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Mesa Warranty Length

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  • Mesa Warranty Length

    Hello, It's late, and Sunday, or I would just call Mesa, or the music store. I don't have any issues or anything, but I seem to remember when I bought my Mesa, the guy said that the warranty was just upped from 1 year, to 5 years, even though the card says one, it is still a 5 year warranty.

    I was just curious if anyone offhand knew the current length of a Mesa Warranty, I don't think it varies model to model, but it's my Triple Rectifier, I've had it since Feb 03.

    My girlfriend and I were talking about it, and I don't know offhand, so if anyone knows, that'd be great. Also, I checked the site, and can't find out any info.

  • #2
    Re: Mesa Warranty Length

    I remember it being 5 years for the original owner. Just make sure you have the mesa tubes in it when you send it back. They wont cover anything without thier tubes in it.

