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using the g major

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  • using the g major

    im looking to get something to really add to my setup, and seeing as how i dont have any effects, i think i want to look into a tc electronics g major. i have a mesa dual recto head running into a 4x12. I read something about channel relay or something on the g major that if i had it hooked up with a midi switch, that i could program my amp to switch with each midi preset, is that correct? How would i go about hooking that up to my dual recto. i assume that id just need to get a midi switchboard, and i wouldnt need a mesa footswitch? i dont have a mesa switch as it is, so i dont want to buy a mesa switch, and then a midi switch if i only need one. Also, on the rectos, they have individual inputs on the back to switch for each channel, and one 8 pin (i think) input for a footswitch. How would i hook up the g major to this? Could someone please tell me everything id need, who also perhaps has the same setup? Sorry if i made that sound retarded. Thanks guys.

  • #2
    Re: using the g major

    OK, so you've got a three-channel Recto, which is usually my first question - but the old ones don't have the 8 pin connector.

    Here's how you hook it up:

    Get a stereo "Y" cable, plug the stereo plug into the G-Major, and one of each of the mono plugs into the 1/4" jacks for the "green" and "red" channels. (You'll note that your amp always defaults to the "orange" channel when turned on. This is important.)

    If you want the "red" channel, set corresponding relay to "on" on the G-Major for that patch. If you want the "green" channel, set the corresponding relay to "on" for that patch. If you want the "orange" channel, set both relays to "off" for that patch. AFAIK, this works.

    Obviously, since you only have two relays, you can't use the solo boost, or turn the loop on and off, but you can channel swtich through midi. If you need the boost and/or loop, I recommend you talk to Mario at Axess Electronics about a CFX4 with the 8 pin cable, which allows you to switch everything. I use one with just the regular 1/4" jacks, and it works great.

    I highly recommend the G-Major. I love mine.

    Division - American Metal that doesn't suck. Much. Even on Facebook.


    • #3
      Re: using the g major

      I use a G Magor in my Uber sounds great

      but don't ask me how to program it ..I use a couple of tweaked patches and that's it...

      I NEED to get crazy with the book .....but I hate instruction manuals..!!!
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        Re: using the g major

        I control my engl 530 pre-amp (4 channels) with the G-major through a stereocable.
        I have seen on my DR tremoverb that you can hook up an external control to it. I guess this is for the same purpose. Tomorrow I'll try it out


        • #5
          Re: using the g major

          I have a gMajor and created a cable to switch channels on my Marshall. The problem is this:

          The SW1 and SW2 (tip and ring) are always on. Here an example of the problem--

          1. create patch1 to switch amp to crunch (SW1:open/SW2:closed)
          2. create patch2 to switch amp to clean (SW1:open/SW2:open)
          3. create patch3 is reverb (SW1:open SW2:open - by default)

          press patch 1, your amp changes to crunch. Great. Now lets add some reverb to that crunch channel.
          press patch 3, your gmajor goes to reverb and at the same time changes your amp to clean channel. Why? Because SW1 and SW2 are always on. So you can't think of it as switching a channel and adding effects.

          The only way to correct this is to:

          patch1 reverb/clean
          patch2 reverb/crunch

          not too bad, but for me, I have about 9 different effects and 3 a channel AMP. I would have to create 27 different patches to do what I wanted opposed to 12 patches (9 effects + 3 channel switching).

          I gave up and decided to stick with my Marshall amp footswitch and use the Gmajor only for effects. A lot less to remember expecially when your on stage and to switch between channels.



          • #6
            Re: using the g major

            but don't ask me how to program it ..I use a couple of tweaked patches and that's it...

            I NEED to get crazy with the book .....but I hate instruction manuals..!!!

            What he said^

