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Engl Fireball vs Powerball

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  • #16
    Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

    I have a single recto now and am just not pleased with it anymore. I want something more unique and maybe even a heavier tone. 60 watts is all you really need so that doesnt bother me. Id only use it for gain and heavy stuff so dont really need seperate controls for each channel. Plus $1100 new isnt bad for something that would sound better than a recto, which everyone has. I could maybe put together a nice halfstack for $2000 or less. Joel what kind of crazy tones can you get out of your fireball? Slayer, Patnera, Metallica, Creed, anything you think the fireball can nail. thanks a lot man.


    • #17
      Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

      the only tone i can think of right now is the iced earth live sound. i think the powerball and the fireball are very close to that sound. other than that, the engls pretty much sound like engls, and nothing really i think you will have a hard time getting exact artist tones. for having your own personal tone they are great, though.


      • #18
        Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

        well dude my engl(blackmore) does Iced earth awsome...and it has supposedly less gain then the theres a good example. can get just about any sound you want. now that i have one i wish to god i wouldnt had boughtn my 5150 brand new for 900 [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] ..damnit that pisses me off. but oh well. i would consider all engl products if i were ya, i think there all awsome IMO.


        • #19
          Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

          haha thats what i keep hearing. Im not looking for exact sounds just an idea of what this amp can do and cant do. Engl just sounds like a killer amp for a good price. I think a Fireball on top of a matching 4x12 or maybe a Genz Benz Gflex 4x12 would be killer. I dont want to emulate tones I just wanted to know what the Fireballs tone was geared towards.


          • #20
            Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

            If you're into heavy stuff this amp will blow you my room I'm only running it with 1 4X12 Mesa recto cab and you're shaking the friggin house down at 10-11 o clock. The wattage isn't an issue at all. The difference in volume between a 60 watter and 120 watt head is negligable...seriously...most people think a 120W head will be twice as loud as a 60W head, not true. I posted calculations on the old board on the relationship between the sound level (in decibels) and wattage. But either'll love the Fireball...this head is right up there with the $2400 Uber and is one of the premier high gain heads around. I used this half stack when we played out and I never received so many compliments on my sound!

            - Joel
            RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
            RIP Dime


            • #21
              Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

              The Fireball, if it sounds anything at least like the lo-gain channel on the Powerball, will be a thick heavy sound that kinda sounds like James' sound from the Justice tour, but a little heavier.


              • #22
                Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                man gotta love Engl. I guess Im going to have to pick one of these up. What is a good matching cab? Im looking for great low end and something that will really give this amp a killer cab to sit on. I dont play much solos so Im all about the thick heavy rythm(I think I spelled that wrong) oh well. Ive always wanted a halfstack and why not get a good one that I will play for years to come.


                • #23
                  Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                  all I can say is I have bought a new amp every onth looking for a sound..... the powerball has been here three months.. No regrets (welll maybe a small negligable framus regret) and will stay. Engl is the best value you cna get no doubt... Just great amps
                  I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                  So that none of its lies can affect me


                  • #24
                    Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                    I loved the Savage 120 I use dto have.
                    I am thinking of one of these
                    Framus Cobra
                    Mesa Road King


                    • #25
                      Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                      Well it looks like everyone loves Engls. And that isnt a bad price for a 60 watt high gain amp. thanks a lot folks.


                      • #26
                        Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                        I've played the Fireball through the matching Engl 4X12 cab (can't remember if it was a vintage V30 cab or std with 60's)...and it sounded great...I play mine through a Mesa Recto 4X12 with V30's and love it. Nice and heavy rhythm!

                        - Joel
                        RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
                        RIP Dime


                        • #27
                          Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                          thats what im talking about. Im a rhtym player, never could really solo that great so stick with the heavy palm muting and stuff like that. Maybe do some d-tuning and really get heavy. I love d-tuning a halfstep.


                          • #28
                            Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                            I grabbed a Powerball from someone on here a little while back and I really enjoyed its tone running through my no name cab. I then grabbed a Marshall 1960A cab, plugged it in and I enjoyed the tone a lot more. Tonally it was a lot more clear and tight, but still had that heavy low end. I'd like to try it through a Mesa Recto cab though.


                            • #29
                              Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                              Yeah Recto cabs seem pretty cool. I would love to try it out through a Genz Benz G-Flex 4x12 cab. I loved my 2x12 genz benz. It had great bottom end.


                              • #30
                                Re: Engl Fireball vs Powerball

                                REct cabs are pretty good.
                                I love them
                                I used to use my Savage 120 with my 4x12 and 2x12 and they both kicked ass.

