                        It really does suck if it got hammered because they are nice sounding cabs.

                        Here's the one I got, pretty damn big for a 1x12

                        [/ QUOTE ]
                        Yeah I have the same one. It was insured, but I have a hard time believing they will follow up on it because of the poor packing. I'm still waiting to recieve info from the JCFer who sold it to me.


                        • #13
                          Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                          okay, so yeah, looks like the speaker is dust. Is there anything I can do? Should I bother replacing the speaker or will it sound crappy? Am I just stuck with this 250 dollar box?

                          Could someone suggest a replacement speaker ?


                          • #14
                            Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                            Replace it with the same speaker that is in there. If not, a Celestion Vintage 30 is a nice speaker.


                            • #15
                              Re: What is wrong with my Mesa 1x12 Cab?

                              No help from the seller? Poor packing shouldn't be your problem. Damn, bad luck. The Celestion Vintage 30 is a nice speaker i agree.
                              AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan

