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Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

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  • Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

    I woke up today to find that my e570 had arrived. Thanks to DerekB! I Brought it down to my rehearsal studio and set it up in the rack. Plugged my Jackson SL2H (EMG 81/60) into my Decimator, then into the e570, output into my G-Major, into the Mesa 2:90 and lastly into a Recto cab (large) with black shadow custom 90's.
    I tested the 3rd channel (Lead1) first, as I have heard many great things about the powerball and SE 3rd channel. And I was extremely impressed with the amount of useable gain, tightness of the bass, and clarity of the mids and highs. All of the tone shaping buttons such as Contour, Mid edge and mega low punch, offered useable and diverse possibilites. This will most likely be my main rythm channel. It definately has all I could ask for in a brutal high gain rhythm channel. It also did lead tones very well. Disabling the mega low punch while enabling contour and mid edge made for a nice transition into a great lead tone. But the rhythm tone was just rediculous. Me and my bass player just laughed and said at the same time "Jesus **** christ".
    Next I tried the 4th (Lead2) channel. Though it is very similar to the 3rd channel, there are some differences. It has a touch more bass, and it is just slightly "looser" in attack than the 3rd channel.
    It also has more gain available. Which Is crazy since the 3rd channel set to 1 or 2 oclock has enough gain as it is. This channel is also very tight and quick in attack. I found that lowering the treble a bit, enabling contour and mid edge, and disabling mega low punch gave me an incredible lead tone. Truly awesome. I turned on a lead patch I have in the G-Major which has a nice hall reverb on it, and this thing was just singing. I absolutely love this lead tone. As far as high gain brutal rhythm, this channel will do the job with ease. But the 3rd channel is the ideal one for that job.
    I then tested the Clean channel. First without the ultra bright switch on. I was immediately impressed by the quality of this clean tone. Similar to my e580. Very dynamic and warm. Outstanding mids, and a nice tight bass. I turned on the ultra bright and godamn, Beautiful. This clean channel is incredible. The e580 does this great as well, but something seems a bit more natural with e570. This channel is capable of some awesome high quality and diverse clean tones. Thanks to the tone shaping buttons like bright, ultra bright, modern/vintage and mega low punch. Switching between pickups was a joy. This is all I could ask for in clean tones.
    Lastly I tried the Crunch channel. The only times I require a low gain tone are for doing certain jazz fusion type leads. I found that this channel with the vintage option enabled worked very well. Great singing tone, and very touch dynamic. I don't have much else to say about this channel, since I spent the least amount of time testing it. But it definately did the job.

    So after one night of testing at medium and full volume I can say that I am extremely impressed with this unit. It will be replacing my e580 in the rack. Though the e580 is extremely capable of achieving all the tones I need. In my opinion the e570 does them better for various reasons. Overall, it just sounds more natural or "head like". As far as noise is concerned, at high gain yes there is the noise to be expected. Some hiss, a little hum, But it seems to be slightly less than that of the e580, which is quieter than the Triaxis I had awhile back. It is not noisier than any other high gainer I've ever played. It seems to be about average in that respect. The Decimator did its job extremely well as usual to get rid of the noise.The ONLY thing/problem I have encountered is a pop when switching from a lead channel to clean when the bright switches are enabled in the clean channel.
    This is my ONLY complaint with the unit and hopefully can be resolved. Other than that, I absolutely love it. I will try and post a clip or two within the next day.


  • #2
    Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

    How much does one of these run and where can I see a pic of the front and back of this unit?


    • #3
      Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

      awesome, how much did it set you back? i called up a local store in sydney and apparently the E530 isnt being made anymore and the only two amps they have cost 3600 australian dollars [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img] i need to get rid of this piece of **** chameleon


      • #4
        Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

        This is minimally off topic, but... how does the Decimator work for killing feedback? I'm having trouble locating a noise gate for myself and the other guitar player in one of my bands that will 1) get rid of the feed back and 2) not alter / muddy up the tone. Every noise reduction system I use seems to result in some sort of tonal reduction or modification. How does the Decimator pull it off?

        The Rocktron Hush (1 knob) pedal is VERY guilty of tone alteration. Plug this thing in and it kills your speed picking.


        • #5
          Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

          try sheilding your cavities in your guitar with copper. that should take care of the feedback you don't want. noise gates just tend to blanket the sound - to me anyway.
          Widow - "We have songs"


          • #6
            Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

            [ QUOTE ]
            How much does one of these run and where can I see a pic of the front and back of this unit?

            [/ QUOTE ]

            It costs about $1700 (US). Heres a pic of the front and back...


            • #7
              Re: Engl e570 has arrived! Review inside....

              [ QUOTE ]
              This is minimally off topic, but... how does the Decimator work for killing feedback? I'm having trouble locating a noise gate for myself and the other guitar player in one of my bands that will 1) get rid of the feed back and 2) not alter / muddy up the tone. Every noise reduction system I use seems to result in some sort of tonal reduction or modification. How does the Decimator pull it off?

              The Rocktron Hush (1 knob) pedal is VERY guilty of tone alteration. Plug this thing in and it kills your speed picking.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              I've owned and or tested just about every noise reduction unit there is. The Decimator is absolutely the best. Not only is it THE most transparent non-tone altering unit, but it's gating performance is better than any other. It really is a great unit, well worth the money.

