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Mesa Boogie

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  • Mesa Boogie

    I just want to profess my love.
    My Nomad 45 and Dual Rectifier Tremoverb both kick major ass. I already miss my Studio 22 though. I have had several of them. What a great amp. Has anybody here ever tried the DC-2 or the DC-5? I never played a Dual Caliber Mesa.

  • #2
    Re: Mesa Boogie

    John go try a LoneStar....for clean and medium-gain stuff, I think it's better than most stuff Mesa has done before. They're awesome!


    • #3
      Re: Mesa Boogie

      Yep...remember when I was looking a low wattage amps and you suggested the .22? Well I ended up getting a DC-5 for about the same price as a .22, DC-2 or DC-3. I figured I would just use some THD power reducing tube converters if I couldn't get good tone at lower volume levels. Well, I got the THD but I ended up using them in my 2203 to tame that beast.

      The DC-5 is a very nice amp for me. It is a pretty versatile 50watt 2 channel amp. It has ton of gain, I think the clean channel is based of the clean on a Mark IV and lead channel is based of the dual recto, so I'm told anyway. I like having independent controls for both channels and the 5 band EQ lets you have some fun tweaking you tone. The amp has some serious balls. It the controls are real responsive and isn't for someone who doesn't want to tweak and experiment, a turn here or turn there can really go from sounding good to sounding like ass. This was my first Mesa/Boogie amp and it has the distinctive Mesa midrang'ish tone. I've only had it a couple weeks but I'm liking it, it does clean pretty good but the clean ch can also have some balls, it has a pull switch on the gain and with the mid up past 6 adds additional gain to it, almost like a JCM metal type tone. I ended up getting a 1x12 3/4 back widebody extension cab and it really made a difference, sounds a lot bigger now.


      • #4
        Re: Mesa Boogie

        I agree about how sensitive they are. My Nomad can go from ass to glass with just a minor knob tweaking. The gain level too is dependent heavily on the way the eq is set.
        The Nomad 45 has so much gain that I have the gain on the 2nd channel on 5 and the 3rd channel on 6 The clean channel has a pushed switch that works great for heavy SRV with a strat or ACDC with humbuckers. The solo boost for every channel and the independent Reverb for each channel is a nice feature too. It is certainly the loudest 45 watts I have ever heard. I can play a large gig with it powering a 4 x 12 cabinet with the master volume on 4 and the channel volume on 3.


        • #5
          Re: Mesa Boogie

          i have to agree with jg that the nomad is a great little amp [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Mesa Boogie

            all the mesa's I ever played had the same "problem" with the sensitive controls. with one small change your sound can change from great to crap



            • #7
              Re: Mesa Boogie

              i've had great experiences with the DC-10. great amp!

              i got a totally awesome metal sound with the gain maxed, tone controls on 5, presence off, and graphic off and channel master at 5, output between 2-3. basically i've been running it flat, and it screams so hard and sweet!
              Widow - "We have songs"




              • #8
                Re: Mesa Boogie

                Well I had a Mark III and I thought it sounded pretty damn good at the time ....better than my Recto...IMO

                but not as cool as my old Marshalls ....I'm a Marshall dude first and foremost!

                Old Marshalls and My 1996 9200 monobloc w 5881s / JMP-1 / JFX-1 ....still loves this rig

                Boogies are very good!
                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                • #9
                  Re: Mesa Boogie

                  I have a Mark III and I can't seem to get a tone out of it that I really like. The tones are good for more rock stuff but I can't get that high gain tone I'm looking for.


                  • #10
                    Re: Mesa Boogie

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I have a Mark III and I can't seem to get a tone out of it that I really like. The tones are good for more rock stuff but I can't get that high gain tone I'm looking for.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Keep fiddling with it. Try adding a preamp pedal in front of it. I use a Twisteramps creation but I also have a DOD 250 and a YJM308 that both give my Nomad 45 that high gain (Soldano, Modded Marshall) type tone. I am so hooked on the Mesa tone that I prefer it now above all others. You really can't beat a good modded Marshall either. I just like the darker than usual punch and smoothness that all Boogie's seem to have. I also can't live without active controls anymore either. They are very touchy (2 to 2.5 on any of the controls makes a huge difference) and you probably need to write your settings down. The cool thing about Mesa controls are that they all have their own sweetspots. Once you know where they are you can dial in many different killer tones.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mesa Boogie

                      Shawn, the DC5 is not in any way based on the Recto. I called Mesa and asked them and they told me that if it was in any way related to the Recto, the would have named it as such. I had a DC5 head for a while. Nice amp, but didn't have a modern enough sound for me. Great clean channel though. The problem I've had with Mesa's is that I can't get a nice sustained lead tone out of them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Mesa Boogie

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Shawn, the DC5 is not in any way based on the Recto. I called Mesa and asked them and they told me that if it was in any way related to the Recto, the would have named it as such. I had a DC5 head for a while. Nice amp, but didn't have a modern enough sound for me. Great clean channel though. The problem I've had with Mesa's is that I can't get a nice sustained lead tone out of them.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        The above statement proves how subjective amp tone is. I feel my Mesa's strongest points is their lead tone. I prefer a Marshall tone for heavy high gain rhythm but for lead it is Boogie all the way.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mesa Boogie

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Shawn, the DC5 is not in any way based on the Recto. I called Mesa and asked them and they told me that if it was in any way related to the Recto, the would have named it as such. I had a DC5 head for a while. Nice amp, but didn't have a modern enough sound for me. Great clean channel though. The problem I've had with Mesa's is that I can't get a nice sustained lead tone out of them.

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Thanks for clearing that up Venom. I really have no way of knowing and why I said "based on" and "so I'm told" [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I don't believe anything I'm told 100%, too many Mr know it alls [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] unless I hear it straight from the horses mouth (as you did by calling Mesa on it) [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          I like like the lead tone of the DC-5 so far but then again I'm not into the modern molten death metal gain tones [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Sustain, I can achieve it with this amp.

                          jc - right on, tone is so subjective. I do like the lead tone of both this and my Marshall 2203. I like them together in stereo, nice interesting mix [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] You also have a great advise on writing down you settings as a good sound is so easliy lost with a minor tweak here and there [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] This DC-5 is so sensitive, not a bad thing really, just have to get used to it and find out what it can and can't do for me.


                          • #14
                            Re: Mesa Boogie

                            I have an '86 red-stripe Boogie MKIII and I love it. It does pretty much anything from clean to flamethrower. And yes, the controls are very sensitive, but once you've dialed it in you barely have to touch it. My only usual adjustments on my cover gigs are volume tweaks---I've rarely had to re-EQ my rig from room to room, it's totally consistent. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]


                            • #15
                              Re: Mesa Boogie

                              That looks like a Guitar Center SKU/POP sleeve on that cabinet!

