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    Whats the deal with these splawn modded amps?All I have been hearing is how great these heads are and what great mods they do.When you check ebay there are so many of them up for sale.One guy is selling his and has only had it for a week??I have really been into the modded Marshall deal lately and am thinking of picking up my third one.I was thinking of getting a Splawn but am a little skeptical since I see all these people buying them and turning right around and getting rid of them.Has anyone ever played one or know anything about them?Thanks for any help.Paul

  • #2

    People end up selling these because I believe most of them never tried one before their purchases.


    • #3

      I just got one and I am digging it.[img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] Mine is a one-off 1987x 50W'er with 3 button footswitch. It has 4 footswitchable tones plus solo boost. The normal mod gives a 2 button switch with rhythm/lead and solo boost. I havent seen that many on ebay myself, but I dont check every day either. Mine is bright and crunchy, lots of bottom from the KT88's. Check one out if you can. I am still in the honeymoon phase only having it for not even 2 weeks now, but so far it's way cool. Only complaint I have is that it's quite noisy.

      john [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: SPLAWN AMPS

        I just got the pro mod head...and I am totally satisfied with it . A very articulate amp.


        • #5
          Re: SPLAWN AMPS

          I don't know why people are unloading. Maybe what dinkyjacksonman said, they have NOT tried or listened to the amp before they bought it. I have the 1987X modded with the stock EL34's and the two button switch. It sounds awesome and makes the amp versatile now. I don't need an attenuator any more to throttle the ear splitting volume. Check the Splawn website. The sound bites are accurate. [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img]
          Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


          • #6
            Re: SPLAWN AMPS

            Maybe they do it because they think the amp is going to magically make them a guitar god just because it can cop those magical old school tones. People seem to forget an amp is only going to sound as good as what's being put into it.


            • #7
              Re: SPLAWN AMPS

              I was really thinking of getting one but I cant see buying it without trying it first.I might just go with another Cameron modded jcm800 or plexi.Then again I hear John Shur does some incredible mods also.Does anyone know how his Marshall mods are?


              • #8
                Re: SPLAWN AMPS

                Hey mhgoldtop,How does the promod sound?How heavy does it get?Can you get a modern tone or is it that brown sound type of head?I am looking for somthing that is real heavy sounding.Paul


                • #9
                  Re: SPLAWN AMPS

                  How do you try an amp like a Splawn? Drive to South Carolina?

                  I wasn't the least bit impressed with the one I played. Thin and buzzy. I would go with a Cameron, personally.


                  • #10
                    Re: SPLAWN AMPS

                    dallas, NC

                    you know its not gonna sound right till you crank it up!

                    i'd like to hear one through a recto "traditional" cab.
                    Widow - "We have songs"




                    • #11
                      Re: SPLAWN AMPS

                      Hey Chuck.Yea I might be going out that way in December.So if I can get the wife to go along with it ill stop by and check one out.I already have a Cameron.Its the best thing out there.I cant believe there arent more people into them.Nothing like a modded jcm800.


                      • #12
                        Re: SPLAWN AMPS

                        I did crank up the one I played. It was at the small time "Ampfest" out here a couple weeks ago. It was a new 100 watt Marshall with the MM tranny and KT88's. I wasn't much digging it after playing it for 20 minutes or so, so we wheeled it into another room so we could turn it up. It got better, but not nearly enough to impress me.

                        Others swear by them, so...maybe we all hear different things...or maybe the one I played was a hound for some reason. I dunno.

