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NAD: Yamaha THR10X (with video clip featuring my 2006 Jackson SLSMG)

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  • #61
    Holy thread resurrection...

    I ended up buying a THR10 off of Goodwill, and am starting to play around with it. Admittedly I'm still hooked on my Toneport UX1, and I haven't sat down and really explored the tonal options it has yet. Are the tones saved between a THR10 and a THR10X interchangeable? I'd assume not since they're technically two different amps. Hopefully I'll force myself one of these days when I have time to sit down and really dig into it. I love how portable it is, and I use it most when I visit my father in law and play at his house. He plays mostly 60's and 70's stuff which is totally different to what I like and jam too so it's mainly clean tones there. Thanks again for this thread NOTP! It was nice to go back and reread it!!!


    • #62
      Welcome to the club Razor! Glad the portability of the amp is giving you plenty of quality time with your father in law!

      You are correct, nothing is interchangeable between the first generation THR amps. That's OK for me because of the similar 80s metal tone patches I dialed separately on the THR10 and THR10X. These days I play both equally. And I still haven't touched the THR10C that I got in 2021, it is just sitting unused next to the THR10 and THR10X.

      I haven't done any videos in so long. I keep meaning to, because my playing skill (particularly my soloing) has really improved thanks to all the hours that I've been playing ever since I started using the ridiculously light gauge Dunlop Billy gauge string sets and playing through the easy THR amps at low volumes for hours.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Number Of The Priest View Post
        I haven't done any videos in so long. I keep meaning to
        Apparently, writing stuff down makes you accountable. So here are four videos I shot this morning using the THR10.


        • #64
          Number Of The Priest

          Great playing, Sir!!!

