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Whaddya think????

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  • Whaddya think????

    A mint Shiva 6L6 head w/ reverb and matching closed shiva 1x12 cab for my '57 RI GoldTop. [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Whaddya think????

    Keep the 57'.


    • #3
      Re: Whaddya think????

      how much can the RI's fetch on eBay? The Shiva is a killer amp...dunno about just using a 1x12 tho


      • #4
        Re: Whaddya think????

        I've seen RI's go for $1600.00- $2000.00 on ebay.

        Shiva heads $1400.00-$1700.00

        The ONE Shiva cab I saw as a completed auction I think went for approx. $400.00 +/-

        As far as value is concerned I think it's a pretty even trade. While I love the RI...I'm a Jackson guy with two more USA's on order. I have a real long schlong for the Bogner stuff at the moment. I currently have a slant 4x12 and I have a straight 4x12 on order so the cabs aren't much of an issue...if I don't like the 1x12...I can sell it....but my GoldTop will be gone also.... [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/baby.gif[/img]

        If I don't like it I think I can always sell it and find another Gibson...and here's the thing....I would never consider letting go of my SLATQH...I think that says something right brother will kill me for dumping the RI. Good problem/dilema to have in my opinion, I just want to hear some opinions and maybe get some feedback....while I'm a friggin' genius , [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] , I may hear something I haven't considered from you guys.


        • #5
          Re: Whaddya think????

          Sounds like a fair trade to me.


          • #6
            Re: Whaddya think????

            [ QUOTE ]
            If I don't like it I think I can always sell it and find another Gibson...

            [/ QUOTE ]
            Exactly. I think it's a pretty fair trade.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              Re: Whaddya think????

              even if its not fair, its SAFE since there won't be a problem finding resale i assume.
              good luck dude.


              • #8
                Re: Whaddya think????

                You're right FLuX....I don't think it would be terribly difficult to move....I think I'm gonna' do it. I LOVE the blue channel on my XTC which is loaded w/ EL34's so I think the 6L6 Shiva will complement it nicely. I need to call Bogner w/ the serial number to check on issues etc. before it actually takes place though.


                • #9
                  Re: Whaddya think????

                  So I call Bogner with the S/ shipped 3/15/00. No big deal except for the fact the guy told me it was definately an '01 and he bought it from a local friend who bought it new and never gigged it or anything etc. Turns out it shipped from Bogner to Texas...this guy is in Michigan. Now if it is in mint condition who cares right....well this guy mislead me as to the origin and wherabouts of the amp which raises an immediate flag to me...I gotta give up a kick ass guitar that I bought new, I know where it has been and all the registrations via s/n jive with Gibson pertaining to my claims...I I a jerk?


                  • #10
                    Re: Whaddya think????

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Turns out it shipped from Bogner to Texas...this guy is in Michigan.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Maybe it originally went to a store in Texas and the guy in Michigan couldn't find one in his area, so he called around, located the one in Texas and had it shipped to him?
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      Re: Whaddya think????

                      I'm not too sure what you are afraid of here. Who cares where it has been? If it's in 100% condition, you're good to go.


                      • #12
                        Re: Whaddya think????

                        It's not that I'm really afraid of anything and it's not like I need this guys friggin' SS # and his mothers maiden name etc. It's just that I want to know I'm working with a straight deal. I don't care if it has been around the friggin' world ten times...I just want to know that so I have all the info. to make an intelligent decision that makes me feel good. I talked to the guy again and when asked about his friend acquiring the went from he bought it new to....uhhh I'm not sure etc. I've made alot of deals over the internet and have yet to be screwed even when I've really laid my neck on the block so....I have never treated anybody with any judgemental scrutiny or a suspicious attitude with a predisposition of mistrust. I take peoples word for face value but when the facts don't jive with what I was told, I get a bit uncomfortable. If you bought an amp off of ebay and the guy said he bought it new and upon reconciliation with the manufacturer it was discovered he was not the original purchaser...would you bid top dollar, pass on the deal, or do further research? We aint talkin' about fifty bucks here. In addition it seemed to bother him tremendously that the original switchtip was not on the guitar....yes..the know the $2.00 piece that screws on the's not original.....that bugs him. If I could tell him that the guitar was from 1957 and the cover had never been removed, therefore the original 1957 air was still trapped in the control cavity.....he would probably cum in his pants. I never even brought up the whole origin of the amp thing with him....the deal just doesn't feel right and he has some things that bother him and although I have not brought it up with him I have a few concerns as well.


                        • #13
                          Re: Whaddya think????

                          Ahh...gotcha. I think in this case I would simply follow your gut instinct.
                          It sounds like your inner voice is telling you not to do the trade. Wether the guy seems fishy or you simply are concerned that you will regret losing your Les Paul for the Shiva, the details are irrelevent. I have learned that the inner voice is never wrong.
                          I think, after carefully re-reading your posts, and espically after this last post, that you should keep your Paul. Guitars are personal. Amps are appliances.


                          • #14
                            Re: Whaddya think????

                            I have a 57' RI goldie that I wouldn't trade for anything! I would save up the cash to buy the Shiva instead.


                            • #15
                              Re: Whaddya think????

                              Hey guys thanks for the feedback, I'm not trying to defend my potential a-holeness..I'm simply trying to lay the facts as I see them and if you think I'm acting like a jerk then I need to re-examine my attitude....after all I asked your opinion.

